Monday, December 31, 2007
I look like a wreck.
Wanna see?
Come and visit me to experience the horrible stench emanating from the cast.
Just kidding.. The smell doesn't come from the cast it comes from the gangrene growing in me from rotting at home doing nothing except watching southpark.
It is becoming very itchy inside the cast.
I think when the cast is being removed the doctor will get a shock cus of the overgrowth of leg hair.
♥Bid Farewell
Sunday, December 30, 2007
My first day as a cripple sucked man.. I would like to list down the reasons why it sucked:
- It was fucking painful at the ankle
- I couldn’t walk
- No one was around in hall cus it was a Saturday and also there was Hall 6 games at NTU
- I suddenly realised that I couldn’t train for games and dance
- I didn’t know what was wrong because the swelling seemed to be abnormally huge
- No one was around

And the worse worse part was that I had to pee but I couldn’t fucking help myself to the bathroom. It was pathetic how I couldn’t even hold the walls and limp to the toilet cus the pain got worse after I bathed when I got back.
I didn’t know who to ask to bring me to the hospital cus my best friend was unavailable and no one was around! I know I repeated that many times but do you know how helpless I felt when I opened my door and there is silence? I couldn’t walk around to find people and didn’t know who to call.. Then finally I messaged christabelle to ask her if she knows who’s around or who has a car and to my disappointment she didn’t reply my sms.
I couldn’t hold my pee anymore so I took my chair and tried to use it as a walker to bring to the toilet. When I was in the cubicle contemplating drowning myself in the toilet I heard a girl calling my name. You have no idea the amount of relief I felt when I opened the cubicle door and saw xinying’s chio face and outstretched arms.
There were actually people around!
I am seriously very thankful that christabelle smsed Amanda to come and help me cus she herself was at NTU. Xinying helped me borrow someone’s crutches outside his door without his consent, but whatever, and Amanda went to look for people to see who has car.
In the end the two of them accompanied me in block e resident fellow’s car to NUH. Kind people, really. My sister and cousin took the train all the way from pasir ris to come and look for me la..
I thought I was going to die alone in C313.
I think the worse worse worse part about this episode is the feeling that nobody cared. And I hate the feeling of being dependent on other people and being so weak that people will see it as an obligation to help me when they don’t really care. I thought I could make my way to NUH on my own at first but apparently not.. couldn’t even go to the toilet la.
After my cast was fixed in NUH I rolled myself out of the room and I saw weiliang and wynne. Coincidentally weiliang hurt his ankle too during the Hall6 games and was sitting in the wheelchair.
It was such a sweet sight to see wynne fussing over weiliang.
♥Bid Farewell
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
A dose of cuteness...

♥Bid Farewell
This post is specially dedicated to kevin
the kai zi my best friend.
Jeslyn and I casually asked him out to spend christmas eve together maybe just chill out at swensens or somewhere and quietly count down just like every other year.
But this very very sweet boy went to plan out elaborately the celebrations for the night and blew us away with his thoughtfulness and dedication.
I feel like a leech la just attend the celebration don't need to pay at all and receive presents.
Kevin is really a very nice guy.
For more inquiries about this product please leave a message on the tag board.
Batteries not included.
Just kidding kevin is not a kai zi nor a toy.
Anyway we were chauffeured around by Kevin to Ma Maison at Bugis for dinner.

Hot dude and hot babe in the restaurant

We wanted to bring home santa and the house from the dish but sadly the waitress informed us that the little figurines will be reused for Christmas Day's dishes.
What a close shave, if we took the figurines we'd have ended the night in the police station for theft la.

Then dear kevin drove us to harbourfront to take cable car!

In the cable car.

In the nice toilet of Mount Faber.

How?! I'm really very touched la and I know jeslyn enjoyed herself very much too thanks to kevin's meticulous planning.
Anyway this post does not do justice to the effect of last night's events and presents..
I feel like cutting Kevin up into little pieces and sharing the goodness with all my friends.
Meerrryyyy Chhhrriiissstttmmmaasss my friends. =)
Love you all
♥Bid Farewell
Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Its quite a nice place to work at.
♥Bid Farewell
Monday, December 17, 2007
I don't know if I've shown these photos before.. but since I'm feeling quite happy about shopping and going out and the company was quite good in an irritating way, I'll put up some random photos.
Soccer outing/val and my birthday celebration

Lugay, qianwen, val, simin and wan fong.

Diana and gay lugay. Don't ask me why lugay's feeling this way.

Diana, qianwen, val, simin and wanfong and lujia.

Toasted cookie missing one eye. yum

Salad from cafe cartel yesterday.

This is a whole chicken from Sheares Hall.
You can't really tell how big it is from this photo but I can tell you it can feed a family for a week.
My friend attempted to finish one whole chicken by himself at 1am in the morning.
Weird la.

For those who know about 2 girls 1 cup.
Things in my Room

Huishan's barbie doll

Cute socks! and cute shoes and cute cows that produce good milk.

Me also la
Random Photos:

Years old.

Standing pens up during lecture.

Susan the hot babe.

Hot dude.

Future hot dude.
♥Bid Farewell
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Q: I'm going for soccer training now but I only have 1 ankle guard and 2 sprain-prone ankles. Should I put it on the left or right ankle?
Ans: You should but it on the left. Because if you suay suay sprained the left ankle you'll have nothing left.
That's damn tragic if it happens.
Advice courtesy of the 3rd roomie.
♥Bid Farewell
Friday, December 14, 2007
Today I tried to get to make myself as available as possible to the nursing aides so that I can get a chance to shower the patients and get a signature on my checklist for a pass.
Sadly today I was assigned to the male ward to help out.
I'm not embarrassed or what to see the male anatomy la its just that I'm less familiar with how to clean it and I'm feeling bad that the conscious patients might be embarrassed about being showered by this noob young girl.
Anyway I helped to soap the patients and flip them left and right whenever required.
So, officially I cannot get the signature on my checklist yet as I was not the person initiating the steps during cleaning procedure.
Enough about the checklist.
Most of the patients are really emaciated can see the shape of the bones and ribs and its really quite disturbing when you can see how skinny the pelvic areas are under the big diapers.

