Tuesday, November 29, 2005
wushu's last events for sea games are tmr.
i'm scared. :(
my captain for the chinese restaurant hasnt called me to go back to work.
he said he'd sms me when i'm needed. tsk.
i think that adults should be more used to girls playing football. you know?
my captain invited me to play football with him and his group of guy friends.
-_-" of course I turned him down.
Because I don't dare to play with a group of men I dont know and I dont have a boy to protect me la.
Then my Grandmother's brother also invited me to play with his son at dunno where. gosh.
his son is 30+ pls and i havent seen him before.
These days I'm feeling VERY insecure.
I hug my wallet in front of my chest, check that my mp3 hp and wallet are still in my bag when I take mrt, I run home from the mrt and I look at the ground constantly for stranger's shadows that might be lurking.
Hate it.
So afraid of being outdoors by myself pls someone do something.
what a weakling.
johnson! waiting for u faster la
♥Bid Farewell
Sunday, November 27, 2005
hello i come back already.
Just found out where I went for the camp.
Kota Tinggi in Malaysia. you know where?
its a whole new experience when we got to learn to live in the wild.
It wasnt exactly primitive bacause we still slept in tents and had our insect repellents but we didnt have bathrooms or water taps.
My first time peeing without closing the door.
It was kind of repulsive to be peeing together with other girls in the wild exposed while protected only by some trees and weeds.
exciting? If you happened to have a stomach you will have to dig a hole in the gound and excrete into it.
i was in the same group as lisan qiutong and aileen. took care of each other.
i'm more than happy to be home again.
jes's going to be back on wed! =)
♥Bid Farewell
Monday, November 21, 2005
Going to sports camp.
I think we're going trekking on a mountain.
Before i forget, there's a mail for you.

If that's ur mailbox.
♥Bid Farewell
Saturday, November 19, 2005
my lil sis is teaching didi how to sing.
its getting irritating cos they havent got past the first line of "doe a deer a female deer.."

No he doesnt know how to sing.

brother in my jumper.
does it look like he enjoys wearing a dress? =x

He acts sexy all the time.

Dont we look alike. The most obvious feature would be (drum rolls..)
our eye bags.
My ankles are going to snap after standing for 13hours.
I'm working in this chinese restaurant at Downtown East from 1730-2200 which requires us employees to wear this green(again! ugh) uniform that looks like cock.
My colleagues:
1) A malay boy from ite who can speak chinese more fluent than your ah beng(cos ah bengs speak hokkien) from a neighbourhood school.
2) A filipino man in his thirties who can only speak english. He washes the dishes and kills the crabs. Larry is the name.
3) 2 chefs from china. No english at all.
4) A malaysian captain who cant write in chinese.
5) Auntie(not important)
6) Supervisor. (not important)
The malay boy(Hafix) cant read my name and insists on calling me Angel, which I cant respond to. Not conditioned to catching that name yet. So random and act cute.
While the rest of us are outside serving customers food etc, these 2 chefs and this filipino man stays in the kitchen doing their jobs. The thing is that they cant communicate.
They use sign language.
I laugh like crazy every time i enter the kitchen cos they will be gesturing something vigorously to each other, each speaking his own tongue. Imagine 3 beefy man.
Sometimes they teach each other english and chinese.
Yesterday I entered the kitchen and these 2 chefs who DON'T dig english AT ALL was scolding "fuck blah blah blah" and "fuck blah blah blah".
They learnt that from Larry.
And this malay boy learnt "TA MA DE" from these 2 chefs.
Interesting inter-cultural exchange.
These staff are so close its funny.
I overheard the malay boy saying to Larry "I take the front, you take the back la".
I dont want to know what's that about. =p
♥Bid Farewell
Friday, November 18, 2005
jeslyn's leaving tmr. =(

I like the wrapping paper!
That's my birthday present from jes.
If you want to know what it is, here are the clues! :
1) its long
2) thick
3) the name has 2 "d"s and
4) it starts with "d"
i'm holding 2 jobs my heels are sore but i enjoying the hectic schedule.
And the people at the chinese restaurant are so nice to me. =)
♥Bid Farewell
Thursday, November 17, 2005
in harry potter!
yes i watched it just now with jac, mervyn, teehong and bee (who lost her wallet. damn.)
You know boys these days are kind of gentlemanly, but not quite there yet.
For example mervyn who sms-ed to ask whether I've reached home yet.
merv: Reach home already?
QW: Boy i reach home already. Safe and sound. Thanks for today. Sweet dreams:)
In normal circumstances you reply : Yeah good, good nite.
like jac did.
But merv being a maris boy he said: Haha.. Gd lah..Yah sweet dreams.. No need to thank me..U chose to come..Yah..See u ard.
Is that rude or what? You chose to come??
When bee told him thank you for helping her pay blah blah.. you should say thank you instead of "don't need thank me you still have to pay one".
This boy needs some lessons on manners, perhaps subtlety.
And then I met athene alone waiting for her mom at the mrt station near midnight. So i went to accompany her. so nice to meet old friends.
Those who haven watched harry potter what are you still waiting for?
go now.
♥Bid Farewell
Wednesday, November 16, 2005
When Milk brought me to the interview for the job at Ubi we passed by windsor hotel.
it is fate i decided to wake up earlier than usual to catch an earlier bus and then walk a different path from usual and then bump into yuxi.
i saw yuxiiii today! but i was rushing.
♥Bid Farewell
I've started working at Cat High since tuesday.
I thought jeslyn would be there.
omg little primary school boys are sooo adorable.
So brown and small, like little tasty biscuits. I've no idea why there're brown(swimming lessons?) but they look so crispy and edible.
I've always assumed that only girls would itch to spend money, just buy something whether or not its neccesary.
Did you know that little primary school boys do it too?
Some of them crash into the tiny air-conditioned bookshop within one minute of the recess school bell, to shop.
Although the modest little bookshop sells limited range of products, those boys rush there first thing to look around.
Rich rascals. Sometimes they buy aeroplane puzzles($2.40), sometimes girly keychains($1.00), if nothing is within their budget, they buy pingpong balls(20cents).
They are compulsive buyers, albeit yummy looking ones.
Please don't call me auntie, because.. because..
I'll respond to you.
These little boys obviously cant tell i'm only 17 years and 4 months old.
Any woman older than them = auntie.
And i'm conditioned to respond, or the queue won't budge.
♥Bid Farewell
Saturday, November 05, 2005
I thought they hated me, so I decided to hate them first, just in case.
Its called self-defense.
♥Bid Farewell
Friday, November 04, 2005
QiuYi's Birthday!

