Tuesday, August 25, 2009
the weather is so nice we deserve to be given the option to sleep in or to go for class.
♥Bid Farewell
Friday, August 21, 2009
I was telling Cal the other day to not bother giving me a surprise birthday party. (my birthday is on 19 September. :D )
Of course I would appreciate the effort very much but I would be obliged to BE surprised just imagine how cruel would it be to say ‘I KNEW SOMETHING WAS GOING ON’. I would definitely know something is going on because realistically it is impossible to divert my attention so much that I forget my own birthday…
So I jokingly told him to forget about giving me a surprise surprise because I am so going to smell a rat when he’s up to something.. unless he holds my surprise birthday party ONE MONTH before the real thing.
Guess what happened on the 19 August?

I got a surprise birthday.. surprise! haha
That day I was really shocked to enter the room to find it dark and when I was trying to figure out what the hell happened to the lights I heard Cute Cal singing birthday song to me.
Then he walked out from behind the cupboard door with a slice of lit (i almost spelt 'litted') apple crumble cheesecake - YUM -

There was even a present on it!
Tell me how ridiculously sweet this is.
I always thought such things couldn't possibly happen to me cus I am so unromantic and wet blanket-y...
haha but oh wells. I guess I am getting lucky. :)
Labels: sweet
♥Bid Farewell
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
I feel that this semester will be great cus we had such a good start for our lessons..
Our lecturers are great (this sem) they are inspiring and they make lectures so interesting.
I think that being in nursing allows us really helps to put a lot of things in perspective.
When I hear stories about disasters and losing loved ones it still makes me scringe cus I realise once again how fragile life is...
So I should waste little time being upset with loved ones and waste less effort fretting over minor minor things like breakouts...
BOOOOO~ Looking at this picture makes me upset all over again.
I feel like slapping the pimples. Sigh.
Also, waste lesser effort to mope about putting on weight.
At least I have food to eat, right?
The other day I was feeling crappy to the max (i'm having my menses now by the way) and being very smelly-faced and quiet and basically being awful company to Cal.
He forced me to go shower - take a loooong sloooowww shower - and said that it would make me feel better.
If I were Cal and my QW was behaving this way, instead of asking her to take a shower I would definitely grab her hair and ask her to wake up her idea, yup.
Anyway so I grouchily went to take a shower.
When I came back this was on the table.
You know someone really likes you when you are a whiny (and not physically appealing and annoying and all things crappy) toad and that someone still sticks around and tries to cheer you up.
I really like that someone back. :)
♥Bid Farewell
Monday, August 03, 2009
Conventus (our school's own nursing day celebrations)

This is what I call a Dream Cast.
To squeeze a 20minute worth of musical into 2 weeks of rehearsals was no easy feat.
We had to LEARN the dance, memorize our lines and refine the details for example, the music, the lights, the mikes, the props, the jokes etc, all within 2 weeks (n we don't work on weekends) => long hours daily => freaking tiring.
We show our tired faces such as this seen below to Ling.

And beg her to give us breaks and let us go off earlier. Poor Ling! Sorry you had to be the target of all the whining and complaining... Hope you don't mind. Do know that we love you. :)

These wonderful people made the rehearsals fun and memorable and we gave each other lots of motivation to continue dancing and practising when our batteries were beeping low.
Of course, drinking coffee helped too.

Honestly, the rehearsals weren't all that tiring physically because we spent a substantial amount of time
doing other nonsense bonding.

Here's a list of a few things we did:
1. We learnt how to beatbox
I have to say, this is my fav fav activity!

Ling looks pretty cool right?
She assigned us an instrument each and taught us how to make the sounds and when we combined..
we sounded terrible.
but it was fun!

We even made an MTV of us beatboxing with Alicia and Huikoon as the lead singers for the song Stand Up Singapore.
It was hilarious.
You should see us getting so excited spitting into the microphone and doing it like we're pros.
Basically, we were embarrassing ourselves la.
oh. I almost forgot about our one Fan!
We had ONE fan!

MC was totally into it and supportive. haha.

Over here you can see koon 'singing' into the microphone.
Her singing usually sounds like 'wooooooo' and 'hoooooooo' stretched a few bars and repeated a few times until somebody asks her to stop it.
If she's not 'wooooo'ing you can be sure she's talking about harry potter again.
2. We learnt how to dance

As you can see from my face, I am totally amused whenever Siok is around.
She is super funny, humorous and witty, and she can remember so many songs' lyrics.!
Have I already mentioned that she is hot as well?
Her nickname is Ferney Spears (mixture of Fergie and Britney).
I just go crazy when she bunches up her top to show off her abs.
Freaking funny.
One time me and Siok and ling and Titty(don't you love her name?) where chilling and 'beatboxing' and Ling taught us a very difficult rhythm.
Cus our mouths were tired already, Titty and Siok changed their base and snare sounds to 'MeePok'.
So they went 'Mee mee mee mee pok mee pok mee pok mee mee mee mee pok'.
Moving on,
3. We (tried) to learn how to be sexy!
Zhiru shows us how:

We tried.
See, we can be weird,

We can be cool,

We can be really cute,

We can be stern..

But we don't do sexy! haha. zhiru you win.

Now that conventus has come to an end I'll really miss these girls and each and every one and their quirky sides.
And the best part was that people thought that the performance was entertaining!
When we were rehearsing, sure I knew
sure some parts were funny, but would the audience be able to catch the joke?
And how about the non funny parts.. would it be boring?
Wells I was enthralled when I heard the audience's laughter even when we were not doing anything that was meant to be funny.
It is really fulfilling.
man.. I didn't realise I miss performing so much.
We seriously owe the smooth flow of performance to backstage people like Shermin and SiYing

and Shirgi. haha poor thing you had to squat down there throughout the performance..

and MC and WingSze and Delphine..
And Hello Shimin and Desmond and Cal who came to support us! :D
Love you guys. I hope you guys enjoyed the show ya..
Ok bye.
Wait one last thing.
After the performance ended I complained to Cal that my costume, a white and blue scrub suit, made me look fat and ugly and look like a JANITOR.
My dear Cal looked at me and started spelling "G..E..N.."
I went crazy.
Labels: nursing
♥Bid Farewell