Wednesday, March 22, 2006
cough and flu and sick of trying so hard.
why do u think i'm taunting you?
♥Bid Farewell
Sunday, March 19, 2006

So adorable.

I didn't know that hao-ge, as my xuan would call my cousin, was so into taking picture
s of himself.

Told you.

And in an ah lian fashion.

But the cutest boy is still.. Xuan, of course.

Xuan wanted this picture he thinks its scary.
♥Bid Farewell
Saturday, March 18, 2006
My house is a modest but adequately spacious apartment with only 3 bedrooms, 1 kitchen, 1 study room, 1 balcony and 2 living rooms.
Just 8 years ago there were 8 people living in here but my grandparents and aunt decided to move out.
Subsequently my grandfather passed away and my little brother was born.
My grandmother and aunt moved in again 2 years ago.
A few weeks ago, due to the some conjugal problems faced by my 2nd aunt, she moved into my house with her 2 children just temporarily.
Currently the population residing in this concentrated unit is 11.
There might be slight discomforts, inevitably, stemming from disparate former lifestyles and it might be a little too crowded but its heartwarming to have the whole family together creating a ruckus during dinner and the little children having new playmates.
Lesser privacy.. its not an issue in dire times.
Just give in, just go for it, just leave him, just forget about it, just move on, just take the risk, just give your best, just ignore, just be happy, just ..
Its so easy to give opinions, to dish out advice as if things were simple and straightforward when reality's far from that.
However wrong and misleading you think of me, it shouldn't matter but I can't help it. I should shut up ya.
♥Bid Farewell
Thursday, March 16, 2006
he said to leave me alone because, what can I do anyway?
♥Bid Farewell
Saturday, March 11, 2006
oh so exciting.
I've finally decided what I want to be.
Its either dentistry or teaching.
I visited NTU with jayne today and decided that if I were unfortunately rejected by NUS's dentistry fac I would go to NIE.
PE and Maths here I come.
But i might still change my mind some more.

This is love.
♥Bid Farewell
Sunday, March 05, 2006
its heartbreaking nothing more needs to be said.
lets all mourn.
♥Bid Farewell
Thursday, March 02, 2006
i can't stand him.
when xz sits beside me he gives me creeps.
the way he carresses every inch of his face and as bee puts it, "he must put his finger into every hole in his face".
its nauseating to see his mucus on his lap the whole 60 minutes of tutorial.
but its because of xz that the whole class comes for lessons earlier as the latest person would have to endure the sight of him digging. so, its a good thing in a way, ya?
♥Bid Farewell