Wednesday, May 30, 2007
In everyone's life we face obstacles, trials and difficult situations which serve to teach us and make us grow.
Among these includes irritating people and a fair share of perverts.
Especially in this technologically advanced world we need to arm ourselves with weapons to guard our innocence and here I present you, courtesy of Lugay, the perfect turn-off replies to MSN or IRC perverts.
This is an MSN online conversation:
Lugay says:
got one pervert add my sis on MSN.Lugay says:
Then he asked her "hmm. what jc are u from?"Lugay says:
Then he said he's from NUS medicineLugay says:
Then he said "do u like guys?"
Lugay says:
then my sis said yesLugay says:
then he said, "means u feel horny sometimes."Lugay says:
!!!!!Lugay says:
Then my sis show me.qian wen says:
oh gosh
qian wen says:
slap him!
Lugay says:
Then I typed for her,
"Hmm I don't feel horny.
I enjoying meditating as I wish to cultivate my soul
and eventually reach a state of nirvana"qian wen says:
qian wen says:
qian wen says:
Lugay says:
"Men! Why do I bother to think of filthy men!
My stomach convulses when I think of them!"qian wen says:
i just died laughing.
Lugay says:
Then he went offline.Lugay says:
He pretended to be from NUS medicine can!?!? This is for the milder and more loserish perverts.
If the other party is oddly into spiritual things and gets even more excited, you better call the police.
Labels: Funny
♥Bid Farewell
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
My 5 days working stint at the airport has finally ended so I fall into the ranks of the unemployed once again.
My bio clock is screwed up cos of the night shift I work in but its worth it!
People I met from the airport; passengers, the staff and my colleagues comprised of different personalities from everywhere and they made my work at airport very enjoyable.
I was spared unpleasant scenes of asking passengers to throw their liquid items away, thank goodness, so the worse passengers were those who snubbed me.
But whatever I don't care about them if they think they know everything.
When they go into the transit area and they're forced to throw their items I hope they remember I specifically asked them if they had those things inside their hand carry.
Damn.. If they've got perfume they need to throw they won't be giving it to me too.
Let me count my loot:
3 Evelyn & Crabtree traveling size shampoo and conditioner,
3 Packets of chrsanthymum tea,
1 Colgate toothpaste.
Thats all.
See we meet people from all over the world in the airport and there are literally all sorts of people you never thought you'd meet.
Those who made me most uncomfortable were the
ladies with beard no,
men with breasts ladies with beard/men with breasts, oh gosh I can't decide which is it.
The problem arises once I start to greet them.
"Good evening Sir/Mdm"
When they don't speak to reveal whether their voices are deep or squeaky I just leave the Sir/Mdm out.
Speaking of squeaky voices, remember Pirates 3? The Indian Sikh pirate?
So Gay.
When I start giving examples of liquid aerosol items I'm kind of hesitant too.
Should I state the example of lipsticks and perfumes.?
Real men don't use those, what if they got so mad their muscles suddenly bulges and it rips their clothes and he starts to bludgeon me because my eyes can't help darting back and forth their breasts and beards.
I'm just glad its over.
My duty is to approach passengers in the queue to advise them.
Sometimes I can't recognize the passengers faces so I approach them more than once.
Its better when the passengers can speak English to tell me that I'm annoying them, rather than I keep talking to them in Alien language while I try my hand at miming.
I think the hardest faces to recognize will be Indian faces.
I keep going back to approach the same people because I can't remember if I talked to them already.
It happened so much that I got the feeling that whenever I turned my back they'd reshuffle their positions in the queue, snuffling their giggles at my unknowing back and pretend that they were in that place all along just to confuse me.
Alright enough about passengers.
Most of them were co-operative enough, especially locals, who wanted many extra Free bags for their next trip, the trip after next and their own personal use at home.
Don't you love Singaporeans.?
Labels: Work
♥Bid Farewell
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
I quit my job last friday it was also time for a new environment even though people at the office were super nice.
I made some cards for some people who were exceptionally welcoming and made an impression on me.

Miss Yeo.
All of it was drawn by me except the stickers.
I love making cards but not keeping them.
So I give all the cards I make to people during their birthdays.
Everybody wins!
You'd think I've had enough of being a Customer Service Officer, but no, I went to apply to be a Customer Service person again at the Changi Airport.
I suspect that I secret enjoy being irritated by people.
I'm offially unemployed now which means that I have lots of free time on my hands.
I went to watch the girls junior soccer team play against VJ and, oh my, how did it manage to feel so much like last year's finals? [except that it was against the same team, at the same place, with the same outcome even..]
Heart pain.
After the game Yas Simin and I went to Pizzahut where they both said they'd rather adopt children than give birth, of course that's if they're even getting married.
So weird these people, Singapore's population is dwindling hello!
Give birth la, do something for Singapore, pass on your good genes.
I think they should watch more PAP Kindergarden Sports Day.
The atmosphere at the stadium was damn high and oddly, the children were more calm than their cheering parents.
The kids must have been rolling their eyes while pretending that their wildly waving parents were not calling their names.

