Thursday, June 30, 2005
ouch ouch.
my neck.
someone help me massage.
i cant look up or down now.
my mum thinks i didnt sleep properly last night.
cant tie my shoelaces or wash my socks.
my brother force me to play
his game of hide and seek.
its kind of deep for me because i cant phantom how exactly it is fun.
he pulls me into his hiding corner, make me wait there. i wasnt supposed to hide anywhere else, he said. lest he couldnt find me.
he went into another room, count to ten, and came for me.
he hid at the same place and got me to count to ten, look for him.
qw "how many times must be play?"
bro "five only."
dun understand.
i remember i didnt play the game this way when i was young.
where's the excitment when u force ur playmate to stay at your designated hiding place?!
ouch my neck.
♥Bid Farewell
Monday, June 27, 2005
have u heard me complaining about how much i dislike/hate/loathe economics?
i'm so sick of my whining.
after much contemplating and much meaningless staring at econs notes, i've decided that i'll drop econs. that'll solve the problem once and for all..
i feel much relieved just thinking about it. the more i think about it the stronger is the want to forsake that pain in the ass after enduring it for half a year..
i might regret and not drop it after all, but i
have to if i dont go for the econs mid-year exams right?
i shall not disillusion myself into thinking that i can do it if i try harder.
i know it.
yeah! schools reopening.!
♥Bid Farewell
Wednesday, June 22, 2005
gosh that idiot had the cheek to molest my innocent butt while in plain view of all other passengers.
he[actually, it] boarded the mrt at city hall following right behind me before the door closed. (it should have snapped its head off.) well because the train was so packed i wouldnt have known whether it had been trying to push itself against me ever since we got on the train .
the train had more breathing space after a while and that thing continued standing behind me. it was then that i realise a slight movement at my butt area.. i thought it was my skirt moving with the wind current in the train(not very strong though).. i shifted my footing and moved about three steps..
that dumbass trailed behind me and regained the strategic position as before.! then i felt it again.. dumbass tried to pretend that it was the train moving that caused its rotten, cancer-striken, frail body to sway and led to its paws coincidentally touching my so innocent butt.. got momentum somemore.!
i was so fumed i was blushing so hard.
to think i was feeling embarrassed..
oh please don't think i was so timid to let it outrage my modesty all the way from city hall to pasir ris..
i lifted my head and turned around with big steps.. people around me started wondering what was going on[i think, cos they were staring. i wanted them to stare.] because i turned around to face that thing and it shuffled its feet to move away.. and kept moving away it was almost leaning on the person behind..
i tried to muster my best diao/gangster/fierce face and stared at it.. the more it tried to move the more i advanced to it.. that pervert's so guilty cos it looked at me from the corners of its eyes.
it was kind of awkward with me constantly moving towards it and pinning my eyes on it.. it was as if i were going to rob it..
damn i hesitated, thinking i might be wrong just now.. i can tell its really of low IQ as it could have asked me "what?" or give me a baffled look when i stared at it to prove that it wasnt doing anything indecent..
i'm so sorry that i didnt get to confront it[loudly].. it alighted the stop straight after i started staring at it..
the whole incident happened from city hall to bugis.. 2 stops only?!
its the second time already..
there was this young molestor in cchms[past tense. he might have turned over a new leaf already.] who went around preying on pretty[hmm, considering i was a victim, maybe not.] girls to touch their butts.. everyone knew he was doing it.. he was so blatant about it, just swinging his arm[right arm if i remembered correctly] and, oops, yet another victim..
it got so bad that every girl[i think he only attacked sec 4 girls while we were sec 4s] who'd been victims before got wary of his constantly swinging arm.. they complained this to the discipline master.. it stopped, naturally..
it caused such hoo ha in my school among the sec 4s. everyone was talking about him and kind of, united us? the boys also talked of protecting, as in keeping a look out for the girls in their classes. they also bragged about how to punish that pervert.. kick him, beat him up whatever him,
brag only.. his nickname was molestor, as in everyone called him molestor, not
the molestor..
ok, so, whats so nice to touch about the butt? someone tell me?
beside that its an easy position to harass compared to other parts of the body.
u must be crazy.
♥Bid Farewell
Monday, June 20, 2005
someone's been chopped up into more than 4 pieces. in singapore.
it all seems so distant, though s'pore is tiny and it seems as if everyone is connected to everyone else[k la, most].
my uncle knows the murderer.
♥Bid Farewell
that day i went to visit jeslyn at her house. and her dog, ugh, still as irritating as ever. old friends.
i finally got to meet ky today. but for one hour only. i dont want to ask for too much, be too pushy. all i hope is that everything ends well, which means we end as friends. it all becomes much easier if we were friends. i guess i wouldnt tell him that because i dont want a break-up.
♥Bid Farewell
Saturday, June 18, 2005
we havent met for 3 weeks and he doesnt seem to feel a thing. don't know what to think. =(
♥Bid Farewell
Thursday, June 16, 2005
it wasnt a wrong choice to go changi airport to do pw. wanted to see if can accidentally meet ky there. of course i didnt cos he reached singapore after 4.. but i met yuxi! so exciting right? she was "studying" with her friend.. (notice the " ") we talked for around one hour then didn't want to wait for ky already..
really very exciting.. we met angeline, shuli, junqi and kaimin..
♥Bid Farewell
Wednesday, June 15, 2005
we played soccer friendly against queensway sec.. the coach told us to forget the scores.. rubbish la.. as if we
know the scores..
♥Bid Farewell
yes i finished my market structures.
because i study with her.

