Friday, October 31, 2008
Susan the babe just cracks me up.
Trying to rub a hole through j!'s wall with my thumb is also strangely amusing too.
j! has a really cute neighbour, and if I do succeed making a hole in the wall I can totally see what he's doing all the time! and I can slot notes through the hole to him! and poke my finger through it when he's leaning against the wall!
Anyway, I just can't say how much I appreciate these people whom I can click with..
its so hard to find them with all the eccentricities I carry around.
♥Bid Farewell
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Have I mentioned how cool Jeslyn is?
I mean, everybody already knows she is cool, some say she is hot, I say she's a definite head-turner..
But did you know she could sing really well too?

All of us were drenched from standing in the rain because the event, aptly named
Chillout, was an 'outdoor, chill out' kind of event.
The audience was willing la, of course, to listen to the sweet singing..
Check out the fans.

I think to be a cool person one has to have cool friends too.

I know, weird right?

Cool cake for the cool girl.. So bumpy!

The cool mom.

Cool roommate.

Cool Doctors.
Happy Birthday Jes!
You're a great roommate. :)
Blast Anni Chalet

Linda.. Melts.
♥Bid Farewell
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
I met up with Nat today to go for lunch at Vivo before rushing back to school for lecture.
It was a very satisfying lunch and I really like how I have friends like Nat who are so garang.
And the fact that even though we haven't met up for very long when we do meet up there is no sense of distance.
That is my kind of friend.
I think these kind of friends are like family.
There is no need to see them every single day but you know that they are just a phone call away.
There is no need to call home every single day but you could send your love through sms, which does not pressure that recipient to reply.
Even if the message has not been replied there will be no hard feelings because there is no suspicion that the other person is being a mean bitch and ignoring you on purpose.
Yup and my super sweet younger sister just sent me a miss-you sms..
omg I wanna go home this weekend and laze there instead of in hostel.
Huiyi is another one of my favourite meet once every half a year friend.
Oh man I miss you already. :)
♥Bid Farewell
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Teman saya, Mbak Susan orangnya cantik, langsing dan tinggi. Rambutnya pendek dan lurus. Susan teman baik saya karena orangnya Sweetheart.
♥Bid Farewell
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Some uncivilised idiot seems to not know how to use the toilet bowl.
I think that the modern sitting flushing toilet bowl has revolutionized quite a lot since the shit-in-the-hole-you-dig-in-the-ground days (then again, some army boys are still doing it at outfield camps..).

I never thought that the modern toilet bowl would be too hard to use.
Basically you just need to sit on it and do whatever..
But some people just don't get it.

Here is Susan, pretty right...
Oops I don't mean anything when I insert her photo in the middle of this sensitive topic, was just thinking about her... :)
She is a super considerate toilet user.
Anyway, back to the topic.

