Saturday, April 30, 2005
i heard that the former 05S322 in mjc is left with only 5 guys and 1 girl from the first intake. sad. the class was fun, we would go out to lunch together during 2 hour breaks and then come back late together and organise outings(but always cancelled). the thing is that my class now in tj doesnt really feel like a class.. why why why.. everybody goes out of the class straight after bell rings. hmm.. but i still like my class because char's in it.
me and my wushu boy havent met for two weeks, actually its more than that. shit the competitions and trainings.
next friday is the tj chinese drama club performance-xiao3 xin1 tou2 ding3. means be careful of the top of your head. why is that so? come watch and u'll find out! duno why i'm advertising for it too.. i met sokhan and her boyfriend studying at the library.. she agreed to come even before i finished planning how to persuade her.. whee~ huiyi and quiyi are coming too.. wearing vjc uniform. its weird.
♥Bid Farewell
Wednesday, April 27, 2005
i like tuesdays!
lessons ended at 1115, my pw group stayed back to do the gpp thing. mervyn n benjamin in my grp, they keep playing with each other. mingli and mingli would be watching them and entertaining ourselves. i like the grp!
there was this econs assignment we had to do in class and i thought that we could hand it in like maybe after class. so i did it slowly, sipping my $1.70 daisy mocha drink, looking at charlene's work. then suddenly the teacher wanted to collect the assignment. that mean woman didnt let me finish it. hmph. i only did 2 questions out of four. which means, even if i got full marks for those, i still get 14/30. hais.
and then, today we have so much homework. a lot a lot a lot it is.
i think i'm the only one still without the climbing shoes. grr. so irritating.
and and and i got 3.5/10 for some gp ws.
finally got to borrow the foxtrot comic. its so funny. havent started reading yet but i know it would be funny.
me and huiyi met to develop some photos from my camera. she brightens up my gloomy days. huiyi's so cute, she makes people laugh. its good exercise for the mouth, jaws, some abdominal muscles, so much nonsense to say. chung cheng people are
so so so nice.
♥Bid Farewell
Saturday, April 23, 2005
hammock is a must have in my future house.. charlene has it and she doesnt want to play with it anymore. i cant believe it.
i casually commented that her room resembles a hotel room.
charlene: "i designed it to look like a hotel room."
i couldnt stop laughing.
who'd design their room to look like a hotel room?!?!
i'm baffled. she bought 2 single bed, placed them side by side, and put a small bedside table between them. even the curtains look like those in hotels.
♥Bid Farewell
i tell myself not to question, qianwen trust him, qianwen.
he's really busy with all the competitions and stuff.
i cry because i'm afraid of losing him.
♥Bid Farewell
Sunday, April 10, 2005
papa and me went all the way to outram park to watch how my brother's going on with his
hong quan lessons.
guess he's too young to follow instructions. and his main interest is in lion dance, not wushu.
teacher:" You want to play or learn?"
Brother:" Play."
Teacher:" Go away."

My papa, brother and me.
The 3 of us didnt inherit the tall genes from my dad.
Eh why cover your eyes. They're so pretty.

gotcha. aiyo pouting.
♥Bid Farewell
Saturday, April 09, 2005
had been busy lately, with coping with the new school and new subject.
plus my fingers had been suffering excruciating muscle ache from climbing the walls.