Buttocks are supposed to be round and fleshy, not pointy.
The sensation of soaping these skinny bodies is really weird.
Even though the body is hard because there's no flesh you know how fragile these bodies are and I don't dare to use too much force.
One thing I noticed is how difficult it is to wash the patients' armpits.
Now take a look at your own armpit (remove hair for clearer view if appropriate)
Imagine your armpit without all the flesh.
It will become a deep hollow la.
If the patient had armpit hair 10cm long you won't even know of its presence cus it is so deeeeepppp..
I was trying to help the patient wash his armpit and I had this revelation that my fingers are too short to reach it.
If I stretched with all my might, I will end up tickling him with my fingertips.
haha so I sprayed it with water only.
Enough about armpit lets talk about shit a.k.a feces a.k.a stool.
In the hospital you don't go, "the patient shitted come and change his diapers!" because its too rude la huh.
Another thing is that I realized that I have been using wrong expressions my entire life!
Of the few vocabulary I have my favorite one is "xxx like shit la.." for example "I feel like shit" or "The food is like shit" or "I played like shit" or "This post is like shit" etc etc.
I enjoy using this phrase so much that I use it indiscriminately referring anything mildly unpleasing to be like shit.
So when the patients defecate in their diapers and the smell hangs in the air like invisible smog, I think to myself, "Smells like shit la.." and it is exactly apt for the first time of the billion times I've said it.
From now onwards I shall ration the use of this expression "like shit" unless absolutely necessary because.. its hard to explain.. you need to touch shit 10 times a day to be able to understand what shit really means.
If you have diarrhea and shit ten times it is not counted, it must be shit of strangers.
If you think that I'm going to stop this shitty post here you are wrong.
Shit is so fascinating! You can do lots of things with it! Remember
[I was just google-ing for pictures of shit and this link came up:
This site is selling shit and you can bid for it. ]
Okay end of shitty post.
♥Bid Farewell
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Stop raining pleaseee.
After meeting the soccer girls last saturday the urge to play soccer with them is at its highest intensity now.
Lugay is supposed to organize the outing on Sunday but this very busy law girl hasn't smsed me yet.
I think in our little clique [the few people who turn up for gatherings] everyone is significant, like, the gathering seems incomplete without that one person when she doesn't turn up.
Lugay is very important because she facilitates the gay conversations and frequently make gay comments.
Simin will complement her by making extremely inappropriate footnotes and add on to make the situation which the conversation is about seem more disastrous than it already is.
Val is very important too!
Cus when you are in a zone-out mode and not listening to the conversation, you can choose to tune in only on the interesting bits by looking at Val's expressions.
Her eyes are the best indicators.
Sheryl is the moderator when the conversation becomes too exaggerated and Lugay and Simin get too agitated.
She dawns the truth on all of us.
Wanfong is the gossiper. haha just kidding.
Diana: my best entertainer who keeps exposing me by accusing me (openly) that I'm oogling at her.
And yasmin for her jokes.. but she hasn't been turning up for our gatherings..
I can't wait for the next time we can get everyone to come down to the court to play together.
♥Bid Farewell
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
I need to
- correct my latecoming habit.
- control my wrinkling nose when I smell pang sai
- control the 'you poor thing' face
- quit watching hospital related horror movies
- walk faster
- move faster
- dig my ears cus I freaking can't hear the diastole and systole of the blood pressure!!!
Somemore their pulse is so weak and soft it doesn't help that I'm kind of deaf...
Shit.. And deafness can't be cured it can only be lessened by using hearing aide.
Friends of qianwen: Please take care of your bodies now when you're young and able because you don't want your body to be ravaged by debilitating diseases when you're old.
The patients gasp for every breath of air and their respiration is extremely irregular.
I was counting the respiratory rate of one particular patient who's perpetually asleep just now and it suddenly stopped for about 5 seconds before regaining the original nonrhythmic rise and fall.
I had the shock of my life la I thought the patient was leaving.
I know that at the back of my mind i felt a sense of release for the patient for that brief 5 secs because I thought it was the end of her suffering there and then.
♥Bid Farewell
I'm thinking of turning vegetarian.
Meat does not look as appetizing to me as before ever since I started my attachment in the hospital yesterday.
The clinical instructor was showing my classmates and I a few pictures of pressure ulcers turned bad and open wounds that are not healing.
They look really bad, one of them especially, because it is gaping at the stump and you can see clearly the bone and muscles.
The clinical instructor had to add enthusiastically that the muscles look like ti bak (pork meat).
Ever since that picture was shown I stopped eating meat if I had a choice and I have a queasy feeling when I consume pieces of minced meat that are mixed among my vegetables.
I wonder when is the day that I will feel carnivorous again.
Anyway I do not recommend that you search for pictures regarding pressure ulcers if you love your meat.
I feel really good about work today because a lot of my doubts have been resolved.
I always wondered if I seriously had the stomach to be a nurse.
After today, my conviction to want to be a nurse is increased telling from the amount of satisfaction I get from helping the patients.
It is very uplifting to be able to talk to patients and feed them food and help them change their diapers and shift them around in bed to make them comfortable etc..
Do you understand what I am saying?
Even thought they might not be responsive or aware of the environment or whatever we're doing to them the satisfaction of being able to help others is sooo.. relieving.
I sound Very Gay.
♥Bid Farewell