Saturday, February 27, 2010
2 days ago I suddenly got reminded that I had a blog. haha.
Totally forgot about it..
Must be the planning for the korea trip happening in June.
All the ex-TH nurses + Likoon + Cal.
So excited for it :D
Cal and I even have evil plans to help Susan come back to Singapore with a half Korean.
She totally rejected the idea and said that her bf would be 'broken'.
Anyways I'm glad to have met up with some friends:
- Had a bbq with the B4 peeps and heon, clara, pea, shuyu (missed shing though :( ~)
Oops lousy photo.
Can any sharp eyes guess who is that in the pic?
- Gathering with soccer girls (except diana) at Shokudo and failed at taking a proper NeoPrint.
I guess we're out of date with the new technology thats why..
I remember that day when Derre (from NUS) told us her Cap score, Simin (from NIE) asked if our Cap was upon 4. hahaha private joke.
- There was a class gathering of 1 and 2LY at gabriel's house.
Totally fun! Everybody is so cute! Jeslyn you should come for the next class gathering I think you'd enjoy yourself. :) Thanks Chengying for organizing!
Love playing this :)
- Ice cold bar with Wei and Menny last night. Why do NTU and NUS not have bars on campus??
Bars that have subsidized drinks for students.. Ahh..
- Kite flying at sengkang to celebrate Ali's bday.
Caleb preparing the salad. Woo~ Love the bread crumbs. :)
Our potluck picnic. :) Don't we look happy?
- Being with my family rocks
At a relative's (PeiHua) wedding.
At another relative's wedding.

Other gatherings has escaped my memory.
School is ending soon (for some of us) and I'm going to miss some people .. :(
Only our dear Alicia will arrange leftover rice so neatly after finishing her meal.
We were so bored in class.
Whose foot is that?
What MC did to his file. (-_-")
There she goes again. haha.
Going out with Cal + friends..
At Holland V's XLB place.
I don't really like that restaurant anymore.
Overkill liao. and its so expensive. Boo
Ronald's bday at Double O.

Eating Tian Ji (frog) at Geylang. SLURPS
That day after dinner the 9 boys (including Cal) wanted to play computer game and because I didn't want to be a spoilsport I went along as well.
When we were at Iluma weixiong kept telling Cal to join his team without me because he didn't want Cal to lose - all the time giving me a dirty look.
Cal was so nice and he stuck with me and played L4D2 with me alone when the others played Modern Warfare 2.
However after our game ended Cal succumbed and I unwillingly joined him in Modern Warfare 2 the wretched game.
I didn't know what the keys were and where I was supposed to look or what I was supposed to do.
My character kept getting shot and and kept respawning just from standing there.
I finally gave up and proceeded to slump on my chair staring blankly at Cal , randomly pressing up down up down on the keyboard.
Cal sensed my Du-Lan-ness and helped me a little bit about the navigation and how to shoot.
I still kept getting killed, and killed a few people.
But seeing how much Cal enjoyed the game is enough I guess.. haha.
The Du-Lan feeling will pass eventually.
Like how it will for Cal after he sees the above pic. hahaaaaa.
Zixuan is still as cute as ever.
Him with a milk moustache.
And with a heart shaped lego he made.
He's all grown up and now knows how to think logically and systematically.
We're getting old.
♥Bid Farewell
Thursday, February 04, 2010
Like Alicia said after each of the mental health lectures all of us seem to become a little bit more crazy.
It doesn't help that we're supposed to act like mental patients during our laboratory sessions; laughing inappropriately, twirling our hair robotically etc.
Faith was the best when she acted as a schizo patient and talked about having conflicts with her hair and asking if 'inferiority complex' was a shopping mall.
Faith rocks our socks.
Fun stuff aside, in a way we're getting less afraid of what these patients are popularly thought of as; dangerous, scary etc.
They are just people who can't help being different in the way they were made biologically.
It made me think how much easier it was to be accepting of these patients' behavior, mannerisms and thoughts which may be seen as repulsive if placed in a 'normal' societal context.
It is so much more difficult and there are so many more issues to think about if I were to want to accept a person (without an illness) non judgementally for the things that he/she did.
But it doesn't seem right to be judging people because everybody has flaws and everybody makes mistakes..
Who am I to think that people should not be doing this and that?
Many times I tried to be calm and non judgemental but the thoughts of what B did to A just fumes me.
B tells lies about A to many people.
A does not try to explain herself because she knows that if she says the truth about B it would spoil B's reputation.
A is hurt when friends start acting differently towards her because of the lies.
A still does not want to tell the truth about what a screwed up girl B is because she wants to protect her reputation.
What the shit right?
A went through such terrible experiences with B and when A finally woke up her idea and decided it was not the way to live, all hell broke loose.
Sigh nice people always get bullied.
But bad people like B who are very convincing and fake go around telling lies to gain sympathy won't last long.
Because time will tell and its obvious that A who is the sweetest and kindest won't do the things B said she did..
Anyway I just hope that B solves her issues which caused her to be this way and stop trashing other people's lives.
♥Bid Farewell