Friday, October 30, 2009

At the fruits drinks stall: Qw: Auntie one papaya milk shake pls.
Auntie: No more papaya milk shake. Cal: Then we'll have one strawberry milkshake.
Qw: Har you have that. I will go to the other drinks stall to buy something else.
When I finished my purchase at the drinks stall Cal pointed out that I bought the same thing in the end.
Strawberry HL milk. Boo.
I bought this pair of new shoes which gayly matches his.
Just couldn't resist lining the napkins around the mole on my thigh when I was at Macs.
Thanks Cal for applying my favorite curry sauce on it.
♥Bid Farewell
My notes from lab.

The teacher was talking too fast.
♥Bid Farewell
I'm moving out of hall when this semester ends.
For the first time after 5 semesters of staying on campus I will be going home to stay.
I am going to miss this place. :(

This is my view in the morning from where I lie on my bed.
But when its time to move on we have to move on.
Labels: University
♥Bid Farewell
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
I am dreading school.
Case studies, simulations, health assessments, it is simply crazy.
How to do all those when I am that kind of person who likes to enjoy life (in other words, nua).
I managed to complete my previous case study thanks to Cal.
He really motivates me when I get tired and sick of writing.
I particularly like it when he threatens to scold me CC something or FU something or KN something if I were to continue to laze around.
It works! haha.
Just kidding.
I realize how difficult it is to be a girl's boyfriend.
Because a girl has menses.
Before a girl has menses she get mood swings.
When that happens she cries a lot and gets pissed off a lot and the boyfriend is at the receiving end most of all the time.
If the guy is a boy's boyfriend he wouldn't have to deal with PMS.
He has to pacify her, bring tissue, be alert all the time about not saying things to spark her off, answer the same question "DO YOU REALLY LOVE ME????" over and over again.
Girl with pms: Hey.. Do you like me?
BF: Yes.
Girl with pms: Then do you love me?
BF: Uh huh.
Girl with pms: Are you sure?
BF: Why do you ask?
Girl with pms: You act like you don't love me anymore.
BF: Did I?
Girl with pms: Yes. You let go off my hand when we were crossing the road. You used to hold my hand so tightly... *sniffs*
BF: I'm so sorry baby. I was covering my mouth because I coughed. Anyway it was for 10 seconds only.
Girl with pms: You really don't love me anymore..... :'(
It takes a lot of skill to deal with this.
Thank goodness Cal has super high EQ and knows what to do all the time
even when I don't know what to do with my whining self.
Playing scissors paper stone with him helps my mood!
Because I get to win!
and really irritate him when I show him this
Scissors Paper Stone WINNER FACE.
(Tell me if the face is irritating. )
♥Bid Farewell
I have been wanting to blog for so long but was busy with the 2500 words case study that made the dents in my ass, remember?
It is a perfect opportunity to blog right now since I am trying to procrastinate starting on my next 2500 words case study due in, oops, 9 days.
Bloody hell.
Upsetting stuff aside, I want to blog about my 21st birthday!
My goodness I am 21.
Can't believe it.
I still feel like I'm 18 or 16.
I thought I wasn't going to have a birthday celebration.
But after much consideration Cal and I decided to hold 2 small celebrations for me.
The considering process goes like this
Cal: Eh so are we having a celebration?
Qw: I don't know leh.
Cal: Eh so are we having a celebration?
Qw: Hmm.. I don't know leh. So troublesome.
Cal: Eh so are we having a celebration?
Qw: Should we?
Cal: Eh so are we having a celebration?
Qw: Okay la okay la. Stop asking.
Celebration part 1 was in double o the night before 19th Sept with shing, shuyu, huiyi and some of his guy friends.
I drank. But I didn't puke. What an achievement! :)
Celebration Part 2 was at the Reddot.
Cal looked for the location, booked it, bought the cake and basically spent a lot of money.
I just had to look nice and attend my birthday.

Cal asked me to clear some space in the fridge to keep the cake before we went to Reddot.
But do you know how stinky the fridge in hall is?
Some of the food in the fridge has grown so much mould that it looks like coral.

So I jokingly asked him if he could put the cake back in the shop and collect it again later.
And he scolded me.
sigh. getting scolded on my birthday. I guess I deserved it.
I got a really big surprise when I saw what was written on the cake.
I got a few looks of dismal and got scolded again by my friends who asked me why I did this.
I wish I could have invited more people.. or that the people I invited were not busy.. or that I invited Diana because I remember that it was Wanfong who went for SEP, not diana. i feel like shit.
Hello Sisters! Are you girls spying my blog? Wanjia you like the hearts on ur face?
My super cute Sec 1 and 2 classmates: HuiYi QiuYi Jes Wenyi.
My goodness how much have we grown since.
My second favourite couple Ben + Jeslyn. My exroomie.
Bompa girls (including huiyi) reunited. haha.
Bee who's so sweet to attend even though nobody she knew was coming. Love you bee!
Glad u liked the lychee martini cake.
Soccer girls Val and Lu plus bee. me val and lu appeared in Reddot again a few weeks later for Val's birthday celebration. Funny.
Hello hallmates and nurses. :)
Alicia cuts cakes very well.
Ling thanks for mistaking my bf as the waiter. I will never forget that.
He is so helpful help us pour drinks only what. why you treat him like that?
Hello caleb! Thanks for organizing the beautiful night and providing the chance to celebrate with these special people in my life. :D
I appreciate it very much!
I want to praise you for doing such a good job. Why so zai?
My favourite favorite couple is me and my boyfriend.
Needless to say right. haha.
♥Bid Farewell
Saturday, October 10, 2009
The dents in my ass are evidence of my hard work and long hours of working on the case study.
♥Bid Farewell
Monday, October 05, 2009
I went with lulu to Val's birthday party yesterday...
It was really really nice to talk to Lulu and immerse myself in the Lu goodness.
When we were travelling from town to dempsey and when we left dempsey Lu was vigilant about my safety and kept offering her hand when we were walking on staircases.
I didn't trip at all last night! What a feat! :D
Too bad Diana was sick and couldn't come join us.
I'm really quite apologetic to Lu for making us walk so much when we were looking for the bus stop to go to Dempsey.
Me: Lulu, I don't know how to go to Dempsey from town leh.
Lulu: I also don't know.
Me: Har? Then how did you go that day when my birthday was held there?
Lulu: You fetched me there.
Me: Oh. -_-"
So we walked around and around trying to look for the bus stop. Sigh.
In the end we found a bus stop behind Taka like Wenyi and huiyi said, but there wasn't bus 7!
Damn irritated.
Then Lulu simply raised her hand to flag a cab. haha.
We met up with Derre and Kelly at the party too.
Val the birthday girl is so young and beautiful.
(I sound like I am 50)
Whatever. :)
I need to learn to be content.
And the best way is by not expecting so much.
Expectations only lead to disappointments.
ok gotta go do work
♥Bid Farewell