Thursday, February 28, 2008
If I were at home I only have to turn my head for my hair to whip someone.
There is always someone to talk to and share jokes with at home and even when they are all asleep there is the always dependable TV to entertain me.
Here I am alone in my room in hall with my laptop where it is supposedly conducive to studying but it is also a freakily lonely place.
Even as msn conversations are blinking away on my desktop nothing can mask this shroud of desolation.
I used to have this same nightmare about my house catching fire when I was a kid and it aroused the worst fears for me.
This damned blazing fire didn't ever happen in the dream.
The scary part which stressed me out was
who was going to save us all.
It was the point in time in my childhood when I suddenly realized that our parents are not indestructible and they are mere mortals.
When that dawned upon me I was overcomed by fear because there was no one to depend on if a fire were to happen; my dad could not possibly save all 10 of us and our cosy home.
That period, together with the nightmare, I grew up learning that my parents could not protect me forever.
I learnt that one day I would have to work and support myself.
I learnt that I had to handle problems myself.
This feeling of being entrusted upon responsibilities is scary, it is called growing up.
I'm feeling cold.
[not saying that i am very grown up la..]
♥Bid Farewell
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Oops its Tuesday already..
Breathe In Breath Out
breathe in breathe out
breathe in breathe out
1 Geography Essay what the hell I have no idea what is the title and the date due,
1 Nursing Care Plan,
1 Therapeutic Communication Essay worth a huge ass percentage..
Nursing Orientation Camp matrices..
Oh man this thursday I'll be having my doc's appointment and will be helping out at the TH dance productions on both Thurs and Fri shit die already
♥Bid Farewell
Saturday, February 23, 2008

Alicia my cutie pie.
hello whassup IHG is finally over TH lost the championship this year everyone who went to watch the track event was visibly disappointed.
It even started to rain to make the atmosphere gloomier than ever when the lag in the number of points behind EH has become too great for us to catch up to win the event and win the overall championships for IHG.

The enthu nurses.

Alicia (chicken in mouth) and Christabelle.
Its so sad I didn't get to play any games for my hall this year because I am a loser who fractured my leg after consistently attending the trainings and just before the games started. :(
can't dance can't play can't walk life sucks.
I went to watch some of the matches and had quite a bit of shock at how the IHG officials work.
At this one volleyball match I watched this guy kept flipping sheares' score chart when it was obviously scored by our side.
My ankle has started to swell uncontrollably it is huge now!
Does a bigger ankle mean that I can run faster and kick further when I recover?
We always idolize the big don't we?

Testosterone charged muscular bodies..

Sexy curvy big errr.. (*^.^*)

Big eyes are chio!
Last but not least of my nonsense examples, even big humps are good!

Big humps for more storage of water for times in need..
But then again, is big really good?
Bigger brains usually mean higher intelligence but intelligent talented people always die young.
Big breasts => those lumps might be breast cancer.

Big muscles are not so nice anymore when they succumb to gravity.

There, big eyes.
Caused by thyroid disease.

Hunchback of the Noitre Dame with big hump on his back.
Some people wish for a smaller waist I wish for a smaller ankle.
And my face looks like it got chewed by a fish.
♥Bid Farewell
Friday, February 22, 2008

Nat and I practising smoking with chopsticks Susan gave me.

I think we better not.
♥Bid Farewell
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Watching them dance makes me realise how much I'm missing out.
Why do I have to fucking fall all the time before a performance
♥Bid Farewell
Sunday, February 17, 2008
I was reading Susan's smses - yes I am very kaypo, got that from kevin - and there were so many messages from her boyfriend.
It was all over the place la.
"Dear where are you?"
"I miss you. Goodnight"
"Love you."
Jolts my memory of what it was like to have a boyfriend la.
I felt damn sad but couldn't stop myself from opening her messages of mundane everyday stuff but they were just bursting with love!
Got damn high [and sad, duh] from seeing how in love this couple was.
I explained this to susan and she immediately took my phone and did something to it.
So the past few days I had been receiving love messages from Dear too.
"Dear I go sleep le. Goodnight. I love u :)"
"Muack. Love u"
She changed her name in my handphone to "Dear" and started becoming my boyfriend.
We're together now.
She has a boyfriend now but its totally ok because he is only free for her on weekends when he comes out from the army.
Someone doesn't care batshit about his girlfriend's family.
If you are bringing your girlfriend out until wee hours in the morning, then it is not only your business because at home her sisters are worried about her, staying up to open the door for her and her dad is probably driving around the area waiting to fetch her home.
While the two of you are having fun and making out.
Nobody else's feelings matters when you're in love right?
The world revolves around you right?
You'll probably tell me yes.
♥Bid Farewell
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Valentine's week!As if I should get overly excited simply cus I'm single but Vday 2008 turned out to be one of the most hectic and time-consuming one of my life.
Because the Kaypo TH nurses agreed to make some cards for our common friends in Hall.
We were asking for it.
We made a total of about 40 cards it almost killed us.
Not only did we have to write messages inside the card, we had to paste chocolates inside them and send them to the recipients.
The original list of recipients was hell long, but we were forced to vet it again and again to cancel people out so that we actually don't die at the end of it.

