Tuesday, September 23, 2008
I don't know if you guys have been faithfully doing your duty stalking me on facebook but if u haven't, its time to do so!
I have been tagged at such a high rate (hahaha, mostly by myself though..) that I need to keep going online to check if there are unglam photos like these:

which I have to quickly do damage control by un-tagging myself immediately.
I can finally sleep deeply and peacefully at night, come to think of it, I can't seem to stay awake for more than 6 hours straight in the day time...
I'm living a sedentary lifestyle of sleep-eat-sleep-eat-sleep cycle.
That lifestyle will undeniably lead to weight gain but to hell with it la.. so long as I'm not wearing any more flesh revealing clothes.
I was searching for a photo which I don't look like bleah.. but don't have.

I'm the one with shiny legs cus I wore stockings.

Tearing off our clothes.
If you can't locate me, I'm the tall slim one right in the centre, definitely not the 2nd from left.

What is left over from this dance competition for us are merely photographs and memories.
I believe self-psychoing works; you can keep telling yourself it was a good performance (even though it might not be), all of us did our best and that will be the memory you return to to reminisce in the future.
Because I can never see myself dance live, and it is infinitely different dancing to yourself in front of the mirror, I can never know how well, or badly I dance, how infective I am or energetic or plain lousy I am.
Performers therefore depend mostly on the audiences' testimonials.
So you guys know exactly what to say after watching a performance now..
List of other activities over the past month or 2:

Played table tennis with Cherlynn the cutie.

Played soccer for Inter-faculty games with some medicine girls.

Kissed michelle

Learnt how to spin the disc with my cool friends in the computer lab.

And ate a lot of course.
Sorry Hong! I didn't send u off at the airport...
Enjoy urself in Taiwan! :)
6. Of course, there was TH DnD 08..

8. How can I forget about meeting up with good friends like Nat and bee and Loke to chill and slack around..
I have no mood to continue this already..
The above passage about wanting to hear good things only after a performance is just nonsense.
How can one improve if he does not want to listen to other people's honest opinions?
There is no point in self-deluding unless you are very much into instant gratifications this sort of things..
But I know of some people who appear to be receptive to opinions, always asking for feedback so as to improve themselves.
The thing is these people hear but don't listen, they are aware of the mistakes but just can't stop repeating them, and when you point it out to them they have a way of giving excuses that their consciences can accept.
Some things never change.
♥Bid Farewell
Friday, September 19, 2008
The weather is unbearable.
It is 5.45 am and I can't sleep.
Essay to hand in in 6 hours and 15 mins.
0 words out of 500 words written.
Today is my birthday!
Thanks for all the good wishes..
If anybody could grant me a wish, I hope to remain intact (no broken bones, torn ligaments, sprains etc) and healthy the whole year..
At least until all the performances and competitions ended for the semester.
Please let it be so.
♥Bid Farewell
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Jeslyn thinks this is funny. watch leh.
♥Bid Farewell
omg I'm so freaking distracted now a lot of things going on at the same time I can't even think about anything properly without getting distracted.
i'm really sorry for not replying sms-es or answering calls or replying msn messages or getting in touch I'll come back after this friday I promise.
♥Bid Farewell
Thursday, September 04, 2008
I have been staring at the Microsoft Word screen for more than half an hour willing the film and history essay to appear magically but nothing is happening yet.
Will the stupid cursor stop blinking on the lonely empty page..
Its stressing me out.
♥Bid Farewell
Wednesday, September 03, 2008
I love positive people.
People like the IFG medicine soccer captain who assumes that we're going to the semi-finals even before we can get the team together.
I think that these people have a special aura about them, something special that infuses surrounding people with hope, resurrecting wilting flowers and dying birds with their joyful gait.
I realised that it doesn't matter if we are going to win the cup or lose every single game on the actual day.
What matters is the spirit among teammates while preparing for it.
If some infectious person is able to say out loud confidently that they are going to win, everybody else will gain that extra little motivation to train harder, to go for that 2 hours kickabout, however short the duration may be. And we'll have a lot of fun. :)
In contrast, people diagnosed with Attitude Problems (AP) are not going to go far.
The presences will pull everybody's moods to such a low realm they never knew before.
AP-ers like to inject a few sentences of negative comments in front of the whole group during discussions to slow down the pace of the meetings; appear extremely pissed off in response to whatever the leader says, and when asked what they think should be done, they say, "never mind la, whatever. " and start murmuring negative comments to fellow teammates.
Here is my own AP test. Answer Yes/No to the following questions:
1. Was your first response to this test something along the lines of "I just want to see pictures type so many words for what my eyes are very tired you know still want me to do what AP test.."
2. You are late for classes or practices frequently without any reason.
3. Your clique is exclusive because you think that other people are too boring/stupid/not cool enough for you.
4. You think that you can't get (insert skill e.g. dance, cooking, maths) right only because the teacher/classroom/music/partner is damn lousy.
5. You have an urge to rebut every single decision the leader makes but can't come up with better ideas yourself.
6. You say things like, " huh cannot be done la" or "its not like that" even before you have tried.
7. You give unconstructive criticisms that hurt people.
8. You think that the group can't do without you and you threaten to leave once in a while but deep inside you know you won't even if asked to.
9. You think you are hotter than steamboat soap.
10. You think this post is lame.
If you have more than 5 yes-es then I have to tell you this now:
Nobody enjoys working with you.
Sad But True.
These people are annoying at best and destructive at worst.
Because they are part of the team, it is not possible to just ignore their presence (so sad)..
I'd like to think that this is a democratic world so if AP-ers are just going to be negative and be a resident mood-spoiler why don't the AP-ers just quit and make themselves and everybody else happier?
I realised that these people hang around because they thrive on spoiling the atmosphere.
For they get a kick out of making things difficult as it shows that they can make a difference to the group; they'll never leave..
Can we have more smiley and pleasant people in the world (in my world, at least) please?
♥Bid Farewell