Monday, October 11, 2010
I read on facebook something about the channel 5's swapping of "I am Legend" with the movie "I robot" and got curious so I went to google to see why that happened.
From the forums I found out that Mediacorp did it out of respect for Mrs Lee's passing.
I was totally amused when I read the comments on various forums..
Some of my favourite comments from xinmsn's website:
"I was shocked when "I am Legend" was not shown at 7. I was even more shocked when the caption that the show was moved to a later date due to respect for the late Mrs Lee. What has the show got to do with respect? I would understand if they cancelled the movie and show something to do with Mrs Lee but this is totally ????? "
"Can't wait to hear to what extent is i-robot a more suitable movie than I am Legend."
"what's the link between I am Legend and Mrs Lee"
And the last comment rocks the most. haha.
I was talking to my mother about it and found out that she didn't notice the change in programme..
Then she asked the same question about how changing the movie has got to do with Mrs Lee and she gave herself a really good answer..
You know.. If you watched I am Legend you'd notice that Will Smith was the last one standing on earth..
So my mother came to the logical conclusion that they didn't want to broadcast the show and evoke such feelings from Mr Lee... what insight my mother has!
♥Bid Farewell