Gerry's unglam photo.

Alicia the hardworking girl.. She draws really nice cards!

Alicia sleeping on the floor in the background at about 5am in the morning.
Really, we were practically looking for shit to do la..

It may not look like a lot of work, but trust me, we will not do this next year even if you threaten to drain all the blood from micheal..

He was actually donating blood for his
breast best friend.

As you can tell,
breast best friend is really sick, he's even on an IV drip. Poor thing

This is susan the lecher who's enthusiastically snapping away for naked pictures of
breast best friend. No wonder we click so well.
Back to the card making session..

Nice? These cards are made by Alicia.
Except the moon and stars one in the back ground, that one is my doing.

This is by Pamela. She had nothing better to do and felt like making cards so she joined in.
It is beautiful.

Another nice card by alicia, the green beng looking one is mine.

The card on the left is by yours sincerely, presenting the pig in the keyhole.
I got my inspiration from Alice in Wonderland. See the alikeness?
The ugly one on the right is also mine.
You haven't seen the best yet..

The nurses couldn't stop laughing at this.
Pamela couldn't believe that a human drew this.
Do you know how hurting it is?
She tried to salvage the card by adding a speech bubble which says,
"I'm a freak, but I still love you!"
It didn't make any sense so she changed "I'm" to "you're".

The bear is cute! Made by Pamela.
Actually I don't only limit myself to retarded looking cards, sometimes I draw decent stuff too.

I know its unbelievable but i drew that!
Speaking of art and craft..
Natasha's card is some high maintenance stuff la.

I have to periodically paste the flowers back, tiring!

We went out on Vday for dinner at China Town.
LaoYuSheng Day

Whats the joke?

Is this what you're laughing at? Two people acting coy simultaneously?
You guys are lucky if you get to see this rare picture before the protagonist[the protagonist loves using this word.] forces me to take this down from the blog.
I think the highlight of the week is that.. I received a free Camelbak water bottle!

I answered a question and got a free bottle. Sounds like a good deal!
Cheers you all.
♥Bid Farewell
Monday, February 11, 2008
Happy New Year!
Happy New Ear!
How is it working for you?
Laugh if you understand the joke.
It had been a really long and relaxing weekend!
I think Chinese New Year's holidays are one of the bestest..
We just sit around people's houses, eat CNY goodies and collect h$o$n$gb$aO$ssss.
And there's absolutely no homework to complete during these 4 days of slacking..
Last Tuesday some strange things happened in my room in the hostel..
I was trying to sleep with Susan when someone barged in and tried to take pictures of us.

Just look at Susan's innocent sleeping face. So cute right?
I think I look like a lecherous pedophile.
Then at night Derwin the strange tried to barricade C313.
At first he used the rope to tie the door to the railing, but he forgot that qianwen the lame is very muscular now from all the 'crutching' I do.
Breaking the rope using my arm power was chicken feed to me.
After several tries he gave up and turned to using my crutches to block the door.

I felt really bad that I couldn't provide him entertainment by screaming or acting flustered which is the least I could do for the effort he is putting in to prank me.
I appreciate his efforts to do this for me even though it was no special occasion..

Gerry's toes behind the chair.
Reunion Dinner

We had reunion dinner part 2 outside our house where the neighbours could see us.
Look at my well decorated house with the red red lanterns and couplets.
Obiang until got seh.

In my aunty's house during first day of CNY with chio sister.

I asked my sis to emulate mingcheng's nonsensical face, but failed la, we still look normal.

We were trying to balance the crutches to stand on its own.
We were really bored.

The nurses came over to bai nian.

♥Bid Farewell