Thursday, August 26, 2010
don't i hate travelling to school.
even though the traveling nowadays means a ride in caleb's car it is still reallyyyyyy getting on our nerves that there is such heavy traffic.
Today I left house at 7.15am and reached NUS at 8.55am. grrr.
I so miss staying on campus.
I have a 2 day week this sem but I still come to school whenever I'm not too tired because nothing gets done at home.
Tried to do my protocol yesterday and ended up watching 7 episodes of a HK drama on PPstream.
sigh no choice gotta get my lazy ass to school to do work..
There's air con in the library too!
Was just telling caleb how I was going to stay in the library on my own this morning...
Me: I'm going to be in the library all by myself later.. so lonely :(
Caleb: Don't worry..............................Its normal.
Sigh what kind of consoling is this?
So every single morning I meet caleb i'll ask him how I look..
Me: baby do I look pretty today?
Caleb: Yes dear you look very pretty..
Me: You're lying.
I choose to ask him this kind of questions where there is only one politically correct answer and when he says it, I call him a liar.
poor caleb for having to take this nonsense everyday.
haha but in my defense it is the prerogative of girls to pose these sort of questions to their boyfriends! really!
If the guy is zai enough he will know how to handle it.. just like caleb. :)
Enough wuliao stuff bye off to do my proposal...
♥Bid Farewell
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Aren't class outings the best thing ever?
I got to meet up with old graduated classmates after so long. whee~
Some more my class is so exciting..
We didn't just have a dinner gathering, we had a theme Paper Faces on Parade.
Cute huh. :D
Alicia is blur in the picture.! [ =>Alicia is blur]
Anyway must thank Alicia for booking this function room in her estate..
With susan and Maddie the organiser.

This picture reminds me of the scandalous topics we were discussing.
Topics that are totally inappropriate for the occasion.
How can anybody talk about such sensitive things with so many people milling about the room!
Phew that I got saved from interrogation by Huisan..

Not sure who made this pile which was at the door when we arrived.
So swweett:)
The outing was definitely cathartic.. after crying to Lingz (and all who were unfortunately around) about how I crappy I felt about school.
I didn't mean to cry at such a weird occasion but I couldn't take it when Lingz mentioned how much she misses our class and how she ate alone during lunchtime.
And apparently a lot of people feel the same way about school too... its just different. :(
But Cal is right about something too.
It is already the best situation now.
If I had graduated and went to work I'd be totally alone at KKH without Huikoon and Caleb will be busy at school too. That definitely sucks more.
Somehow school seems much easier after that weekend..
I do feel less stressed and less alone..
And for pride (not glory) have I chosen to do Honours..
Its not about grades anymore - I'm destined to be a second lower.
So the right thing to do now will be to be strong and hardworking and persevere.
Its the last lap after all.
Its a good thing I have Caleb here to be my emotional pillar of support.
Caleb's class outing.
Such good attendance for class gathering after 8 years!
Nice :)
♥Bid Farewell
Friday, August 13, 2010
I know it sounds a little crazy and like asking for it..
But do you girls think about your boyfriends' ex-es?
Cus I do that a lot and I interrogate him about them.
and it drives me nuts and insanely jealous sometimes.
I feel like I've been betrayed somehow by the fact that he has had such intimate relationships with other people before.
I understand that it cannot be counted as betrayal as this is history and could not be undone even if he wanted to.
Can't help feeling like "What?! you hold another girl's hand before?" or "What?! you pat her head when she's sad?!" or "What?! you've been with her to this place before?"
because he's only allowed to do these things with me and me only!
Because this is an exclusive relationship!
Poor him
And the worst part is that he apologizes about it (or is compelled to).
I should really stop doing that.
♥Bid Farewell
Man... Year 4 is really as tough as I thought it would be.
There's a research proposal which I have not written a word on due soon on top of other pressing deadlines.
Feel so dead. =S
Its not helping that susan shimin gerry ling etc who used to be my last minute do rush assignment comrades have graduated...
I miss you guys so much man.
School's quite depressing and very different
(haha no offence but...)
Why didn't you guys study harder to do Hons.??
Then you all would be in this together with me now..
Then I will not feel so alone like I'm the only one who's lagging behind so badly the cream of the crop of the class that is left now. :(
I count my blessings for having sweet gentle Muffin-baking Alicia and Caleb.
But still generally sad.
Anyway.. I did my very last rag performance for hall this year.
Wow never thought that I'd get to feel so old among the year 3, 2 and freshies.
Shimin with really bushy hair here. :P
This is my favourite person ever. :D
My mom saw this costume and thought it was nice.
She even suggested that I could wear it out.. as in to the streets on a normal day since it looked so nice. ( -_-")
Event to look forward to next: Nurses' Grad dinner happening tmr.
♥Bid Farewell