Saturday, July 29, 2006
A bugger who lives 5 floors below my flat asks me the same nasty question every chance he gets.
"You still exercising or not ar? You not walking nowadays?"
Annoying means he pretends to be concerned about my weight, acting all sombre when asking this, and then sniggering to himself when I reply.
"No la. haha."
3:[ (<-that is an angry
smiley, which makes it an
Which is not funny.
Because I estimate, correctly, that he's 3 times my weight. And we're not that neighbourly to discuss my waistline matters. He's asked the same bloody question so many times my answers bore me.
'You considering extensive plastic surgery which should do the trick to fix your face? In the meantime, keep it locked away so that it won't scare children.'
♥Bid Farewell
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
My papa's english cannot make it.
He often consults me for the appropriate grammar and vocab to use when typing an email or sms to his clients.
Papa: Ah wen, is it "egg yolk
is white" or "egg yolk
are white"?
After pondering for a moment I answered, "I think its egg yolk
is white."
A malicious grin spread over my papa's face as I realised my folly.
If you still haven't realised, you're either vegetarian or colour blind because egg yolk is/are yellow.
♥Bid Farewell
Thursday, July 20, 2006
Its a superb movie with the right amount of intensity and correct timing of plot twists.
Everybody loves thrillers right?
This is the one for you if you like seeing some blood and decapitation.
Its not that gory as the first saw, I think.
Here's the link to read what this 'saint' wrote about TJ:
The entry on 15 July 2006.
Its hilarious how this girl writes T-MAS-K or TE-AS-K Junior College.
You know, its so subtle.
Save your energy don't be irritated because [beside the fact that there's nothing to get angry about]
its supposed to entertain you, and let you know that you are not as childish as you think compared to this.
♥Bid Farewell
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
You know that kind of nightmares that are not scary but extremely freaky.
Those that you wake up soaked in sweat thankful that it was only a dream.
I'm talking about those super embarrassing dreams for example, you left your house before you clothed yourself or you were somehow bathing in the lift in front of your neighbours, or that you accidentally shat in your pants and that stain wouldn't disappear.
I tried on Nat's punjabi costume yesterday for racial harmony day and the problem wasn't visible at all.
Then this morning nat told me that she could see my bra.
I looked down and realised, ya, can see a bit, just a tiny bit.
After that I kept getting compliments about my kleng[indian] golden earrings and that my green bra was funkey monkey[stacey's words].
My sister whom I met on the way home commented that people's eyes were flickering down to my chest.
So I went home to check.
Looked into the full length mirror.
If i scrutinized I could even see my belly button.
I looked like I was wearing tissue paper, or tracing paper,
or a thin roti prata.
Oh man.
My chest has been exposed to the world.
♥Bid Farewell
Saturday, July 15, 2006
It was great.

Me and kaka bottom left.
The sun easy on us, the breeze cooling our perspiring bodies.
TJ sent 2 teams to take part in this annual event at Turf City for women's soccer.
VJ, SA, NY, SR and VJ were all there la. So many familiar faces. Sian.

Diana testing her kicks. hmm. kickass powerful.
Luckily we met neither of these teams during our first round.
Me and diana agreed that we love playing soccer under 0 pressure.
There is a vast difference playing a game for the love of it and
playing it for the trophy.
Of course you can play for the medal[JC league] and love it at the same time,
but you can't cast away the burden to not besmirch your school's reputation.
The thing about Diva La Futbol is that teams took part not for the top prize [no idea what it is] hence they were all smiley and friendly even when they lost.

We were full of gusto haha we won all three games.
Until we qualified the second round to play against Sajc.
Wa lau I can't stand some of them.
The bloody JC leaugue is over and we beat them fair and square in penalty shoot outs two months ago.
Why feel full of rancour against us?
And be so surly that they took it out on diana [sayang].
These kooks hurled barbs of ridicule at her claiming that she pushed their players.
Oh yeah right as if your players didn't shove us at all.
Trash talk queens.
That year 2 goalkeeper who missed the penalty kick
[=> cost SAJC entry into finals] was so amusing.
She badgered us to play a friendly penalty with them...
Siao. Who plays friendly penalties.?
Get over it and get a life okay.
She was cocksure of winning.
Claudia said, "Tell SA we'll play with them when France calls Italy for a rematch."
... Well put.
We respected them knowing that they're good, hitherto.
Whether it was luck or not, lose means lose,
unless you can turn back time and play us again...
but we would still have won. AAHAHAHAHA.
Anyways my team watched the other tj team play their match in the second round.
Unbelievably screwed up.
There were 3 teams in their group; TJ team 1, kit kats and saints, and they all tied with each other. It came to the point of penalties to see who'd emerge winner[only one grp would proceed to the next stage].

