Wednesday, May 31, 2006
I detested this boy the day I met him.
He was egoististic, sarcastic and rude.
Not only that, he took every opportunity to accuse me of being lazy and irresponsible.
One day it was so bad that I couldn't take it lying down with him hurling insults at me so I told him I don't like you.
So childish right.
He replied belligerently with his head held high,
"do you think I care? I don't like you too."
This boy is actually very adorable.
He's sweet to everybody, he's hilarious and a lot of fun to be with.
I thought he was extremely cute when
I saw his fondness and patience with children.
We became friends and I knew about this other girl he liked whom his friend picked up from the streets.
Shit la.
But its okay she doesnt like him back.
What do you do with a boy who consoles you by assuring you that you're his favourite girl when you think the whole world is against you,
who offers to carry you around when you sprained your leg,
who rushed forward to pick you up when you drop from exhaustion at the end of the dualthon race,
who defies death threats from this idiotic boy[who hates me] and
upset this idiotic person.?
You fall head over heels with him.
He likes me.
And then we get together.No it didn't happen.
Its funny how we broke up before we got together.
I'm not important enough.
♥Bid Farewell
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
haha i have a lot of photos and i'm exuberant.
More photos from Soccer dinner 23May2006
So pretty and delicious and free.
Sheryl paid for it.

kissing each other. jayne does it best.

This was the day I drank Tongkat Ali. haha can see me ogling at Jayne up close?
Soccer [ Girls ] Finals 24May2006 
I dont know who took this picture but i can see my class mates right there.


Can see me?
I'm the siao one on top.

I think this is the cutest pic. Both jayne and reb fighting to molest my leg and I'm enjoying it immensely. And grabbing reb's boob! =0
Yesterday's celebration dinner was very enjoyable.
My juniors touched me. They're so sweet I love them.
You know what they say about unity is strength?
I know that our future soccer TJ girls team is going to be a very strong one, and they'll go far.

Look at what is in the bear's hand. So cute.
♥Bid Farewell
Monday, May 29, 2006
I adore the blogskin its south park-ish and bright and not so kiddish as the last one. I keep clicking the little figures' faces to admire the cuteness.
I've one good news. One good new?? nvm one good news.
Tong told me last friday that I'm part of the committee in soccer! Which drew the reaction of '@?~#%!o# are you serious?!'
He's weird I cannot fathom his motive for not informing me when he decided to designate that post to me. Can anyone explain to me the purpose of not divulging it and not allocating me work I should do.? Or is the post supposed to be secret? This is bizarre. Should just shut up and accept it ar, like nat says. I hope nobody feels that I'm undeserving la. =S
Come to think of it actually tong is quite nice to me.
I'm excited for today[=D] I've a lot of things to do and I love busy days.
Had biochem lec and brunch with bee and nat, am going to meet mr sinseh 3pm for my ankle,6 pm its soccer dinner we're giving gerald jon raymond and phileo a treat for being there for us and then I'll have to chiong back to class chalet 930pm.
Clumsiness runs in my family.

Yes he fell, again. .

This is the blood he shed. Are you wincing?
♥Bid Farewell
Sunday, May 28, 2006
I cant sleep again. This is such a waste of time for lying on the bed since 9pm for the unreachable sleepiness to kick in.
Its interesting how my cousins and aunts[my father's side] don't recognise my cousin[my mother's side]. Andy came over to study physics with me for the third time already and each time they would ask me who's that new boy.? As if suspecting me bringing my boyfriend home. So funny la. I think if I bring mervyn home and tell them that its Andy they'll buy it.
I need to start concentrating on falling asleep. Bye.
♥Bid Farewell
Saturday, May 27, 2006
This seems so perfect it scares me.
Smells like the harbinger for the world to come crashing down.
♥Bid Farewell
My teammates are sending the strong vibes that they hate me.
hey. My classmates are uber nice to me I dont know what I did to deserve it .
Despite being temporarily disabled, I attended the sports carnival to support the organiser.