not that she's a very good studying companion. i mean i could have finished
more.just kidding la. study with huiyi very fun one.

it was her mama birthday.! happy happy birthday! so i just tagged along to
eat cake, i mean to wish her mother happy happy birthday.
her brother looks like chong jing.
i left her home at around 11 then my father kindly come and fetch me home in his new 3rd generation, err, mercedez taxi.. its so high-tech(the car)..

its a touch screen.. can plan route one..
and, look can see the small blue triangle with a circle? thats the taxi.. with the roads.. it is way cool..
my niece messaged me just now.. (*^.^*) from indonesia.. hees..
look at the date, someone's coming back to singapore tomorrow. yeahs.
♥Bid Farewell
Sunday, June 12, 2005
soccer boots!

♥Bid Farewell
Saturday, June 11, 2005
♥Bid Farewell
Friday, June 10, 2005
soccer training was at 7.00am in the morning. didnt realise that it was
that early till the time i woke up. its 40mins earlier than normal school day!
0655 + 5mins = 0700. i bet if sheryl asked the girls to come at 0655 all of us will protest like siao. i will.
i dozed off on bus 12. missed my stop and the bus went all the way to chung cheng bus stop. wasted my $0.45. i started stoning on the bus until i saw this girl from tjc sitting beside me. i looked at her, for almost 10 seconds. only after a moment did i realise why she looked so familiar. its wanfong la. all of us turned so dark we cannot even recognise one another. i'm the only one cissy enough to bring sunblock to put on every training. we saw a group of people running around the track shouting cheers: "we are from guitar club".
yasmine asked: i didnt know you needed stamina to play guitar".
shimin and i left at 0900 to go for the mass tutorial(not very fruitful) smelly. my class's mean boys told me to sit far away from them because i'm very smelly. hmph. mean people! but it was quite funny to get suan-ed by so many people at one time.
charlene's back from her taiwan trip with the volleyball people! she gave qianwen a little present. thx =)
after that i went back to soccer training to play for 5 mins cos mr tong training us. dunno what we were doing. i was just standing around and asking people what they doing.
mr tong: the soccer jersey might be red colour because if you read the newspapers(at this point of time we thought that he was going to say something insightful), the team with red usually wins. diao.
then i met my jie jie to go to peninsular to buy soccer boots. thanks!