Huiyi and me finally gave her her birthday present after 5 months.
Yes its Huiyi's birthday!
I hope she enjoyed herself because the rest of us had a lot of fun.
Look at Qiu with that balloon.

It is a balloon to be reckoned with as it is no cheap rubber.
It costs $8.75 deflated. Probably $10.75 filled with helium.

After wasting 1hour fiddling with that yellow-smiley-rubbery balloon we decided on this.

Huge and orangey, i like.
We were still early, so we walked from orchard to PS.

This is Jeslyn with a lot of stars.
I'm going to say it again.
Good-looking people do get it all. Look at the stars that only she has.

hy's sooo shy.

I was so certain Qiuyi couldnt finish all of that.

And the birthday girl gets an extra large serving of pizza.
Sinful, sinful, sinful, but delicious.

Qiuyi still at it.

The last piece.
This photo is so hilarious Jeslyn and Qianwen and Huiyi couldnt stop laughing.

Yup she finished it.

Looking so miserable. Yes we understand how it feels to be very full and bursting on your birthday.

We only bought a slice of cake. She asked for it.
We're not being mean, she really asked for it, as in requested for it.


Happy Birthday Huiyi.
Thanks for being such a great friend. =)
♥Bid Farewell
Thursday, November 03, 2005
and I brought my little brother along.
HENG he didnt scream and throw tantrums.
Yes we're visiting natasha today. She's my first Indian-Pakistan Muslim friend.

I did his hair. Style, I must say.

My brother is very disgusting. He looks like he's hungry thus licking his lips. Only now did I realise that he had been licking his mucus. I'm as disgusting as him as I used to enjoy doing that too. But still,

Why so disgusting?

I forgive you since you are so cute.
Good-looking people do have it all.
Just before I alighted 81 to meet bee at the Tampines at the bus interchange she sms-ed me saying that she's on the way. Little did I know that it meant that she just left her house. (Her house is not within close proximity of tampines interchange by any measure.)

I sat my brother and myself at Mac and started waiting.

and waiting. (his eyes moved!)<-rubbish observation.

Where is biyi-jiejie?

He looks bored.

Dun slouch leh, it makes you fall asleep faster. Although you weigh a mere 15kg I have no wish to carry you to Nat's house.


Yea I nudged him a little, a little too hard..

Oh no, that dazed look again.





Biyi reached within 30 minutes!
Looking very pretty k lar i forgive her since she's so pretty.
Good looking people DO get it all.

Family portrait. My brother took this picture. wow because he's going to be 4 in 26 days.

so pretty! Nat's cousin(my bro's new friend)

biyi. HAHA.
and there are no more pictures I was busy with the very delicious lunch. thanks nat for inviting me and my bro.

biyi and nat are too very very sweet people.
♥Bid Farewell
Wednesday, November 02, 2005
And I'm genuinely upset, not for the cat which died a horrid car accident, but for that it died in the middle of the road. It is right there where not very sharp sighted people like me could accidentally step on it.

Yuck Yuck Yuck.
I think I can smell the rotten smell of its decomposing carcass. You will vomit if you saw it. Its all Benjamin's fault for not informing me to come school one hour later for the meeting. If I came school later I wouldnt have walked across the road with Wanfong and then accidentally step on the flat cat.
So many cars rolled their wheels that the cat's body was spread over such a large surface area. I was busy asking Esther what she was doing in school that I walked on the cat. Well, it was soft and squishy, felt like a really thick carpet..yucks its really gross.. I'm sorry I yelped and started crying and grabbing Esther's sleeves in the middle of the road.
I can still feel the soft sensation under my right foot. eeew
I'm going to officially hate cats from today onwards, especially stray ones.
Speaking of cats, kinyan's house has 2(or3?) cats and a dog living under the same roof. Isnt that pecuiliar?
♥Bid Farewell
But my Aunt has fixed it. yay.
I hope that my pictures are still there when the whole drive is cleansed of virus.
My Mom's watching TV now thoroughly amused. I like 2244 of STAR IDOL. Eh why he get kicked out?? Poor boy.
Anyway, I gave one of my rollerblades to Niying yesterday and I hope she enjoys playing with them. I meant a pair of rollerblades and yes I have 2 originally because I thought it would be fun to go rollerblading with my sister in the park. After a rollerblading session with jeslyn at east coast park left me scarred both physically and emotionally. I don't think I'll do that with jes again cos its too huge a risk on my life.
I want to put up pictures but the computer's spoilt.
So excited for Friday I cant wait.
Hari Raya Puasa! Happy for them who are going to stop fasting.
♥Bid Farewell