Thursday, March 31, 2005
I saw my beloved today.

that girl in RJ but keep telling people she's in tkss.
in MJC:
mj mate: qw how many points did you get for o's?
qw: 9.mj mate: wah you siao arx. so clever.
in TJC:tj mate: qw how many points did you get for o's?
qw: 9.
tj mate: same same.
in RJC:RJ snob: Jes you get how many a1s? (notice the diff.)
woman: i got 9a1s ONLY.
RJ snob: *rolls eyes* pui! i got 2a1s more than you. [struts away]
woman: Eh i'm one of the most chio in CCHMS ok u faggot.
kidding only.
According to the woman, RJC is full of 11, 10, 9 a1s. those who got 9 please siam.
i went back to CCHMS with the woman today to see her ELDDS.
People, Miss Cheong got married recently. To whom, it is unknown. She refused to divulge. Try to act mysterious.
VJ wushu people goes to CCHMS for wushu training every wednesday.
Today is wednesday. I like somebody from wushu there.
No la. i cannot say his name. call him delta.
i wonder why i'm entertaining myself this way.
anyway, people tell me k not cute. i think he's super cute. sshh.
I was looking at him. He look at me. I very shy. Ran away to hide.
The woman help me fold paper aeroplane. I wrote "i love you". Then we throw the paper aeroplane from 2nd floor.He look at me. Read that note.
Suddenly i heard people screaming.
He was holding a knife threatening to kill himself if I didnt go away.I very sad.
The woman hugged me. i love her.
See see see. I'm entertaining myself again.
♥Bid Farewell
Tuesday, March 29, 2005
they want an excuse letter for the absence on thursday.
or else, i will get into trouble with the OM.
Excuse Letter:
Dear Ms/Mr/Mdm/Mrs Whoever,My daughter, Sng XX from CG25/05, SCG 08/05, was having cramps on thursday(24/03/05). She was unable to attend the orientation. Sorry for the inconvenience caused.
Yours faithfully,(
note: not "sincerely" because you do not know who is the recipient)
(Sign here, by Sng XX of course)
Mrs Sng.
♥Bid Farewell
Saturday, March 26, 2005
what a good friday. nai nai was so sure i couldnt wake up at 6am today.
HAH! i did. i did wake up to snooze my alarm clock till it was 645.
i had intended to look for my nai nai and tell her "SEE?" with a smirk. she was out already by 645. wasted.
i had to (try to)wake my sis up.
all the below are translated into english by qian the wen.
"eh wanjia, wake up"
mummy:"today good friday, no sch, where u going"
lets pause for a while and let me explain that i whispered and touched my sis with my foot lightly. plus i tiptoed into the bedroom. my mommy is such a light-sleeper if my heart skipped a beat she would hear the "plop" sound on the second beat.
then my sis sits up. i walked to the kitchen.
"xiao gugu i just woke wanjia."
"she brushing teeth?"
"she was sitting up when i woke her. i expect her to be asleep sitting up when i walk into the room again.."
walks into the room.. she's indeed asleep with her bolster and blanket on her knees.
"xiao gugu, when i walk into the room at 7am i will see her to be lying on the floor and be in slumber."
yeah i was right.. again..

i ferried my brother to the beach. they took the pic when i was scratching, er.. no, touching my leg.
me and little biscuit was strolling on the beach.. no beach boys or bikini babes.. sian.. then little biscuit found something.

look at his face so excited. i thought he might have found a treasure box in the sand.

cheh.. ants only..

more ants.. hey look. the ants might be moving powerful ammunition to try to eliminate the human race!

little biscuit to the rescue.!

he tried to drown the ants in sand. eh, it rhymes.
anyway, i didnt bother to explain that the ants will not die because little biscuit thinks that the sand can cause a concussion or some serious injury on an ant.
we had a picnic, complete with 2 ground sheets, food(i mean lots of fOoD!), a radio that played noise we usually hear at a construction site, and most importantly, MILK.!

and this is the more chio view of the HL choc milk.

everybody loves milk. it gives you more confidence because your bones are stronger than the others who rejects the mighty HL. it helps your tan if you drink the choc HL; your skin becomes silky white when you drink the white HL. no kidding.. look at the little biscuit and his dreamy look. all to the credit of the might HL.
now selling at $4.65 at 2 cartons at
fairprice. while stocks last!

ergugu, xiao gugu, wanjia and qw.

that's my cousin(who looks like an indian+malay mix) and little biscuit.

