Thursday, December 29, 2005
okay, so, what i've been imagining might be true.
It looks like it.
I love staying out at night.
♥Bid Farewell
Tuesday, December 27, 2005
I'm spending 3 times more effort and doing my homework.
All that memorising work down the drain. I forgot 99% of chemistry; chemical bonding, periodic table, chemical equilibrium and all that shit.
Damn i wanna pinch my brother.
♥Bid Farewell
I want to bungee jump.
♥Bid Farewell
Monday, December 26, 2005
My restaurant friends and I went to go orchard to see the "snow".
It was a wrong decision.
major, major mistake.
You won't believe how packed it was. At 1145pm on 24/12/05 people were standing
-2cm away from each other and, wow, the smell(from the banglas) was unbelievable. It was almost as if they didn't bath a few days on purpose so they could spread their odour in the jam-packed orchard road.
The next time I go to orchard on any holiday's eve is the day I turn into a man ok?
I saw a few bengs chasing after a bangle shouting "you touch my friend issit?"
And the bangla was saying "sorry sorry sorry. i didnt. sorry sorry."
It sounded just like the audio track I listened to at biyi's house.
Let me see how to describe the crowd that day.
Do u have a stack of printing paper in your house?
People were standing as close together as how your printing paper is stacked together.
Or look at the rice in the sack,
Or the holes in your speaker at the side of the computer,
Or imagine each strand of hair on your head is a person. (doesn't apply if balding)
Can see the picture in your head?
While the crowd was moving like one step per second, it doesn't help that benglas walking in the opposite direction were spraying foam all over other people. gosh, it was suffocating. And then these ah bengs were doing it too.
I was trying very hard to look out for potential spray-ers when I heard Haifi holler at this young beng stanced to spray the foam at him.
Haifi(fiercely) : I tell u, dont spray at me. Dont you dare.
Young beng considered that proposal for about 2 seconds and apparently decided to spray the foam at Haifi.
At this point in time, I must say please look at haifi.

(hmm, ignore that digging teeth with nails.)
He's a malay ah beng lah.
But he's so patient, his temper's amazing. He didn't scold f, f, f, or anything like that. If I were him I might have called my gang to fight already.
I was so taken aback by his mildness that I didn't see the foam coming in my direction.
Boo to the banglas.
i don't buy it says:
qiuyi and i wants to go hk play next yr
i don't buy it says:
duno whther u can accomodate us
i don't buy it says:
if cannot its ok
HanLin Gabriel 馬仔...开到荼靡 says:
next year...
HanLin Gabriel 馬仔...开到荼靡 says:
i dont know wor...
i don't buy it says:
cos it'll be fun with u ard
HanLin Gabriel 馬仔...开到荼靡 says:
i have gf...
HanLin Gabriel 馬仔...开到荼靡 says:
you come...
HanLin Gabriel 馬仔...开到荼靡 says:
my gf will go crazy// lol
i don't buy it says:
i don't buy it says:
ok lor
i don't buy it says:
but u'll still be with her next yr?
HanLin Gabriel 馬仔...开到荼靡 says:
HanLin Gabriel 馬仔...开到荼靡 says:
stupid qw.

me and qy on christmas eve.

qianwen and bee with mervyn behind camera just now.
♥Bid Farewell
Saturday, December 24, 2005
I moved. No one can find me now,except the only person I tagged to inform of the shift.
Because of the short battery lifespan, my mama couldnt contact me for the past 5-6 hours. I'm mildly irritated by her instigating my little sis to call yiteng jeslyn and huiyi. TSK.
I was working from 7am to 10pm la.
So fast call my friends.
When I started charging my hp there were 12 msgs waiting.
I felt as though I was a run-away kid when I read the messages and missed calls.
"Pls call home as soon as possible alright? Your family's looking for you."
Are you paid double for christmas eve and christmas?
I've got petty bosses.
Both my jobs are paying the usual rate for holidays. =(
♥Bid Farewell
Friday, December 23, 2005

Gay? yes.
Go watch wenyi's performance outside takashimaya tmr.
His shows are at times 7pm, 8pm and 9pm. If you are a perpetual latecomer, you'd most probably miss half the show.
If you miss half the show like me and huiyi, you wouldnt see wenyi on stage.
So do come early.

I think I take pretty good pictures.

