Wednesday, August 30, 2006
From the tone that he[the chem teacher who calls himself spiderman] asks me whether I'm doing my work, the contempt in the way he says, 'its no use to read your notes like a storybook.' and the way he encourages me, its an understatement to say that he dislikes me.
okay lo. Stop reading notes like its a storybook lo.
The footsie action under the table was too much and too distracting for somebody doing chem prelim papers to handle.
Dont be disgusting to think of it in a skewed way you'll find it kind of sweet.
School's ended and I miss my mates.
♥Bid Farewell
Tuesday, August 29, 2006

The 3 neo's angels behind.

Your econs droppers.
dOeS aNybOdy lIstEn tO oNg And LeOng's cOmMeRciAl adVeRtisEmEnt oN 98.7fM eVerY afternoOn? I cAn'T dO tHiS anImORe iTs tOo tEdiOus.
I was good last time typing big and small caps for every msn conversation, every sms, every note written in the textbooks. When I had my first motorola mobile all my smses sent were in CAPITAL LETTERS because I didn't know how to make them into small caps. Noob.
I couldn't find the information I needed from the handphone manual hence I always sounded ANGRY, AS THOUGH I WAS SHOUTING.
Anyway its the first time my email is being put to good use.
I'm waiting for my classmates to send me their summary on individual topics so that I can collate and mass distribute them to the whole class.
Yes I'm the GP rep, despite the failing grades, my powderful engrish,
lets not talk about that already..
I'm just a responsible person.

Don't ask what stacey's doing with my ear. Just.

Ain't it sweet of my class.?
Everybody's helping everyone out even though we're struggling ourselves.
You jealous right?
♥Bid Farewell
Sunday, August 27, 2006
My sister's laptop is hardly unlocked by the password so I must use it until she comes come. I understand why she locks it. This is a personal notebook blah blah but hey, I've got enough morals not to explore her files and everything. I just use the internet. Hence I'm not really invading anybody's privacy ya. Nothing confidential's seen.
Minister Teo Chee Hian came to my house just now. Cool ar.
My mother talked to him about the lights[lack of] along the pathway, how she missed the baby bonus for my brother, the high electricity bills for 11 residents in one unit, and so on. My mother's a very funny woman because she's not shy.
Mummy: You should build the new sports complex nearer to my house! because the human traffic is good as it is near the mrt station and it will be well received! Good good.
Mr Teo Chee Hian: But there'll be a problem that comes with high human traffic. You see there is insufficient parking lots to accomodate so many cars.
Mummy: hmm.. I'm not worried about that, you guys are fantastic at solving problems. =D
And he left. With 30 assistants and some reporters tagging behind him.
I managed to convince my brother that if he didn't take his afternoon nap I would sell him to Mr Teo for a discount.
♥Bid Farewell
Friday, August 25, 2006
My life is in a much more balanced state because
- I saw Qiuyi and huiyi yesterday
- Studied with weiwei this week
- This boy is talking to me again :) and it feels nice instead of shameful what's happened
- My class took so many photos wah I think can fill 100 of the big photo albums
- Had Pizza Hut with the class[so many were persuaded to join us] and it was fun. 13 went its more than half the class. Rare.
- Soccer soccer soccer. <3 I scored 5 i think but played cheat for 2 because I kept bullying song nian into passing the ball to me even though he's not my team.
- Saw my team mates its always lovely to meet them don't need to explain.
Last but not least its the freaking last day of school.
More sleep less school less neo's angels. LESS NEO'S ANGELS.
♥Bid Farewell
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
My auntie beckoned me to the window at the kitchen and she mouthed something so quickly I didn't catch it.
Then I heard the shrieks of a banshee reverberating from the 10th floor's kitchen directly below my unit.
I'm not KPO, just curious, like you because you're reading this.
So I opened the metal grills of the window and stretched out of the window as far as possible just enough to not topple and die.
Which was totally unneccesary because the woman[my neighbour] was loud and agitated.
"Idiot!" "Stupid idiot!" "Never seen such a stupid idiot before!" You get the idea.
I stood there for about 15 minutes and managed to filter out the curses and sobs of the maid[of course] and here's somewhat the story.
This poor thing forgot to serve sauce at dinner and didn't cook the fish long enough.
♥Bid Farewell
Friday, August 18, 2006
1. Say 'I don't know how to sing the song you are singing.'
2. Have no idea what the conversation is about.
3. Not know who is who is who.
In general, its the idea of saying 'I don't know' that sucks.
We dislike the stupid people, are scared of the intelligent people
and hate being mediocre.
♥Bid Farewell
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
at first when I see you cry
it makes me smile
yeah it makes me smile
at worst I feel bad for a while
but then I just smile
I go ahead and smile
♥Bid Farewell
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
My recent hardest effort at a good gp essay yielded a 27/50 pass.
wah lao.
You think I'm so going to do well right.
I'm not.
Screwed is the word.
HAHAHAHA. Screwed screwed screwed.
And its not going away man.
Its not that the public wants to condemn and look down on ITE kids you know.
That image can't be shed if some of these students keep acting like idiots who can't stop disturbing innocent bus passengers.
♥Bid Farewell