its only $43.
finally bought it. yes.
(shitty fifteen year old sisters. they're rude, impatatient, lose their temper easily, irritable and irritating.)
♥Bid Farewell
Thursday, June 09, 2005
wei i miss u. come home quick.
♥Bid Farewell
some people live in a world that is veiled by blackness, sorrow and grieve.
maybe its the way which you've been brought up, maybe something's happened to u that made you think negatively for everything that's happened to you.
i know that i'm in no position to judge you.
but i want you to know that people, your friends, classmates, your family, love you. your new classmates have even promised you to make you like tj, that means something, right? contrary to what you believe, you have a very delightful character plus you look very, hmm, cool. i'm not asking for you to keep smiling like an idiot, quoted from you, because there are too many of those fake smiles.
you often add inverted commas to happy, joy and fun. inversely, you seem to put a lot of trust in sadness and loneliness. don't do that, you're hurting yourself. wallowing can be very addictive but it deprives you of much.
i want to shake you so hard to wake you up to the harsh reality.
Nobody has a smooth sailing life. i guess the more satisfied people just choose to ignore the unfortunate events and, instead, look at the brighter side. Isnt that much better than falling asleep with tears in your eyes and awaking with a death wish?
people who had the guts to take the jump are very courageous, you say. lucky u're not that courageous.
hengno, your world is not as gloomy as you think it is.
you have me.
♥Bid Farewell
Wednesday, June 08, 2005
i want a new camera that can take pictures in the night, one that can flash blindingly strong flashes. accompanied with batteries that can last at least 6 hours.

i went to the zoo on sunday. night safari, i mean. it is the first time the six of us went there. we bought only one set of batteries that died before we entered the night safari. kaox. the otters were adorable adorable. and i couldnt take their pictures. sigh. and the mousedeers. also very adorable.
and the capybaras.

those are the giant version of hamsters.
i didnt take this photo. its impossible to take photos of this quality with the camera i have.
anyway, does anybody feel the way i feel?
i want to take pics of them. with their fat, grubby bodies lazing around and chewing the grass like nobody's business. i like them so much that i can swallow them whole and raw. i wan to put my teeth in them(not because i'm hungry) because cute things look so, erm, chew-able.

this is not a fountain.

its just water that spurts from my brother's head.
i didnt realise he could do that until today.

thats dinner.

he loves drums. but it didnt sound right.. why??

we chased the peacock(?) around for a while.
the night safari opened at 7.30pm but we reached there like 2 hours earlier. we were really boliao.
my sis ask me to look like survivor, so i did.

i know its damn ugly. dont comment.

thats some cat. cost $5 to take pictures with.
and i used more than one hour uploading pictures on the net. time to rest my eyes.
♥Bid Farewell
Tuesday, June 07, 2005
eh i hate pw.
♥Bid Farewell
Monday, June 06, 2005
Public buses to the Botanic Gardens are SBS 7, 77, 105, 106, 123, 174, TIBS 75 and CSS 2 along Holland Road, SBS 66, 67, 151, 153, 154, 156, 170, 171, 186 and TIBS 182 along Bukit Timah Road.
The crowd was enormous at Botanic Gardens last saturday. Hordes of people gathered at the Band Symphony Stage to enjoy the band performances presented every first sunday of the month.

the little white dots are people.
there were latin dancers on the stage giving instructions how to dance the dance.
the female dancer was

look at our bored faces. we don't know how to appreciate the music.
we left that place after feeding the mosquitoes for around fifteen minutes.
*my 3.5 years old brother is learning how to take pictures of himself using a digital camera. kids these days. hais.*
actually there's nothing much to see. we walked around the botanic garden while my papa showed us the various types of trees and plants.
note: my papa won the prestigious 19th Tourism Singapore Awards 2004. He emerged as the Tourism Host of the Year- Transport(Taxi) among all thousands others after several rounds of grueling interviews. _claps_

we were teaching our brother how to pose. it turned out.. odd.