Tell me the one word that comes to your mind when this is the sight that greets you early in the morning.
Fucked up right..
I mean fucked-up <- one word.
I hope that girl who pees on everywhere except the correct place grows a penis.
Only then can she aim properly.
What a vulgar post.
♥Bid Farewell
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Do you feel like you can't blog what you really think about things that are happening to
yourself because there are so many close friends reading this and the events that are happening are related to them in some way..
I read somewhere that Best Friends do not tell the absolute-est naked-est truth to each other if they still wanted to be Best Friends forever.
Best Friends accept tics and weird habits and cranky personalities wholesale and do not hurt them by telling them things they can't help being.
But the thing is, even so, sometimes friends can do things or act in ways which you do not like, I'm saying do not like - but can still accept and live with it.
Being human, we're bound to feel irritation followed by angst at ourselves for being irritated at friends we love.
Sometimes I would really like to blog about this irritating act, its totally about the act, not the person.
But the thought of having explain myself and defend myself to over-sensitive friends turns me off.
Disclaimer: This post is not about anybody please don't come and accuse me of accusing you to be an over-sensitive friend.
If you really do that, then you are going to prove yourself to be an over-sensitive friend.
♥Bid Farewell
Thursday, October 16, 2008
I'm busy.
Every morning the moment I open my eyes I hold my breath in anticipation of the relentless timetable and workload and committment that I signed up for.
It is dreadful to wake up feeling the spilled over lethargy from the previous day's activities which sleep didn't quite manage to compensate for.
Every single day I force myself to get out of bed because I know that if I start to skip lecture its just going to start a horrible downward spiral and I will stop doing work and being responsible for my life.
And the motivation to drag myself up is the thought of my fruit cake served in the communal hall at breakfast. I know.. Thats totally attractive.
Of course besides the breakfast another motivation would be seeing my nurses at the bustop and going to school together. Not to forget about Susan.
A few days ago we were in a lift together and we were doing what we always do in lifts: eavesdropping on other people's conversation.
This guy was telling his other friend that some people complained that the exam paper was marked unfairly and therefore everything was re-marked.
He joyfully added, "After remarking hor, my paper added
one mark leh!
But I still failed."
At this point Susan could no longer contain her laughter which was threatening to burst her lungs.
She cleverly turned to look and me and accused, quite loudly, "Oei why you laughing?"
And started laughing openly.
I didn't like being maligned about laughing at his failed paper, so I quickly pointed to the lift and made up some nonsense,
"Oh.. Look at the sign! It says that the lift can take a maximum of 2567kg and 32 people.
Ha ha. Isn't that funny?"
Dear Susan, thanks for trying to sabo me.
Anyway, just now I was walking along the corridor in my hall (i stay on the fourth floor), when I heard some exchanges of goodbye from the people living downstairs from my block.
Girl from 2nd floor: (saying to her neighbour) bye!
Guy from 3rd floor: (replying because he is KPO or extremely bored) Bye!
Girl from 2nd floor: (to the random voice) Bye!
The guy and girl continued saying bye to each other for another 4 times and I decided to join in.
Me: Bye!
Girl from 2nd floor: Bye!
Guy from 3rd floor: Bye!
Girl from 2nd floor: Bye!
Then I heard another guy's voice joining in. "Bye!"
Okay just picture this:
5 idiots who can't see each other shouting "bye" while standing at the corridor.
Then came the climax.
The guy who joined in the lastest shouted: "chee!" in the most nonchalant voice I have ever heard.
Thus ended the "bye" exchange.
Moments like these help me get through the day.
♥Bid Farewell
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Sleeping too little makes me jittery
♥Bid Farewell
Saturday, October 11, 2008
She was sent in for emergency treatment yesterday morning.
I should have been more alert, I shouldn't have ignored the ubiquitous signs and calls for attention.
I regret not taking action earlier to prevent the defect from bringing the whole system down.
I panicked, I didn't know what to do..
What was going to happen to my case study report which I didn't back up from my laptop?
It was due on monday, the com crashed on friday morning, so how was I supposed to finish this crucial report which was 40% of the finial assessment on time?
I immediately brought my lappie to the IT Co-op in science after seeking advice from Susan, the
pig prettiest girl in the world.
After the IBM engineer promised to check my hard disk for me and retrieve the data, I left for lessons.
At the bus stop I started to think about all the precious photos and videos that I might lose IF the hard disk failed me. And of course also the case study report la.
But most of the tears shed stemmed from the thought of all the bad things that happened to me, eg. failing skills assessment, having bad knees and ankles and then this.
Why me? I didn't surf no porn sites, I didn't download songs or videos illegally.
The only things I do with my com are MSN, facebook, read email and newspaper articles from CNN website (just kidding, this is to act intelligent only).
Anyway, while I was wallowing in self-pity (if I could turn back time, I would march up to the crying me at the bus stop and give myself a slap and tell me, "wake up your idea!") Loke called. Being the most sympathetic (handsome, eloquent, intelligent, selfless, single.. the list goes on. Contact me for more details) guy friend I have he understood my situation and
offered to lend his laptop to me over the weekend.He saved the damsel in distress. He saved his tutorial or work he needed to do into a thumbdrive and lent me his laptop.
Lent me his laptop.
Lent me his laptop.
Lent me his laptop.
Lent me his laptop.
Lent me his laptop.
Lent me his laptop.
Pardon me, I was trying to let the idea resonate in your head.
Would you do it for your friend?
I mean, if you could, would you lend your friend your laptop?
The laptop which is almost like your girlfriend whom you caress everyday,
also like your closest best friend with whom you share intimate thoughts and confidential information with,
also like your laptop, which use to play diving games on MSN with boys (hor, Jeslyn). hahahahhahhaha
I duno, I think that very few people will actually do it.
Loke says that this is the time to test all your friends.
That is evil! I hate the thought of using situations like these to 'test' your friends.
Because I think that
1. nobody is actually obliged to help anybody (this is precisely the reason for the test I know)
2. and sometimes situations don't allow your friends to help you - for example they are not around or they have the same need for the thing that you need
3. I reprimanding (fuck is now called reprimand according to SueJean, Michelle and Belly because fuck is too coarse. and I have typed the word twice.) hate the idea of using people to do things you can do yourself.
Just let me say my thanks to Susan (the
pig pretty girl), Yuting, Gerry, Alicia, Jinyi, Lujia (she prayed for me) who offered emotional support when I was overreacting,
to Yiling, who lent me her external harddisk for the data recovery which didn't happen because my harddisk was too badly damaged,
to Yan Kai, who tried to use his
Computing prowess to figure out why Loke's laptop can't connect to my hall's internet,
to Johnson, the
most dependable problem solver, who lent me his router for wireless internet connection.
[I mean it when I say that. I think Johnson gets a kick out of solving my ridiculous challenges.
I remember asking him to peel the skin of the orange (not the mandarin orange, that will be too easy), take out the fruit, and reassemble the skin such that it looks as good as new.
When I challenge people to do ridiculous things, normal people will react by laughing and think in their head 'she's siao', but not Johnson.
He takes my challenges seriously.
And of course the empty orange peel faked a few people to think that the fruit was still there..
Good job la. ]
And lastly, thanks to Mdm Liaw who replied, "You must be devastated." when I emailed her asking for an extension of dateline/deadline for my report.
Yuting says to not think that good things never happen to us, because good things happens in ways that we might not be able to see and touch, but there are lots of good things!
Susan also said that we always 'gian' (<-hokkien word for 'lust after' in my translation) other people's things which we don't have.. which makes us oblivious and take blessings for granted.
My pretty girl's sms:
"Remember, if u feel like the world stinks now, at least u hav a family that loves u, friends who treat u good, scholarship, can dance so well and play sports..."
To which I replied, Like that only ar? No wonder I'm so sad.
hahhaha of course I am kidding, duh.
I am aware that I overreacted ungracefully to this com crash saga but you can forgive a girl who is menstruating, right?
Ultimately I knew that things always work out in the end.
♥Bid Farewell
Saturday, October 04, 2008
So overruled by emotions that objective thought can't take place anymore.
Stop thinking.
♥Bid Farewell