Ben Kwan carressing himself.
SPORTS CARN WAS FUN with my class.
There was the water drinking poker card game, volleyball interclass, basketball interclass, captain's ball interclass, volley-anyhow-ball 08/05 vs chengrui and basketball intraclass.

Zaiyi, merv and yiteng behind the net. Mingli and Ben bracing for Merv's spike. Lethal.

Can see Merv dancing in front of the net.? Irrelevant.
During the basketball game I found out that MINGLI's actually a star player! Haha. A very modest one. She scored at least 20 3-pointers 50 2-pointers and I lost count of the 1 points. PRO. Another pro person is Ben. Siao one. He kept counting the scores even after we asked him to stop. surprised us with his 48-32 and 50-34 reports after every goal. Yiteng's a star shooter too. The way she poises herself and taking a step before the 99% accurate shots is very cool. Just found out yesterday that she used to be a netball Goal Attack in Primary school, no wonder. And Linda Ben Merv Mingli Zaiyi Yiteng took care of me so well I thought I was critically ill for a moment. The sprain is no biggie, by the way.
Then at night these 2 boys offered to send me home.
Wah I cannot take it already.
Can't wait for the chalet on monday. Bring ur balls to play if you have them.
♥Bid Farewell
Friday, May 26, 2006
I've been losing sleep for the past 2 nights.
Its especially bad today after watching VJ emerge victorious champions beating MJ 4-2. The feeling of disappointment got me again as the yellow jerseys triumphed for the second time 2 days in a row. Shit la. Everytime I attempt to sleep the images of the goals against us just keeps flashing. After getting jolted awake, the images inundated me all over again. Its 4am in the morning.
The moment of truth: Things would have been different if I played better.
I didn't do exactly what I was supposed to as a mid-field to pump the balls in.
I'd failed.
I'm guilt-ridden.
I cannot face my team mates.
I'd let the college down.
Sorry. And I need a hug.
♥Bid Farewell
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
The soccer boys are nice. <3
♥Bid Farewell
We lost to VJ 2nil. But Silver's not that bad too.
My 08/05 is soooooo adorable. I love Nat, Stacey, Ben, Merv Chen yan, Ain who did the posters. Embarrassing but I LOVE. even zaiyi teehong jac and shungui were there. touched.
Thank youThank youThank youThank youThank youThank youThank youThank youThank youThank youThank youThank youThank youThank youThank youThank youThank youThank youThank youThank youThank youThank youThank youThank youThank youThank youThank youThank youThank youThank youThank youThank youThank youThank youThank youThank youThank youThank youThank youThank youThank youThank youThank youThank youThank youThank youThank youThank youThank youThank youThank youThank youThank youThank youThank youThank youThank youThank youThank youThank youThank youThank youThank youThank youThank youThank youThank youThank youThank youThank youThank youThank youThank youThank youThank youThank youThank youThank youThank youThank youThank youThank youThank youThank youThank youThank youThank youThank youThank youThank youThank youThank youThank youThank youThank youThank youThank youThank youThank youThank youThank youThank you 0805 for coming and JESLYN<3 AND SINHUI AND QIUYI AND HUIYI[though you were supporting vj. tsk.] and kinyan=).

Chocolate from stacey and ben.
I'm so lucky.
Weiwei told me to not be upset over my clumsiness because its in my blood, its inherent. haa. Must learn to love myself together with the clumsiness.
♥Bid Farewell

My brother is talented.
This pic shows a crazy hair woman gleefully slapping a grieved little boy.
I thought that the crazy hair woman was my mother, my mother thought it was me.
But, no. Turned out to be someone else.
♥Bid Farewell
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
Have you ever watched girls play soccer? I bet you haven't.
Come down to support us la. Its at Jalan Besar Stadium[5mins walk from Lavender MRT Station], 4pm. Don't need to attend Sports Carnival kay.
I feel like playing tmr. It doesn't really matter if I didn't but I hate myself for having so little confidence. Its shitty how I run a LOT but when tong asks me 'do you think you can last 50 mins?' I say 'let me play one half can?'. When tong asks me 'are you ready to go onto the pitch?' I answer 'I try la' even though I'm dying to do play for the team and I know that I won't disppoint anyone. Its my own fault. I throw away chances like I use tissue paper. =( I suck right?
Anyways, today's soccer birthday.

