Friday, June 29, 2007
Yesterday morning after 2 hours of sleep I was awaken by the rising sensation of nausea.
I vomited so much food it must have been food poisoning.
Even though it was 6.30 in the morning my house was bustling already with people who are going to work, people who are going to school and people who just wake up early.
Everyone knows I'm vomiting cus there are only 2 toilets at home.
The way they ask 'why are you vomiting?' sounds like 'are you pregnant?' and hell does it make me feel guilty.
I also don't know why I feel guilty but of course I'm not you siao people don't ask this question.
Fat does not equate pregnancy.
I told them I only slept 5 hours and worked 17 hours furthermore the kitchen prepared fried ice cream, fried chicken wings and fried fish my body was heaty blah blah.
When I was more awake later on I realised that it was probably a hangover.
Of course I didn't tell my family that I was thirsty and drank Gin at work.
It was just a little teeny weeny glass okay.
Labels: Work
♥Bid Farewell
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
My manager hates me.
I can't recall doing anything to incur his wrath towards me.
Now he's coming at me every five minutes threatening to kill me if I fail to clear the glasses or empty the ashtrays.
He goes, 'If I see any empty glasses, I tell you, I will chop off your legs and your head and, I don't know, maybe cook some suckling pig dish.'
'If I see you on the dance floor or dancing ONE more time, I will strangle you and kill you.'
'Are you stealing something from the kitchen? Looking for burgers or wedges to steal? I will cut off all your hair to look like mine.'
The list goes on.
It keeps me on my toes all the time.
I hate customers who offer a handshake and refuse to let go.
GO AND DIE ALL OF YOU hand grabbers.
I can't shake those people's hands off or say anything rude to them.
You'll see me super awkward with some glasses in one hand and trying to ease away the other, flushing in my face all the way.
My dad told me to wary even though its not a sleazy place its a club afterall, and some people want things from you.
So when the men say, 'you're the most beautiful girl I've seen in Singapore', I roll my eyes and when they say it the second time with 'Its true, I swear', I think 'Fuckers, I'm only 19 what do you want?'
They probably say it to everyone and try to get something out of it, what the hell.
The ladies are cuter when they say such things.
Just last night, one ang moh told me that I'm very pretty and after I said, you're so sweet, she assured me that she 'was not gay and was not trying to hit on me'.
The ladies make me day.
Anyway Diva la Futbol held last Saturday was a disaster but fun la.
WeiWei and Christabelle's plane just touched down in Singapore and they came to play with little or no sleep.
Thanks man.
Initially I thought they would just not come because they were so tired.
I can totally understand if they went back home to rest because sleep is so important.
Sleep, food and air are basic survival elements.
See I sprained my foot again during the first 10minutes so for the second half of the games my team had to play with 4 players against the other teams' 5.
Just a note, I hate my feet for being so weak,
I hate it for spraining so easily when playing the sport I love
I hate it for spoiling the fun all the time
I hate it for being so.. sissy.
Its a pussyfoot.
Back to what I was saying, Diva la Futbol cup is held on just one day and teams will compete round robin with those in their groupings and those who emerge the strongest 2 will enter the Championship Cup and the weakest will go to the Diva Cup a.k.a loser's cup.
Simin and Weiwei left after we beat 2 teams in the first round meaning we had 4 members to put in the Champions Cup games.
You think we'd comfirm lose right, playing 4 versus 5 against the strong teams?
Well, you're right.
We did lose but its only for fun so we're not broken.
What I want to say is that even though we were one man down they displayed ferocity, tenacity and were more enterprising than before.
When I watched I was awed, they almost scored and they're so good its near genius.
I saw the same thing in the 3rd/4th placing match of my juniors when they played against Rjc.
After they lost a goal in the first half they became something else entirely.
They fought so hard we could feel their spirits high in the spectators' stand.
If they had played the same way throughout it would be not a problem to win the big trophy.
I guess it always take people to feel like they're on the losing side just a little to display great determination.
♥Bid Farewell
Friday, June 22, 2007
This job is more stressful than when I was studying for A's.
I have more white hair growing out than I deserve from studying the sauces of various foods and ingredients of the salad dressings.
On top of that, I have to know where Rum, Vodka, Whiskey, Tequila, Brandy and Gin originated from and how they're brewed.
I do want to learn as much as possible but the way they teach, sial, give me some notes and expect me to know already.
Hello I don't drink its all bitter alcohol to me.
Anyway the stress is causing me to eat a lot.
My fingers don't stop nicking food from the basket at the bar and when I got caught
the supervisor said 'can you please stop eating and stand at the door?'
I just wanted to shrink into a 0.1 nanometer bacteria and disappear.
Paiseh like what like that.
Labels: Work
♥Bid Farewell
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
This restaurant is really very dedicated to teaching their staff!
Despite that I'm only going to be around to work only for 1 more month, the manager graciously poured 8 glasses of red and white wine for me to taste the difference.
It was kind of stressful after a while when the Risling and Babich's tastes fused into one and each other in my palate.
I tasted white wine and red wine, both of which I don't think I'll ever develop a liking to.
White wine has a fruity tinge to it for some of its grapes like Chardonnay but I can't take the pepperiness the spreads to the back of the throat when you swallow.
I hate red wine too, its too bitter.
The 8 glasses of wine made me want to pui and rinse out the taste with water.
What a waste.
The beer was slightly better.
What the hell is so delicious about beer?
I hate the taste, its so freaking bitter.
Even though I wasted a lot of good beer and wine I'm less ignorant so it was worth it.
Anyway, good news for you who love me!
I got the scholarship!
Come on sms me now to congratulate me.