This picture is important. Its to make qy jealous.
NOTHING going on between wenyi and qiuyi.
I swear.
Havent decided on my new blog add. help me think pls.
♥Bid Farewell
Wednesday, December 21, 2005
I hold the title of attending the most number of training sessions for this year.
I beat sheryl, the captain cus she went for holiday thus skipped 5 trainings.
The sad thing is, I play like a shit. I know I play like a shit though they say that I improved. Dont lie pls. Its upsetting cus I'm trying to play my best but I keep making silly mistakes during the game.
Lu-gay(nickname) said that we wouldnt get better no matter how much we train.
Truthfully speaking, only diana and yasmin really know their thing about balls.
The rest of us are more like decoys, we defend our positions, get the ball to them and they perform, its their show.
My stamina is dropping like crazy. I don't remember how to run anymore.
I know that I can be fast. 12mins is fast for 2.4km for a girl with short legs.
I still love the game.
We'll have friendly matches next year. One of them is with Queensway Sec. I'm quite worried cus it'd look bad on us if we lose more than 18-nil.
Thats the score for the previous match with them. TJ girls is nil.
I love the girls, so glad to have found them. =)

That day we went to the zoo, my brother that little rascal kept complaining that he was tired.
My family and I everyone took turns to carry him. Spoilt brat.

My indian cousin teaching didi how to fight.

Anyhow gabra.

♥Bid Farewell
Tuesday, December 20, 2005
And I'm moving.
I wanted it to happen.
I wanted it so badly, I think I must be delusional for wanting something I know I would definately regret.
♥Bid Farewell
Thursday, December 15, 2005
he was uncontactable because he wasnt in singapore.
He reached home just in time to answer my call.
i'm quite excited.
niying msged me last night to ask if anyone wanted to go to perak with the bball people from friday night to sunday night.
so random but i'm going. I think there's still 2 extra spaces.
so, if u're attracted to free things and have nothing to do from friday night to sunday night, try contacting cheryl from basketball to ask about it.
♥Bid Farewell
Wednesday, December 14, 2005
I dreamt that both of us were in the toilet.
Somehow, I already knew that you were dead.
I touched your face and asked you whether you were dead.
You didnt answer. You smiled at me.
I wanted to tell you something, it was so urgent and important.
But I woke up before I could say I love you.I had that same dream twice in a day.
And he's uncontactable.
♥Bid Farewell
Tuesday, December 06, 2005
jes asked if i would get scoldings in the restaurant.
I said no.
I got my first one today, from the thai restaurant opposite my chinese restaurant.
That lemongrass thai restaurant's manager at downtown east sucks.
big time.
He should be sacked for being rude to me.
Stupid man. He might need to borrow salt from my restaurant one day. What then?
Should I be rude to him too?
My captain told me a joke about that manager's chickens running over here, thats why that lemongrass manager was so mad at us all the time.
I didnt understand that joke but it started me crying.(shit. why I cry so much.)
Later while cleaning the eating utensils my captain told me to get a sweet.
Forced me to eat it.
Then he said something like, "when u're biting the sweet u'll finish away all the unhappiness. its gone."
he's so nice.
I imagined he would think that I was being childish and spoilt for crying over such a silly thing. But he didnt. WAH LAO SO NICE.
I've decided to play soccer with him on thursday.
Bringing along some of my jie-meis too.
♥Bid Farewell
Monday, December 05, 2005
the day after i blogged that entry about being scared, my hp got stolen.
it was a damn accurate foreboding.
If u're wondering which kind of phone I was using, its this samsung E720C which cost me $330 when I bought it 3 months ago with continuation of my contract.

I want to slap that person who eyed my bag for so long and then proceeded to bring my entire bag along to duno where for a period of time. That asshole brought the whole adidas sports bag away from the sports complex to hang it outside the storeroom. I found it with everything intact except for my dear phone.
poor thing.
I was so mad that I kicked the wall and started crying. Then Sheryl said "dun be so sore" and I stopped. She always has a calming effect on me.
It has got two small but deep holes at the top leftt hand corner. Tell me if you see my phone k? I still want it back.
I've stopped feeling angry already. Mostly because I know it was my fault for not keeping an eye on my phone knowing that it was expensive and its consoling to know that I recieved a $300 bursary (yay!). =)
My jie jie is so nice! She let me use her renewing of contract to buy a new(but not ex) phone!
I feel another premonition..
That thief..
he'll be raped for ravaging my bag like that.
Soccer training is so pathetic. only 5 attended today. We couldnt even do our drills properly. Some of them are on holiday, some on intership, some are "sick", some are working(wth??). They should know that next year's tournaments are 11 a side and THRIRT MINUTES per HALF instead of 15 mins like this year.
11 of us we'll all die together on the field during matches if they continue to be absent from training. (What a sight!)
haifi(while wiping eating utensils) : angel, want to join our club or not?
qw: what club?
haifi: 5+1.
qw: who's inside? ... (Larry giggling uncontrollably behind me.)
haifi: kelvin is the promoter, larry is the founder, I am the personnel manager.
qw: ok i'll join.
haifi: u can be our imagination.
qw hurls plates at him.
you have to guess what 5+1 means. my wanjia couldnt get it.
so, dun tell her!
Going zoo(again!) tmr.
I'm off to work now! byebye.
♥Bid Farewell