please dun be mistaken by the shuai pose. he doesnt know how to play at all.
people who are going to play at the beach please do not bother to bring badminton rackets. the sea breeze will be flapping your hair like crazy and the shuttle cock(think its spelt like that) will be flying all over the place. in the end you get backaches and arm aches. No wonder we were the only ones playing badminton at the beach.
we decided to play with the camera.
will the faint hearted please look away?

wanjia, xinyan and qianwen.

she was trying to squeeze them. she had said earlier that she wanted to drink orange juice.

that is NOT qianwen. qw doesnt have such a fat tongue, big nostrils and small eyes. besides, this one looks like a chee ko pek..
my mom just kindly informed us that the squid had a fish in the stomach.

it is a big fish.
poor squid, it hadnt even started to digest its last meal before it was caught.
i just realised that the big fish might have been its bait.
ok then, poor fish, hope you rest in peace.
doesnt the squid look kind of familiar?
♥Bid Farewell
Wednesday, March 23, 2005
i'm a tjc student.
don't want to go to orientation.
why can't we skip the orientation and just have lessons?
lucky nyl is there too.. =)
♥Bid Farewell
Tuesday, March 22, 2005
How to clean the tranparent sliding door.!st step: Fold the rag neatly into half , then repeat the action again.
2nd step: Wipe the right bottom corner of the sliding door. Important: Try to keep a stern face so that elder sisters (if you have any) try to keep their volume down while laughing at you.
Step 3: Wipe the other corner of the door. Please start from the bottom if you are too short.
4th step: Wipe the above part vigorously, using a lot of energy and moving at a high speed. (see the blur?)
Then you may strike a pose like this:::
♥Bid Farewell
Monday, March 21, 2005
i'm so sure i wont be able to get to sleep tonight.. need to shed some tears..
my brother is a biscuit who slipped in the toilet.. i wasnt quick enough to help him take off his pants, the biscuit urinated all over his pants..
the biscuit's sis got scolded for being brainless.. she is angry because she cannot get what she did wrong but is so sure that she is wrong..
i want to post pictures here.. but they're not in this computer.. another day perhaps..
♥Bid Farewell
Sunday, March 20, 2005
qianwen's leaving for
huang cheng ye yun by hwa chong soon.. weird that this is the 1st time i'm going to watch it.. my grandmother's praying beside me.. she kneels and stands then kneels and chants, kneels and stands then kneels and chants, kneels and stands then kneels and chants, kneels and stands then kneels and chants............and does that for half an hour..
her thighs must be very very muscular..
i had been thinking that she'd be a successful person if she had education .. if she were born in another era.. if the society did not discriminate the "weaker sex".. her character is so strong.. when she got married to my grandfather, she was the one who brought the bread home.. she ran this small business to earn bucks.. sold ice in a tube (like those in mama shops) to kids in the neighbourhood.. according to her, my father always sneaked into the house, took the ice sticks and slipped away through the back door.. imagine my dad as a little boy? a bit difficult..
anyway.. my grandfather was the homemaker.. he had a stroke and was paralysed for
9 years..
9 years! i cant see myself giving everything to take care of somebody day and night.. i'm selfish i know.. =p
my grandmother didnt complain.. she didnt cry, didnt crumble, didnt give up.. her life was him.. how much love was needed between 2 to give so much of oneself? though she always said how she was waiting for his life to end, every one sees that she just wants him to be free of suffering..
ok enough of crap.. bye!
♥Bid Farewell
Friday, March 18, 2005
have been busy lately.. went to 4md class dinner on wedd.
bukit batok to kat's house on thu.. and cdc camp in cchms later..
surprisingly, there seems to be more guys in cdc this year.. yes that's a good sign.. but eventually people might leave after around 2 years..
did anybody watch
hai you ming tian, the chinese drama series?
the little boy, dahai, is so adorable.. he's in my school and in my cca..
i'm so addicted to the Yahoo! Games.. playing pool almost 50% of my time when i'm at home..
♥Bid Farewell
Wednesday, March 16, 2005
jes invited me to go her house to swim today! i was thrilled.. hehs..
just when i was going to the traffic light, i saw a familiar shadow.. it was shun gui.. waited for 89 with him at the bustop.. he's so funny.. haaaa
ate spaghetti for dinner at jes's house.. she put a few strands of it on my plate.. then she went online..
i put those noodles back onto her plate and added
somemore .. i think she realised.. whatever.. =p
♥Bid Farewell
Tuesday, March 15, 2005
went to bedok to swim today.. i did a dumb thing.. it was the first time i went to swim there.. was kind of nervous(dun ask why).. didnt know which pool to go to(there were 4 of them) because all 4 of them were filled with small kids.. i sat outside the gate, contemplating whether i should go home.. silly..
then, i met linda!(from 4 cr last yr)
she told me to go to the pools that are squarish.. so i went..
there was this coach-looking like man pacing in the pool.. he looks like a swimming coach because he was tanned and had the physique of a well-toned swimmer.. at first i thought he was scolding me vulgarities because i was staring at him.. i decided to swim away.. but he continued to yell in the direction the same direction instead of following me.. then it became obvious that he was talking to no one in particular.. he was animated, pointing here and there, perhaps he saw something that no one else could.. or
he's nuts.. and
no one seemed to notice..
there was this pair of siblings..
by the way, i drew this conclusion that brothers generally are more irritating than sisters, brothers like to annoy sisters more than the other way..
back to the pair of siblings, the girl and his brother were playing with a tennis ball la.. he kept spitting water on his sister.. anyway, when another boy accidentally knocked into the girl, the boy immediately
snarled at the boy..
so, he protects his sister he enjoys annoying.. okay..
i was watching the little boys who wore pants that had pockets at the sides, all of their pockets were flipped out!
my boy left yesterday..
♥Bid Farewell
Saturday, March 12, 2005
*cheers to fulong*
Heys thank you for inviting ur bDay party.. 322 had so much fun.. almost the whole class went to hongwei’s house to see FL’s bday present.. we named them fufu and leen leen.. after careful examination by mr Raymond tan,