♥Bid Farewell
Monday, June 18, 2007
I think the chances are very slim.
Now what time already the Singhealth people haven't even called yet.
The wait is so painful.
ARGH @%$*#_%&%)#()!
♥Bid Farewell
Saturday, June 16, 2007
It feels so good to have a job at last.
Now I am a productive working person with a salary of like 60 a day.
I'm working in a restaurant/bistro/club
[where every single waiter/waitress/bartender/manager/supervisor/cleaner/chef you name it smokes]
that operates 17 hours a day and the hours suck so bad.
My new haircut[see previous post] has brought me some joy.
I don't know why exactly I get a high when people ask me if I'm Japanese
[Watashi wa Singaporean la]
and a corresponding low when they ask me if I'm from China.
Yeah sure my greatgrandparents are from China but I'm a true blue Singaporean Chinese.
It must be my Chinese accent as its my habit to try not to speak Singlish Chinese/ Singnese[?!].
Yesterday was my fourth day and by far the most hectic day in my working life.
My hands were shaking and my vision blurred as 6-10 orders for drinks were placed each time I walk a 10 meter distance.
The thing is sometimes I don't know what the customers are talking about when they say things like GreyGoose and Sandleford.
They have to repeat the orders about ten times with the crazy music going on.
After ordering the drinks I have to wait for the bartenders(malay boys who are so cute) to make the drinks and by then I've about clean forgotten what the ang mohs look like.
Whats worse they're all standing around and sometimes the bastards run away after ordering leaving me with an unpaid bill.
I don't blame them, not really, as the process from ordering to delivering sometimes takes more than half an hour.
Whats great about ang mohs is that twice I turned away after taking an order they go,
"Their service SUCKS!"
Even if they claimed that the service sucks they'll still give me tips of $5.
So generous of them!
And you know the tips they give is not from the change for the drinks, its from their wallet!
$5 from the wallet especially for me, the waitress who's service sucks!
The chinese people always tip 10cents or 20cents.
Talking about money, there's so much of it on the floor!!
Sweeping half the club found me a total of $5 worth of coins.
Everything goes into the tip box though.
Even though my schedule is quite screwed up [I work from 6pm-3am] I know that I've learnt many things I can never working in the comfortable admin job.
Now I know the difference of smell between a vodka and whiskey and what martinis and lamborginis look like and how to interact with customers etc etc.
The customers..
They make me disappointed with
men I mean, middleaged uncles.
I think they're quite shameless as they don't stop hitting on me even after they know I'm only 19.
I'm still a child [in my eyes].
Some of them want to take pictures with me with dirty plates and glasses and they all put their arms around me; some give me their name cards to call them when I'm free; some offered to buy me a drink and bring me out after work.
I feel seriously scandalised.
It sounds so much like the system of how bargirls work.
Bring me out?
Hello I'm a waitress you can't just buy me drinks and 'bring me out'.
Don't play play.
I'm just thankful that they don't touch me anyhow.
Its quite sian to see people dancing and drinking while I have to resist dancing to take orders.
I hope today will be better.
Does anyone want to work with me there?
You'll learn more things than being a server at the 'hipper' clubs as the managers and supervisors here are very keen on teaching us about drinks and food.
Yikes Nursing Scholarship interview is on Monday!
Good luck to me.
Labels: Work
♥Bid Farewell
Monday, June 04, 2007
I love my brother a lot you know.
I thought I was more generous than getting upset over people's sexual orientation.
But it takes one to be in that particular situation to see clearly where she stands and now I'm sure that I cannot accept it.
The more we love the more we expect and I can't help feeling horrified at what he'd confess to us when he grows up.
Let me explain.
My aunty brought my mum and I to this Wella studio to perm our hair for free because Wella wanted to test their new products.
But sadly my hair was too short to be permed, so the hairdresser offered to highlight red and brown.
The other colours wouldn't do as I dyed my hair black previously.
While doing my hair the hairdresser from Wella thought I had a doll-like face and asked me if I'd like her to cut my hair.
Of course I want la.
I almost jerked my hair out of her snippers when she cut my fringe.
Its so scary to let people cut long lengths of hair!

So how?
Do you like it?
This is something new eh.
What has that got to do with my bro?
When both of us, my mum and I were at the studio, my brother was entrusted into the care of Auntie A.
When I returned home my brother quietly whispered to me in a grave manner what naughty things he had done with another boy who was at that point of time under the care of Auntie A as well.
I tell you, what they did was so bad, it feels worse than having your dog eat one of your puppies.
I feel like crap apparently that's one sided as my brother confessed that it was fun.
Part of me is GRATEFUL that he told me what happened.
The manner in which he talked to me hinted that he was guilty; he knew it was wrong.
[they even washed their hands after that! stop laughing this is serious.]
We could teach him right after that.
Imagine if he were to keep it a secret so that he could keep doing it without us knowing.
The other part of me is FUCKING SAD.
I think you'd understand.
Penis + Vagina = Gross
Penis + Penis= Super Gross
I obviously can't say that to him as he thought the 'game' they played was fun.
I'll slap you if you tell me I should accept it if I love him so much.
If your father divorced your mum because he turned gay, tell me you can accept it.
And this is much worse as my brother is like my son; I watched him grow since he was still a sperm in the womb.
It is a personal failure on my part if he turns out abnormal.
Think about everything he'd face as an adult in society.
I choose horny straight over decent gay anytime I swear.
Gosh please let this be our overreacting, I mean, they're kids after all.
My sister read somewhere that children are especially curious about body parts at this age.
Please tell me your siblings did that too when they were young, and they turned out alright.
I feel so much better now.
Labels: Family, hair
♥Bid Farewell