Those kids getting ready to Reuse, Reduce and Recycle.

My brother, the third boy from the camera, is a Casanova.
You can't tell in this picture but he's holding a girl's hand.
Everyone else was walking as individual units except the two of them.
Way to go, brother!

He's a pretty boy.
Lets see how a hairband would look on him.

Okay how about from this angle.

He got kind of upset that we were turning him into a girl.

A pic my brother took of me.

He's a pampered boy who doesn't like the sun.

Purple team rocks.

I like her hair.
Those children were so adorable you'd want to just bite them.
My elder sister and I were walking behind my brother when she suddenly said, 'I want to pinch Xuan's butt.'
I was taken aback,
how can she think of doing such things in public,
as I was contemplating the exact same thing.
We agreed to do it discreetly at home later on.
Ah..What a cute brother.
I just checked online and guess what? I got accepted into Nursing NUS!
Labels: Family, Work
♥Bid Farewell
Monday, May 14, 2007
Getting sick and injuries are such wastes of money.
Yesterday my foot was so painful I couldn't walk.
There was no choice but to sit on the wheelchair when I was waiting for consultation in the Changi Hospital.
My brother almost killed me a lot of times when he pushed me into the walls with such force, thank goodness I didn't get new injuries.
The first thing to do on my list was an X-ray scan.
I guessed there would be a huge X-ray screen where they can see my bones only.
I planned to do a cha-cha behind the screen and ask my mother to video it, just the bones.
For people who haven't been X-rayed before, they strap you onto the cold hard metal table, and inject you with some liquid intravenously and strip you to let the machine do its work. Be warned, its an agony.
Just kidding.
The nurse was so weird.
He asked me, 'Its your left foot?'
When I said yes he proceeded to place my right foot under the machine.
I let him do it and only when he was done with the wrong foot did I remind him that my left foot was on my left and not his left.
After the X-ray, I had to travel to the other room via my mighty wheelchair.
Sitting on the wheelchair was the most peculiar experience.
My mother dumped her wheelchair bound daughter to be on her own in a strange place with her handphone so I couldn't call her while she had lunch with an old neighbour outside.
So I was alone, on the wheelchair, being stared at by normal walking people.
I wanted to get out of the wheelchair because I wasn't an invalid and the stares of pity made me really uncomfortable.
I figured that it would be 10 times more pathetic having my call number ringed many times while I commando crawled into the room.
I got over the weird stares from people in a while.
Wheelchairs at the hospital was surprisingly easy to maneuver so I didn't manage to run anyone over.
I also got to use to diabled toilets correctly for the first time!
Despite the roomy space and handles at the side I think it was still insufficient to make things easier for disabled people.
They should invent wheelchairs which can fit nicely with the toilet bowl such that the hole is directly below the ass when you insert the wheelchair with the toilet bowl.
The user only needs to push a button to open the seat of the wheelchair without standing up.
It would be much harder to close the seat again after doing business.
At this stage I think the ass washing by the toilet bowl is appreciated.
I'm always so tickled[figuratively] by this ass washing technology.
Did you realise that the nozzle aims only at the asshole and not the urethra?
I have a story about girls' urethra.
There was this time a boy wanted to sort of 'break-up' with me through smses, saying sorry and all, in his last sms he asked me, 'I have one last question about girls that has always troubled me.'
I said okay what do you want to know?
Him: 'How many holes underneath do you girls have? Do you pee through the vagina?'
Me: Ask your mother.
Why did he have to ask me such questions when I was feeling so upset?
I tried to google for the name of that orifice but a lot of porn links came up so I gave up.
The answer is 3 holes but I have no idea what the name of the peeing one is.
Urethra? I learnt that in biology.
Back to what I was saying,
Because I was only peeing at that time, this ass washing machine was irrelevant and did nothing else except wetting my ass.
Besides the choice of power of the spurt, I think they should include a joystick for the user to aim the flow of water for more thorough cleaning.
How lazy can people get?
I think my future house's toilet has got to include that.
Labels: Daily
♥Bid Farewell
Saturday, May 12, 2007
I think I'm a self-sufficient person, most of times I prefer to do things independently than use some one's company.
I think leeches and spineless people are quite irritating.
But today I wished there was someone there to piggyback me home when I sprained my foot.
I remember that time when I felt sick during drama camp in Sec 3 and I was feeling the most awful shit I wanted my bf to fetch me home.
He couldn't for some reason I can't recall.
Then Siming sent me home in a cab when he stayed freaking far away.
He didn't have to.
I was sooo thankful la. So nice this person.
Back to what I was saying,
The pain didn't make me cry as much as knowing how clumsy I am
I was feeling miserable that everybody had to stop playing and I was the spoilsport.