we confirmed that both of the hamsters(i shall call them rats) are females. too bad they cant mate, or we'll make them give birth to 26 little rats and give them to each and every one of us..
we played with the hamsters and there's a dog in the house too! clara, evelyn, yinghui, abigail, yuhan are scared of dogs.. i think the dog was only interested in sweedy..
yuhan used the poker cards to predict that my future husband would have looks and intelligence but would not love me.. =p its okay.. i was told that i would get divorced at least once by a fortune teller.. i'll take it easy..
then i went out with my boy.. went to watch
hitch.. its a funny show..
i need to say something..
ever since i had flu about 2 weeks ago, i started feeling happy.. like really blissful.. and peaceful.. as if i'm in love.. the feeling u get only when u're in a new relationship.. think it was the flu that made me feel that way.. feel high and romantic almost all the time.. its like u have new expectations and when you change ur environment.. feel optimistic about stuff.. don't want it to end..
so i sent him to his doorstep.. it had been raining and the weather
is romantic.. i decided to walk to downtown east.. think took me around 40 mins.. it is nice to walk alone, at ur own pace and have ur own direction.. there's no need to see if u're too fast or too slow.. and dun have to try to make conversation.. i'm bad at that..
the girls made a bet on which guy would bbq the food and serve them to the girls..
sian wei got the most votes.. followed by hongwei and dahong.. 0 voted for raymond n jasmond..
p.s. they're gays
we went to the beach to talk.. hehs.. we were talking about tsunami.. i think it sounded like a ghost story.. its like as if we'll die tmr..
wanted to take more pics but the camera died.. so i cant post any pic.. =(
tracy and jessie are great story tellers..!
made us scream so much..
i had a lot a lot of fun.. think we should go out more often..
♥Bid Farewell
forgot to say this..
according to evelyn, at ur kneecaps, hairs usually grows out in pairs..
if u dont believe, check it out urself!
ok i'm bored
♥Bid Farewell
Friday, March 11, 2005
u know what.. the way violet[econs teacher] speaks distracrs me.. hehs.. not to say that her voice is alluring or wad.. and she keeps saying "beef it up".. whenever she says that i'll imagine the words
expanding expanding,
expanding.. then *expLoDeS*.. it becomes little black dots.. its just irritating la..
just now i went out to get my photos from white sands.. then we were laughing laughing all the way.. we brought a huge umbrella then when we reached the ground floor the rain stopped.. tmr school ends at 1015(for the pupils not taking CLAO)
might be visiting vj.. yEa!
♥Bid Farewell
Wednesday, March 09, 2005
cooked the rice for today.. before actually cooking the rice we have to wash the rice first.. after using my hand to stir the rice and rinse it in the water, i remembered that my nails are un-cut.. i was lazy to cut them and rinse the rice all over again.. lets hope nobody gets a tummyache.. (>_<)
and dun think my sis will read this entry before dinner.. used the dirty water to water the plants.. watering plants is fun..
i am watching jian xian qi xia zhuan, the highest rating show in china, as quoted by my sister.. switched off the lights in my room to get the show more exciting, like in a theatre..
so.. today when i was riding my bike i saw a slithering piece of meat on the floor.. thought it was centipede but when i went closer realised that it was a baby lizard.. had the impulse to run my wheels over it.. =[
saw the twin 3 times today! bleahs~ decided to spy on the twin in school..
♥Bid Farewell
yOs.. i'm on my sis's mac again.. just finish watching the fourth and listening to the fifth episode right now..
just now i reached school at 8.50.. was late for mdm koh's class.. then she said that she saw me slip into class after she left the classroom.. bLeaHx~ didnt know that she knew i skipped her lesson..
i'm going back to the show..
♥Bid Farewell
Tuesday, March 08, 2005
mjc did well for the a levels. 4 got 4a and 30++people got 3As..
we'll have half day off on friday.. my lessons end at 1015.. wOo~
i was vacuuming the floor.. what a chore.. my sister can sleep through with all the roaring from the machine.. okayy.. i'm impressed..
i saw a familiar backview.. he walks with a stride that is different from others.. he will tilt to one side then the other and then run his fingers in his hair.. i saw his side view and recognized him.. heh heh.. i thought cheng wen crashed mjc.. but then i found out that it was his
twin!! was so excited because i always wanted to see cheng wen's twin..
♥Bid Farewell
Monday, March 07, 2005
i was flipping through my photographs just now when i saw these photos.

