Monday, September 28, 2009
fucking pimples.
I wish they'd all just grow at the sole of my feet instead of my face.
♥Bid Farewell
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Hey thanks
Qiu for the lovely post on your blog dedicated to me even though I cannot be considered food. I am honoured! :D thanks babe...
School opens tomorrow.
2 case studies, 1 reflective journal, 1 GEM project. All not done.
Whoo hoo~ sounds exciting.
Next up will be a post on my birthday celebration.... :)
♥Bid Farewell
Thursday, September 17, 2009

(missing serene in this photo)
We're the IFG champs!
This team is soooo good.
We have so many talented players that we didn't have to worry about our stamina not being able to last because there was rolling substitution!
Before the first game Cunzi (coach) was briefing us about how we should do it:
Cunzi: You see that team over there, I haven't seen the way they play yet, but their weakness is they have no substitutes.
haha. Luckily our team was big.
The sun started to blaze at 11 plus and we were drinking a lot of water to rehydrate ourselves.
Tetiey and Mas couldn't take a drop as they were fasting.
I admire their perserverance!
I will just die if I couldn't drink after playing soccer.
alright. gotta go....
♥Bid Farewell
Saturday, September 12, 2009
It is so called Surprise of The Week because Cal promised to give me a surprise every week.
So tiring for him leh, have to keep thinking of ways to surprise me.
So I don't keep track of the surprises and kept forgetting about this surprise thingy because I didn't think it would happen.
Which is a great thing! haha
cus I genuinely get surprised this way.
This handsome penguin is my surprise for last week.
Oh! I just realise that it says Q in front, haha, my name!
Me and Cal first saw this at the bazaar with a number of other interesting toys.
I made him guess which one I liked best and he amazingly guessed correctly.
Isn't this penguin sooo cute?
My favorite part of him is his function!
He vaccums! I can now suck small dust particles and hair from my table with this cute penguin!
Whee I love cleaning my room!
To cut the story short, he suddenly appeared with this penguin one week after the first day we saw it.
Okays now for the surprise of the week:
That day I wasn't feeling so well with the running nose + green mucus.
I wanted to sleep ZzZZzzzz again even though I was sleeping before that and skipped dinner.
Then when Cal came to look for me at night he hurried me to change out for supper.
I was reluctant to change out of my PJs .
So, to placate him, I changed into another set of PJs (pyjamas).
So he drove me to Kent Ridge Park carpark and took these out.
White wine (chilled) and CHEESECAKE!
Wah lao tell me how to not get fat.
Eh u people stop telling me he's trying to get me drunk with the wine.
I can hear you.
I felt really guilty.
Because I was whining (inside my head) about how much I wanted to zzzZzzz and just why did he have to force me to go for supper why did he force me to change - in the end I still wear my Pyjamas what...
So guilty.
Somemore he didn't sleep much the nightS before and was so stressed up over his Lab Report which was due soon..
Everybody knows what a bitch Lab Reports are.
He had so much work to do and he took time out to prepare this for a whiny Qianwen.
Guilty until want to die.
The least I could do was change OUT of my pyjamas.
okay so we ate in the car.
Following that we had a walk in the park.
Cal: Lets go and take a walk outside the car.
Qw: And feed the mosquitoes? Ok. *act willing face*
Whiny voice: Eat finish already still don't want to go back? zZZzZZZZzzz. Its near midnight now.
When we were walking around outside Cal kept looking at his handphone and everytime after he looked at his phone I expected him to say 'ok lets head back' but nooooo...
We walked until .. very long la.
Then when we went back to the car, he asked me to put the icebox into the boot.
So I opened the boot and ....
I said, "Eh?" when I saw this.
I was thinking, "Cal, no space to put your icebox la."
I looked more closely at the card....
Want to see?
I was so surprised that I couldn't read properly.
The first time I read the paper I stopped reading at where Cal says I am the most lovable person.
So I turned to look at him grinning from ear to ear and kept saying thank you.
I thought he was so sweet t0 organise this just to tell me that I am most lovable.
I DIDN'T realise he was asking me to be his girlfriend!
Until he started to read the piece of paper.
Then the tears came.
My tears I mean; Cal didn't cry.
I just couldn't stop them from streaming from my eyes...
My face was all wet and nose red.
