Wednesday, December 30, 2009
I'm really happy that my bro and Caleb are getting on so well.
My brother's approval was apparent the other night during my relative's wedding dinner which Cal also joined us to attend.
This was what happened..
Cal: Which part of the chicken do you want?
Me: Please take for me the piece with the least bones.
Cal: Ok. Then he put the chicken head on my plate.
My brother who had taken all that in, commented that
"now you have found the right guy" in a singsong tone.
My brother also showed that he cared for Caleb's role in my life when he asked me a few questions just now.
Zixuan: What will Caleb be to your baby if you give birth.?
(I was puzzled.)
Me: Har.? The father?
Zixuan: No, I mean, what if you get married to another man?
(I was at a loss of words. Then my mother chipped in.)
Mummy: Uncle la!
Zixuan: 叔叔 ! I know.
Mummy: But by then Caleb will hate Er Jie to the core.
Zixuan: But he will still be an uncle to the baby right?? He will like the baby but not the baby's father!
This conversation was so weird.
My mother then explained that a person can only find someone he/she loves very very very very very much and then be let that someone be your partner for life.
Mummy: So, you understand?
Zixuan: NO!
Before my mother further elaborated to him the marriage theory Zixuan spelt out
I know! Not No!
Wah so irritating. And cute.
Labels: Zixuan
♥Bid Farewell
Friday, December 25, 2009
Today is the first time I visited my blog after sooo long.
I saw Lulu's message on the chatbox on the left and I think it deserves to an independent blog post here.
14 Dec 09, 00:26
ur fav lujia: hi my qian wen, i read ur blog and then i went online to find u, cos i wanted to tell u that ur blog is DAMN FUNNY. then i clicked on "qianwen" and i started talking rubbish.and i realised i clicked on the WRONG qianwen!!!!! and i talked alot of rubbish, and the person had no smiley face. -__- and i thought "it cant be QW". and i said "are u qianwen" and she said "yes" (cos her name also qianwen). but i said, she cant be qw!! no smiley face!! okay. what a long winded story,in a nuthshell. i love ur blog you really have the gift of narrating and writing, i can imagine ur blog happening in real life like tv show.
haha so cute :)
I'm sure my fav lulu won't mind, right? <3
Merry Christmas peeps!
♥Bid Farewell
Wednesday, December 02, 2009
Going a bit crazy studying

Nah not really.
Having Caleb around rocks my socks..
When I am too lazy to go out for food he brings food back to me.

When I get sick and bored of studying he brings me out for a meal and it really can brighten up my day.
Lunch at ThaiExpress!

My curry chicken laksa, his Phat Thai and our Tom Yam Seafood soup.
I think the serving at Thai Express is too big.
Both of us looked pregnant kind of when we left the restaurant.
Sushi Tei!
Looking at the pictures is making me salivate.

Sukiyaki and Beef Kaminabe.
Caleb heard the waitress say "Kaninabe" when checking that it was what we ordered.
So rude.
Hello Caleb.
Here's the reminder you requested: Lets not order food that requires us to wait for the water to boil when we're starving.

I feel like going to Nihon Mura buffet again.

Vege teeth.
Eating makes me happy.
Because somehow when I'm having exams I feel like I'm not entitled to fun or any recreational activities..Eating and socializing etc has become an optional thing.
Its so weird huh.
But feeling the need to not do anything else doesn't mean that i'm studying all the time la..
I just pretend to be studying a lot.
Ask me anything about the latest episodes of Taiwan variety shows and dramas and Channel U dramas such as KangXiLaiLe, Hi My Sweetheart, Autumn Concerto, Wan Quan Yu Le.
I also watch CSI, Fringe, Stargate Universe etc (Caleb intro one).
What a time to get addicted.
Anyways. Eating makes me happy among the humdrum of life.
I must emphasize that it does not include eating the food in hall.
I hate people who complain about how bad the food tastes when it is actually edible because in principle we should cherish what we have instead of KPKB unnecessarily.
But recently the food is really really bad.
Just ask anyone who has been eating food from the communal hall this semester.
The tastes are just so weird, so weird that if you were blindfolded and tasted it you wouldn't be able to tell what the hell you just ate.
I've had a bad experiences with communal hall food before such as when I found a THUMBTACK in the meat. Scary.
But I had the last straw last week when the food was bad continuously for a few days.
The very last time I ate the meat, it was so weird that I PUI it out of my mouth immediately after tasting it.
I gave another piece of meat a second try but I PUI it out immediately.
I didn't mean to act like a spoilt brat ok, it was reflex.
Now can you understand why I get so excited when I get to eat outside?
End of complaining BYEEEE.

Hello friends the puzzle is almost done.
I have a capable assistant.
♥Bid Farewell