There you go. SA girls standing behind the net to taunt our girls who're going to shoot.

They moved away after the referee warned them.
It was made so complicated you wouldn't believe it.
It went SA vs TJ, SA vs Kitkats, TJ vs Kitkats, but the number of goals scored by each team always managed to tie.
Hence they did the SA vs TJ, SA vs Kitkats.. cycle over and over and over and over.

Didn't help that the referees were blur and confused.
Being decidedly jinxed, those still ended as a tie.
Oh my. They took like near to an hour to settle that.
In the end the team captains drew lots to decide their fates. Phew.
But the atmosphere was jocose because we found our favourite team called the kit kats. Those malay girls were sooo adorable and good-humored.

The good looking goalkeeper.

The whites are kit kats. =)
Rebecca my junior.

She's full of spunk even after missing so many penalties.
A sprightly character who doesn't bend under pressure. I like her.
I like claudia too. She's adroit and sharp. Lucky she didn't get into vj. =)
♥Bid Farewell
Thursday, July 13, 2006
"Remember Zidane for the magic"
- France striker David Trezeguet
♥Bid Farewell
Daniel Craig[Actor]:
Frequently plays as criminals, alcoholics, addicts, psychopaths, pedophiles, thieves, perverts and gigolos.
The shocking news is,
behold, this is James Bond No. 6.
Such a letdown.
Compare this ->

[James Bond No. 5: Pierce Brosnan]
And this ->

Daniel Craig. Holy Shit.
Boycott the movie when it comes out because that is NOT how a suave intelligent and sexy secret agent looks like.
If you ask me, the next 007 face should be something like this:

Zidane is hot. So hot.

Stop kissing your computer screen man.
Guan yin ma, strip Zidane if you want[oh yesss please], but don't strip him of his Golden Ball award.

He's bloody handsome, so stop teasing him about his hair.