We all know what the words on the cake mean.

Today's chit chat session had to begin with dear captain given a short speech.

After dinner we played the game 'I never..' with the girls and phileo, raymond and gerald. Not fun to play with the girls cus they dont tell. Tsk. A lot of times I feel that the girls are too niccccceeee to show my disgusting self to. Its nice to have people who'd buy me Tongkat Ali when I win a bet.
♥Bid Farewell
Friday, May 19, 2006
They beat RJ. Woah. Seriously, its a big feat to be third in the nationals after HCI and ACJC.
It'll be our turn next wednesday. =)
♥Bid Farewell
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
I hope VJ doesn't bring the whole school to the finals because its sports carnival day TJ probably won't send too many supporters.
Jalan Besar Stadium 4pm 24May2006 against VJC
Go Temasek.
♥Bid Farewell
Sunday, May 14, 2006
Hohohoho. We really owe this victory against NJ to Phileo and Raymond.
Before they came to train us, we only had sheryl to teach us what she knows but to tell the truth it wasn't enough. Our coach "had to many other committments" therefore didnt turn up for ANY training while we needed someone to guide us. Irresponsible man. When I was asked to enter the pitch to substitute yas I swear I was the most confused I'd ever been because the referee scolded me for not entering the field through the center and right midfield's not the usual position I play. After the game the girls told me that tong was screaming at me the whole time. Whatever, cus I didnt hear. Anyway we won. =)
How do you tolerate a man [I loathe and is unfamiliar with him] who puts his arm across you shoulder, grabs your arm, pushes your stomach and uses his water bottle to pat your ass.
One of these days, all of these over-friendly gestures by this particularly hated man will force me to chop him up into minced pieces to make a rou bao. I meant rou baoS. He is so fat we can make 100 rou baos.
Qy accompanied me to buy clothes for next friday. Whew. It was intense shopping these ladies from two stores kept wrestling us into the changing rooms. They didn't stop blabbering and stuffing their goods in our faces to allow us to reject them. In the future when I open my own shop I'll have to ensure that my employees are of this calibre.
I love family dinners.
♥Bid Farewell
Tuesday, May 09, 2006
Netball TJ's most important match of the season is held tmr at Kallang netball court. Please pray that they win.
3pm. TJ vs SA
♥Bid Farewell
Volleyball is the most exciting match to support with bangra friends. Best when all of you are strangers to the game.
The day began when I received this sms that said I love you [ holy shit ], then realizing that I misunderstood[ bobo, you freaked me out]. I went to school after sleeping my long -waited 8 hours and missing 2 tutorials. My very clever friend was shrewd enough to chiong her way up in LT2 to chop the seats beside cissy boy for me! That was the happiest chem lecture I've attended in my life. =D Then I met YUXI and Adeline at the CCAB. [ I think I run into yx 100 times a year I even see her when I'm praying for Tai Sui to not punish me. ]
That just made my day. To top it off, I had so much fun shouting when our volleyball boys
thrashed beat VJ by 3 nil.
They're on their way to the finals.
♥Bid Farewell
Friday, May 05, 2006
Never will complacency blur our vision to break into semi's again.
I like knowing that my best friends will always be my best friends though we meet once every 3 months.
♥Bid Farewell
Monday, May 01, 2006
All that fussing about this boy, the fierce gossip about pdp politics, the desperate doddering to try to catch up with empty tutorials and weak relationships that are too strained and distant.
While trying my best to 'live each day like its the last', I cant see where its going. Bleak. Empty.
♥Bid Farewell