Wednesday, April 26, 2006
I uploaded the video of beta and gamma cheerleading on youtube. Go check it out.
♥Bid Farewell
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
4/32 is a shitty mark for a chem lecture test when even zaiyi got 18/32 from copying Ben's answers. Why do I end up highlighting the page number instead of the contents? It should be my brother's fault he's always playing a violent games that produce loud sick noises which is extremely distracting.
I heard something nice today from nart's friend.
♥Bid Farewell
Saturday, April 22, 2006
The score for NJC vs MJC is nil nil which NJ people think is extremely and flagrantly unfair. NJ claimed that the ball rolled into the goal but wasn't recognised because there wasn't a goal line. Shite that referee okay.
She's as biased as last year when judging for the VJ vs TJ match. There's every reason to believe that NJ supposedly scored as the exact same thing happened to TJ last year. Biased bitch.
I hope we don't get her to be our referee this wednesday.
Anyways some of the boys invited us to play street soccer again.
I wonder why they're willing to play with us cus they're so skillful its as if they're playing with little kids. Not as though they don't have enough people to play a 2-side game too. I suspect that they think we've got potential so they're trying to impart some techniques informally? Probably. They're nice. Not as arrogant as we thought they were.
Cute twin has a new scar that lacerates across the bridge of his nose.
Poor thing he got tripped by yas. The wound's so deep it looks like a permanent scar.
♥Bid Farewell
Friday, April 21, 2006

Rebecca, simin, yas(who scored from a corner kick) and wanfong.
Getting ready for the 4 x 100m relay.

While waiting for the teachers' reception in the dance studio to finish.

Our favourite-est IP boy.

The sign for Cissy Boy. The handsign's supposed to read "G" for gay.

Before the ACjc match they were huddling together in a heart shape.

HOHOHO. Our very first soccer family photo but lacking a few people.
♥Bid Farewell
Girl I hope you're reading this.
People are talking behind your back and gossiping maliciously about your sex/love life. Even strange people know the details of who you've had sex with and even know about clashes between your 2 ex-boyfriends. What they're saying is downright crude its slander.
Okay maybe you were in love, but, hello, haven't you noticed the pattern from these numerous heartbreaks? You must be crazy to think that relationships at this age would last. Since you'd have realised that you'd have to break up with the boy then don't have sex with him. If you have sex with him don't open your mouth to tell people you KNOW you can't trust.
Your reputation's so bad you're like the slut of the year.
I think you're a good girl cus I used to like you so much in the chung cheng days.
If you don't want to retain the reputationof being cheap, behave yourself.
Watch your tongue, watch what it says and which mouth it goes into.
♥Bid Farewell
Eh I'm so glad nat went to watch the MJ boys vs TJ boys match in MJC yesterday.
We do love the TJ team cus even though they lost 3 nil before half-time they persisted on guarding their net and even turned aggressive to score 2 beautiful goals in the MJ half.
We thought they could draw with Mj but time was running short it ended with MJ winning 4-2.
It was a good fight with very strong team spirit and morale despite the results.
We love the boys.
♥Bid Farewell
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
TJ vs SR | SAJC vs RJ |
3 - 0 | 3 - 0 |
Take a breath, 8 - nil.
♥Bid Farewell
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
Our jersey makes us look like singapore flag tj girls can kick balls ok. tmr's the match against super violent and no sporstmanship team sr i hope they changed their lian ways don't inflict injury on diana again.
I miss reading jasmine's blog.
♥Bid Farewell
Our boys lost again.
This time 5 nil to AcJc. Until now they've had 5 matches; lost 3 drew 2.
Anyway, the AC boys are so amazingly strong they threw in a goal.
Throw in also can score leh.
Everyone held their breadth when this boy with super arms got ready to throw.
Must see for yourself.
I took one hundred photos of cissy boy on the field.
♥Bid Farewell
Sunday, April 16, 2006
Like an itch that doesn't want to go away.
♥Bid Farewell
Saturday, April 15, 2006
After training just now sheryl yas lugay menny wanfong went to have lunch.
Its the only time I didn't go with them and its the only time they played street soccer with my cissy boy after lunch.
Now they're all friends with him.
Shit la.
♥Bid Farewell
Friday, April 14, 2006
i hate my sister.
Its juvenile but i really do when she pushes her weight around.
I've always thought that sibling feuds are the stupidest things because silblings are staying under the same roof for like, half of their lives.
Kinda dumb to be enemy to your next door bedroom neighbour right.? It'll definitely make our lifes easier if she'd stop behaving like a spoilt brat and acting like the uppity rich girl," don't mess with my make-up set, don't mess with my (big)breasts etc.."
Especially when my mother do not stand impartial while in the middle of a fray.
My mother and aunts should see that my sister is no longer a small kid anymore she's only 2 years younger than me its really unfair to dismiss her misdeeds just like that(snaps fingers).
Actually I like my sis a lot lar. Sometimes she's nice.
Can you believe that the people who make me feel like the ugliest fattest disgusting person are my mother and sis and jes's mother? My discipline master too. He asked me to lose some weight.
♥Bid Farewell
We had so much fun yesterday the $5 entrance fee was almost worth it.
But jeslyn got free tickets for free cus she act cute to the security guard and showed her hairy legs.

I think that the performance by the dance and sc and random people was fantastic.
The belly dancers were the best and highlight of the night.

She's so hot Shakira pales in comparison in the mtv
hips don't lie.

Just look at how mervyn's drooling, its enough proof.
hohoho~ scandalous!

The mcs girls. I hate the green light. Really.

27/05 diana's class but she's not in there. They're the greeky people.
Poh long is at the most right. HAHA

The hockey boys. And jeslyn. Where got extra? she fits right in!

i think this's the photo of the day.
Jeslyn yay to you thanks for coming it was so fun.
cissy boy!
♥Bid Farewell
Thursday, April 13, 2006
Project work has led us on a tortuous path towards enlightenment.
I know that all the hard work and sweat's worth it when these suckers got a1 for pw.

My group members deserve monetary awards for creating this 15% miracle.
15% of the total A level score is a damn high portion ok!

The fact that my class topped the level for pw is equally amazing. We are the science people who rank the bottom few for gp.

My darlings' instruction is to look hot for mardi gras later at night.
and jes's coming!!
♥Bid Farewell
Thursday, April 06, 2006
You stupid shit.
So you like to bitch so much about me about nothing.
Go open your big mouth tell everyone how you can't stand the way I laugh and smile so easily and go ahead tell people how my cheerful disposition irks you because you can't ever be happy. You miserable shit I pity your sorry ass you can't get the girl you get and your relationships end sour because you have little capacity to love. My heart breaks for the fact that my best friend ever dated you,bitch.
Whine somemore about your urge and lust for sex i'm sorry dear you'll have to wait until you steal enough money to pay for a hooker. For the time being just touch yourself a bit while saving up the money ok? And bitch more about me when you're bored. I hope your friends understand your need for attention and try to talk you out of your incessants complaints about me who do not AT ALL have any contact with you except that, poor you, I'm in the same sch as you.
Poor you poor you.
Life is difficult for you but pls don't do silly things to yourself.
You just make my life more interesting.
The soccer boys ought to win their match. They train so hard. Netball too.
29/3/2006 TJC vs NYJC nil all
6/4/2006 TJC vs TPJC 0-1
♥Bid Farewell