the j1s have to buy the rock-climbing shoes and something else. it adds up to around $120. how am i suppose to be able to pay for them. just a poor peasant you know. lucky there were these old shoes in the school.
is nelly jealous that i'm in the climbing club? sweedy is there too!
the people from climbing club
are friendly. they didnt make us[new-comers a.k.a 2nd intakers] feel as if they were more superior, had more muscular limbs, were more beautiful than us. wanting, alicia, sharon[a twin!] they help us out like checking our harnesses[correct?] blah blah.
[cca is known as pdp-personal development programme in tjc]
and. the pdp's shirt is so chio! i'm going to buy a yellow bra to match the black singlet. yeah!
there's 3 pairs of twins i know of in tj. one is sharon and sarah, then chengwen and chengyong and 2 other j2s from ahs last time. we see double.
most of us from other jcs seriously feel left out and ostrasized, even felt so low that they cried.
life goes on[agatha says].
get used to being left out ok? kidding.
♥Bid Farewell
Tuesday, April 05, 2005
my brother's wheezing, coughing and producing heartwrenching cries..come and hear it.. it'll make u feel sick too. his body is boiling hot[exaggerating a little] and he cant stop crying.. my papa once told me that he gets sick so often because his little body is growing.. every time he gets past a stage he'll start to get sick again..
[note: econs is horribly difficult.]
natasha is my new classmate. she has beautiful brown eyes, and is a mix between pakistan[where the most beautiful indian women are] and indian.
♥Bid Farewell
Monday, April 04, 2005
my father just called to say that his cousin just died. my gu1 ma1.
it feels weird to have somebody i know die.
though we're supposed to be quite close relatives, i dont feel sad.
just realised that she died the same day as the pope.
might not be going to her funeral since its a school week.
i remember the time when my grandfather died, then my grandpa, then my father's another cousin.
the people from their generation are going away. soon it'll be my parents, then me and my friends.
i hope people just cease to become nothing after death. i hope that there's no place the souls go to like the heaven or the earth. or else where do people without faith or religion go?
♥Bid Farewell
Sunday, April 03, 2005
the bus journey from pasir ris interchange to TJC is damn long. takes 35 damn minutes in the morning.
there were this two boys[i mean boys] yakking behind me. i couldnt get to sleep on the bus. then i overheard them[loud, they were] talking about some guy who looked toot and wanted to fight etc etc.
[note: gary is his gang mate]
boy 1: "that guy said excuse me but gary didnt hear so gary "bua dio"[what bua dio] him blah blah blah... then gary say me blah blah.. i'm mad at him blah blah.. that toot boy spoke fluent hokkien so i cannot quarrel with him.. if i can speak fluent hokkien i sure make him cry blah.."
huh? why must quarrel in hokkien? act beng?
he said that that toot boy kept saying kanina, cheebye etc. , so?
boy 1 should have spouted beautiful and elegant english to scare that toot boy.
still young, they are.
so they ended up staring each other,
no fights, no injuries. waste my time listening to his crap.
♥Bid Farewell
i have something important to announce.
today is a very special day shared between me and one of my bestest jie mei. today is our 1st year of being together.
wah so long.
want a pic of him?

that's not him.

because he's camera shy and i cant seem to find his photos, i took that from the CCHMS yearbook. he's the one in yellow doing the fly, kick, punch stunt.
he's a
national sportsman.
i'm the gf.
yes i'm proud of that though its none of my business.
he might look here, i have to say something nice.
he's muscular and has a lot of common sense[according to him]. he's gentle[to me and me only], caring, kind, generous, cute, he takes good care of me,can jump high, do somersault, ...etc etc..
don't worry, i'm not going to say he love me i love him thing to gross you out.
♥Bid Farewell
Saturday, April 02, 2005
charlene me and weifeng are in the same scg.
we're together again like in 2ly.
char is my gf. qw love char 1314. i'm not childish.
will post their pics when i'm not so shy around them.
♥Bid Farewell
i'm green.

i like the plaids on the skirt.
that pic is a little blur.
i asked my mum to take it again.
my brother was restless.
and i realise that the blur pic is prettier.
a green bug stuck between the 2 sliding windows.

♥Bid Farewell
Friday, April 01, 2005
i met johnson[mjc] at the bustop just now and we stood there talking rubbish for around 20 minutes.
i'm sure he won't mind me posting some of his pics.

the one on the right is him. all three of them are canoists. see the muscles?
his hair(on the scalp, of course) must have been like that for the past 18 years of his life.
bet he'll look like that when he's broke. no money to cut hair.

see the hair still centre parting.
people people.
you just have to look at his sexy legs. one of the best ones in MJC.

they're lean, tanned, toned, and most importantly, they're virtually
when he walks around in school in his shorts you'll see people ogling at his legs.
No kidding.
And yes it is a big deal.
♥Bid Farewell