It was the 9th of Sept 2009 Midnight - that was why he kept looking at his hp.
There were 9 roses, 8 balloons (because 1 exploded when we were on the way to kent ridge park).
I didn't realise it was that date until he explained why to me.
He chose this date because 999 in chinese means long long long.
haha. He wants to be with me for very long!
That was the reason why he didn't ask me to be his gf for so many months.
Poor thing, there were several times that he claimed that I 'shoot' him about not asking me to be his gf.
Qw: Eh my friend ask me how old my boyfriend is.
Cal: Then what you say?
Qw: I don't have boyfriend.
Cal: =(
Qw: Eh you are such a sweet boyfriend.
Cal: Thanks.
Qw: Oops I say wrongly, I don't have boyfriend.
Cal: =(
So, now we are boyfriend girlfriend!
Even though most of my friends assume that we were already together since long time ago.
We may have been very close but we were not BF-GF because he didn't ask me.
I myself was confused about this ambigous relationship a few months ago..
So I asked him about that a few months ago.
Qw: So are we together?
Cal: No.
Just kidding it wasn't like that.
I did ask him and he gave me a really good answer and I agreed with that decision to wait.
That night after I asked him if we were together I felt really weird because... its not right to ask people such questions right?
So I consulted my younger sis and she confirmed with me that it was out of line.
Oh well.
Back to the topic...
I am so so so lucky to meet such great person.
He tells me jokes when I am bored (or not),
he laughs at my lame jokes,
he doesn't mind my abnormal behavior,
he allows me to bully him,
he dotes on me,
he likes my family and vice versa,
he makes me happy when I am sad,
he makes me happier when I am already happy,
he thinks I am special (I think I am weird),
he thinks I am cute,
he thinks I am so many things I never thought myself to be
and he treats me really well.
I think I am in good hands
I'm in love with him.
♥Bid Farewell
Friday, September 11, 2009
I like my family, my sisters and my cousins.
We're so cute.
We play games like fish eat fish.

It was my grandmother's birthday a few weeks ago.
There was a cosy/funny/noisy buffet dinner gathering in my house and it was fun as usual ~
Except my sulking brother at the bottom left corner.
Without trying hard, you can see him trying his best to spoil the picture.
My school like has been quite pleasant too (besides the fact that I'm not really keeping up with my school work... ).
I remember when I had to use crutches last semester I kept thinking
"Is today the day I am going to die tumbling this flights of stairs?"
But recently I found out that I don't have to be using crutches to die falling down stairs.
Cus I just have to be myself to get injured.
I was walking down the stairs with one hand on Cal's arm and then Suddenly,
I was kneeling on the floor.
Instead of grabbing Cal when I was going to fall I went to grab the plant.
That was how I got the thorns in my palm.
So smart hor.
I seriously suspect something wrong with my cerebellum.
How can anyone trip and fall so often?
My cute classmates! :D
That was the day we went to MOF at Raffles City to eat.
So, for ppl who haven't been to MOF to eat before, this is what you have to do to order food:
1) Choose your dish from the menu
2) Write the corresponding item Code e.g. 320-A on the order list
3) Bring the order list to the cashier
4) Pay
QED (quite easily done).
But I got stuck at step 4 because the cashier returned my order list to me as he didn't understand what I meant when I wrote "14.80".
When he returned it to me I myself didn't understand what I wrote.
Until I remembered that I gong-gong-ly wrote the price $14.80 instead of the item code.
so smart. -_-"
Everybody say Hi to Ali the cutie. :)
We were in the nursing skills lab this afternoon practising tracheostomy dressing change and we didn't want to waste the cotton balls by soaking them in Normal Saline.
So Alicia pretended to pour the Normal Saline into the cotton balls.
She proceeded to pretend to squeeze the cotton balls.
We normally do so to prevent dripping when we use it to clean the patient's wound site or whereever.
Ali squeezed the DRY cotton balls ONE by ONE, taking more than an acceptable length of time for someone pretending to be squeezing dry cotton balls.
Gerry and I watched, stunned, by the side.
Thanks Ali, for being so cuteeeeee. :D I would like to give you a pat on your shoulder.
It is time to blog about Cal's surprise of the week for me.
But I think it deserves another post of its own.
Hang in there :)
♥Bid Farewell