Guess which is Zidane.
♥Bid Farewell
Sunday, July 09, 2006
I'm going to Yas's house tonight to watch the finals between Italy and France.
I knew it la.
Papa sayang me too much to say NO even though he's [still] not at ease.
♥Bid Farewell
Saturday, July 08, 2006
Letter To Mom
A mother passing by her daughter's bedroom was astonished to see the bed was nicely made and everything was picked up. Then she saw an envelope propped up prominently on the center of the bed. It was addressed, "Mom." With the worst premonition, she opened the envelope and read the letter with trembling hands:
Dear Mom:
It is with great regret and sorrow that I'm writing you. I had to elope with my new boyfriend because I wanted to avoid a scene with Dad and you. I've been finding real passion with Ahmed and he is so nice-even with all his piercings, tattoos, beard, and his motorcycle clothes. But it's not only the passion Mom, I'm pregnant and Ahmed said that we will be very happy. He already owns a trailer in the woods and has a stack of firewood for the whole winter. He wants to have many more children with me and that's now one of my dreams too. Ahmed taught me that marijuana doesn't really hurt anyone and we'll be growing it for us and trading it with his friends for all the cocaine and ecstasy we want. In the meantime, we'll pray that science will find a cure for AIDS so Ahmed can get better; he sure deserves it!! Don't worry Mom, I'm 15 years old now and I know how to take care of myself. Someday I'm sure we'll be back to visit so you can get to know your grand children.
Your daughter, Judith
PS: Mom, none of the above is true. I'm over at the neighbor's house. I just wanted to remind you that there are worse things in life than my report card that's in my desk center drawer. I love you! Call when it is safe for me to come home.
I showed this to my mum. Apparantly she doesn't appreciate the joke. I'll stick with telling her "Who ate nine? Seven! Because seven eight(ate) nine!"
This blog called Desperate Addict is so funny.
♥Bid Farewell
Being an elder sister = cannot argue when your parents reject your requests.
Besides that, there's no way you can say please mama please mama please mama to convince them[because you're not the youngest hence this doesn't work anymore].
Despite the fact that I'm ah wen, their most reliable and honest daughter, issues of my safety and virginity always nag at them when I ask to hang out with my soc girl friends.
Lacking guts to ask my papa face to face for permission, I smsed him.
Me: Papa can I watch the WC Finals at my soccer GIRL friend's house? My school starts at 12 pm the next day.
Papa: I disagree with you staying overnight outside. Unless your mama doesn't worry.
So i thought, great! now the only thing to do is to convince my mama.
then I kay po go and reply.
Me: Once in four years leh papa. I ask mama for permission later.
Papa: Be good and obey me. Dont put me in a difficult position.
I think that means no.
Shall ask again to confirm its a solid no.
♥Bid Farewell
Thursday, July 06, 2006
Super stingy TJ has suddenly changed into a holiday giving school.
There's half day tmr[school ends at 12noon] and
we're supposed to wear the jerseys of teams we support.
For me, of course its..
TJ soccer girls team la.
Who else.
Besides the half day tmr, our dear school starts at 1155 on monday
after the World Cup finals.
Yes, we love tj.
After which we have another full day off on 24 July in lieu of the
General Elections in May 2006.
Don't know why must there be a holiday for GE, but i'm not complaining.
So relaxing that almost makes people forget about their JCT marks.
Chem 27/100
Maths 51/100
Phy 48/100
E(X)= 42
Probability of getting A during prelims.
P(X > 75)= negligible.
♥Bid Farewell
Tuesday, July 04, 2006
I will get clobbered, stoned, flogged, burnt, skinned to death
if i said what i said to wei wei to you or you.
Because you and your network has perpetrated our everyday lives
its impossible and mighty annoying to not be able to block
out signs of your network's existence.
Who'd understand except weiwei.
You, you and you have sunk too deep.
And many more are going to plunge themselves into the abyss.
How can it be wrong when everybody believes it?
Maybe I should just join the crowd. No lah I won't nat will be disappointed in me.
If you have an inkling of what I was talking about,
no no no,
that was not it.
♥Bid Farewell
Monday, July 03, 2006
Everybody knows that chalet's not for sleeping,
which is why I find it pointless.
I sleep when people are playing mahjong and daidee or some poker game.
[I don't know how to play and I refuse to learn]
Then when people are still unconscious in the morning
me and weiwei and menny leave the bangalow to find the sun.
in vain.
At night when everybody's hyped up and preparing to watch
the Germany Argentina showdown
I was trying to catch some sleep upstairs so as to not fall asleep later.
You know the stupid ghosts stories they tell?
Suicide, murder or random spirits,
I don't believe those okay.
But sometimes you just can't help recalling the
gruesome scenes when you close your eyes.
The especially freaky ghost story that kept recurring in my mind
was the one about this man who checked into a hotel room
only to hear murmurs which the source was unknown.
Gradually this man began to decode the murmur and this was the message:
"I'm lying with you
back to back
heart to heart..."
Nonsense right?
Then he stripped the mattress cover to find a corpse.
How to sleep when you keep imagining that a corpse is sleeping under you?
I'm not scared okay..
I'm not a a sissy.
Anyway yas came to check on me when I was trying very hard to sleep.
Didn't work.
So I went to the staircase landing to sleep.
Right there where people will know if I died.
Then niying came to sleep with me because I looked lonely.
She's so nice.
The boys were
raping each other pillow fighting
in the room i think.
According to niying they made violent noises;
body slamming, feet stamping, etc.
Then a boy opened the door and tried to escape the others
pulled him back inside and slammed the door close again.
When I woke up I saw her sitting beside me with her legs propped up.
How to not wake up when they're making so much noise.
Anyway she's very sweet la.
Watch over me like that.
♥Bid Farewell
I tell you I will do badly for JCT.
I know you want to slap me because
I had the whole of June to study.
but its only Jct la no big deal.
The best part of the exams is when it ends and
you go to chalet to celebrate and then you see
soccer girls and you sleep with cissy boy... the same bangalow.
hahaha. sick.
It was quite fun la.
We played soccer and bowled and watched
Germany vs Argentina together.
btw, i'm supremely upset.
brazil's ousted from top 4 already la.
♥Bid Farewell