his shirt had the words:" edibles"

qianwen, mummy, papa, wanjia, qi. and the little boy.

very artistic right.? qi took the pic with the intention of putting the halo above my head.

u don't see him.

now u do.
look at the smile!
that was the last picture because it started to turn dark. even with the flash, everything on the camera looked like the black hole.
the evian water(which my younger sis thought it was called
naive as she read it backwards) costed $2.60 per bottle..! wah monoploy can bully consumers la.!
p/s: scroll right to see the whole picture.
♥Bid Farewell
Sunday, June 05, 2005
today's sunday!
went to orchard's youth park with milk to watch some jrock and cosplay thing. the event ought to have started at 1pm but people started streaming in only after 2.30pm..
i think those people taking part in cosplay are used to people staring at them and just snapping pictures of them.. we just kept flashing and flashing until there was no memory left in my memory stick..
the first few people we saw were them..

the girl on the floor is really sweet looking.. and look at her back,


these are the same two girls..
once they posed people would herd there and start snapping photos..

she covered the least of her flesh..

she has the most fanciful make-up on..

the one in red has scriptures scribbled on her neck..

she's pretty too.. look at those lean legs.. *drools*

he's the only one i recognise.. a very small naruto and his frog..
pretty girls of the day(those not in cosplay):

this young lady in orange.. very very very sweet looking..

the one in pink.. why is she looking straight into the camera? a very familiar face..
dun have anymore..
there were bands singing jrock songs..they screamed into the mike, like the way mr neo shouts into the mike during physics lectures.. the music blasting and everyone following the beat of the drums..
i think drummers are way cool.. i like drummers i like i like!

this guitarist looks like my previous chem teacher ms tay who taught us in tjc..
he turned towards the side of the stage to let me take his front view..
♥Bid Farewell
Friday, June 03, 2005
the skin is getting to be as burnt as it was when i was in canoeing.. i like soccer, including the sprints, circuits, runs, and other torturous items we have to do. it might seem to be very hard work, but it's really wonderful to know that we've exhausted so many calories. i'm even growing to enjoy the
scent of my sweat.. the soccer girls are very fun people too! espesically a damn
seh girl.. she's 18..
friends are the easiest things to lose, dont u agree? we always mean to do something about the relationship, call her, u tell yourself, then u realise that u might not have anything to talk about at all.. and then u'll tell yourself to call her just another day.. it's a vicious cycle.. and then after some time it would be kind of awkward and then u give up.. and look for new friends.. annoying.. i guess its best to enjoy and really forge strong bonds between people around u, classmates, cca-mates, church friends whatever, so that it'll never feel odd to ask them out and have fun..
this is my class. 08/05.

from left to right: qianwen, biyi, benjamin behind mervyn, tee hong, teeyan, yiteng, weifeng..
there are so many pretty dunman high girls i can name u three now..
speaking of having fun, mervyn, biyi and me hung out together the whole day yesterday after (cute) mr lim's maths tutorial.. why will anybody want to come late for (cute) mr lim's maths lesson?? there are those who came at 8.45 when the lesson ended at 9.00.. what impudence!
after the lesson we went to parkway, bugis and then biyi's house.. she helped me dye and hair RED.!
she thought her short hair was very boring thus she wanted to dye it an exciting colour such as red.. we had nothing else to do and she had extra dye.

this is biyi(the future rich but independent tai-tai) and qianwen. see the dedicated look on biyi's face?
and biyi is a very kind, helpful-sometimes tired-girl.

teaching us how to wear your shoes with more style.. and helping mervyn tie his shoe laces..
ignore the haggard look.. its just the bad lighting.. she's actually beautiful with natural silky hair..

this is me now.. while i'm typing this entry.. tanned yes i'm tanned.!
♥Bid Farewell