look at the top right hand corner of the 1st photo.
that's juleng! then look at the 2nd photo. juleng again. didnt realise that she's in the photos until today. we only knew each other when we went to the same class during sec 3.
the pic was taken at the airport before the trip to china. i think it was fun.
i was wearing mickey and minnie mouse the whole time. haas.

know how i got that snoopy? i was on the plane sleeping when the air stewardess gave it to me. i was so happy. think i quite like snoopy then. and that picture, me and wanling, we were bored.

in the photo: joe. dave, kenneth, jianwei, david, wanling and me.
that's the few of us from 1ly who went for the trip. the guys are quite fun company.
brings back so many memories looking at photos..
♥Bid Farewell
Sunday, March 06, 2005
♥Bid Farewell
i just reached home from tampines today.. it sounds weird when i say that i went to meet mi sister rite.. because she stays in my house and we see each other more than 50 % of our life.. anyway we wanted to buy dumbbells(why are they called dumbbells?) from sports link in tm. we couldnt find the 3kg ones.. they only have 2,4,5kg ones. Its always like that.. you always see things when you dun need them but cant seem to find them when you need it.. Anyway, i had fun just now irritating my sister.. my hobby you see. =P
I'm tying on my sister's mac now.. I like the keyboard.. so flat.. and there's a yellow light on the "caps lock" key when u preSs it!! hmm.. how come its the 1st time i noticed. its because its the 1st time i'm using the laptop.. i think i'm falling in love with this white thing.. white thing=laptop.. see i'm typing rubbish.. i really like this keys! presspresspresspress..
things i do to irritate my da-jie:
1. stare at her when she eats.
2. make slurping noises when her food enters her mouth.
3. say "i'm bored" when she asks "what?"
4. speak loudly when in public with her.
5. laugh after every sentence she makes.
6. attempt to freak her when she steps out of the toilet by screaming in her face.
7. tell her i'm going to join rock-climbing in TJC
8. tell her i'm not going to break-up with him
9. explain to her that i'm crying beacause i'm bored.
10. changing into pajamas before bathing
11. show her that she's repeating herself by saying something like "haha" in the middle of her sentence
the list goes on..
how come i cant find the "end", "home", and "page up" and "page down" button..
i want to canoe. just learned how to paddle 4 strokes in the k1!! 4 strokes! k1!! *applauses*its not easy ok.
going to leave MJC in 2 weeks.. i'll miss canoing on fridays, skipping lessons then getting scolded, going to the lectures to see people's blur looks, tripping on stairs(MJ's stairs), 05S322, especially their songs and cheers. i'll miss the girls in my class. All the pretty girls in MJ and the lousy food.. =P
♥Bid Farewell
Wednesday, March 02, 2005
my mother has a thing for yelling.
she just likes to raise her voice and yell at her kids.
the thing is she's easily irritated.
i was just innocently asking her when we can order my specs and she shouted at me. i felt as if i really did something wrong. the day before i got yelled at because i didnt understand what was "pang"(hokkien). it actually meant to dry the clothes using the washing machine.
then my father heard her shrieks and kindly told me that i could use the atm card to buy. no need to worry about the price. its actually kind of expensive. $168 per pair. daddy dotes on me.
me and charlene haven't talked to each other for so long.
Anyway, Happy April Fool's Day. if there's anything to be happy about.
♥Bid Farewell