Then I suddenly remembered that my dance performance was on the 25th of May.
No more toe pointing and sashaying for me.
Poor Xinyan it was a two person section I have no idea if it'll be cancelled.
Sian sian sian sian sian sian sian a boyfriend will be good at this time.
I really should give up playing soccer altogether.
I'm not so sad now already, just a bit.
Because my brother is fucking cute.
He's such a caring boy for his age.
Its so unpretentious.
You'd think that a six year old doesn't know that people are hurting, but this boy just knows.
He was talking to me and explaining that I should trip this guy who made me fall and make this guy suffer for revenge.
Hey its wrong to seek revenge, we should always forgive [though there's no one to forgive except myself, I tripped on my own] and forget, but thank you.
I have high hopes of him becoming a real gentleman.
Labels: Soccer
♥Bid Farewell
Friday, May 11, 2007
I know its a little late to finish reading Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince only now and although I already knew that Dumbledore was going to die in the end, I'm distraught with grief at this imminent ending.
Even had nightmares last night about him being resurrected by Snape or someone else.
I really should distract myself by watching more gory movies and happy drama serials.
Every time my sister and I watched TV together we'd be commenting non-stop about inconsequential and irrelevant details that are actually mistakes these directors keep repeating in every show.
"Why does he wear his shoes into his house and onto his bed?"
'Ya lor. He didn't even lock his door when he came home. What if someone burgles his home and rape him?'
etc etc.
The actors sometimes don't bath before they sleep, you too.
Another part that always manage to elicit comments is how married couples don't get any privacy even in the bedroom.
When the parents are trying to have sex someone will open the door, sometimes its the mother, mostly the children.
Don't they know how to lock the door?
The children are most bothersome as they'd have absurd requests,
"Mummy can I sleep with you tonight?"
Mummy: 'Okay baby, come squeeze in here.'
I will never let that happen to me.
Unless the child is sick or something serious la.
I doubt my love will become overindulgence to let children sleep between me and my spouse.
First of all, I occupy a queen size bed on most nights now, I already cannot imagine how two person can be accommodated on the same bed.
I can foresee limbs being tangled and fitful sleep, oh horror, what more with another kid?
Children should sleep in their own room and have their private space to cultivate independence.
The above are minor reasons, the core one is that I will have a pole in the bedroom.
If you ask me what a pole has got to do with anything because you have bamboo pole for drying clothes in your bedroom too, I'm telling you that my pole has another purpose.
My pole is for pole dancing.
Hahaha and children are not advised to watch without parental guidance.
The other day I was telling huiyi that I want my home to look like ancient Chinese homes, like palace la.
I know it sounds crappy but I've been thinking about it and I'm serious that I will put a pole right there in the bedroom, no matter how mismatched it is.
The first thing I'll do when I have money is to learn pole dancing.
Before that I'll have to lose weight.
Look how much I've written already, how come I'm distressed about writing a 100 word nursing scholarship essay?
IF I get it, just picture a nurse on a pole.
Sounds wrong.
Edit: Thanks to my competent and English pro friends I've completed the essay.
I think it looks quite complete.
Thank you so much Nat, Lugay and Jeslyn.
Labels: Fantasy, TV
♥Bid Farewell
Tuesday, May 08, 2007
It was such a cheapo day yesterday.
First of all, the teachers went to celebrate their promotions [what better way than to give a treat?] at Siam Kitchen at Suntec City.
And everybody was invited including me!
So I got another free buffet at this Thai restaurant where the food was so sweet and spicy which suited me very well.
Pity I didn’t have the appetite to eat too much and the teacher who just told me I was pretty sitting opposite me didn’t make it very convenient for me to gorge food.
It was a half day of work but a full day’s pay!
If only work were like this more often..
Do you know that I love watching movies.?
I like horrifying creepy ones that scare people out of their skins while being realistic at the same time.
A great one will allow your imagination to run amok but the context will not go so far as to let you think that it will never happen to you.
I went to Wei wei's house to borrow like 50 DVDs to watch.
It is not as if she will ever charge me for borrowing nonetheless I felt quite cheapo for being able to watch all those movies for free.
Made me quite happy la.
Can't wait to watch the gross movies.
I wonder who likes the same kind of movies like I do.
Saw, Hannibal, The Exorcist, Butterfly Effect, Apocalypse, The Hills Have Eyes these kinds.
Anyone ?
Of course American Pie is my all-time favorite too.
I've a weak spot for gruesome, eat-your-own-brain or saw-your-leg-off movies.
I like Spiderman 3 too.
As in Pirates of the Caribbean, it was so exciting that I almost fell asleep.
Good thing sg woke me up.
"You're even more incredible than Spiderman. Can fall asleep when the movie is playing halfway."
Haha I think sg is super funny.
He paid for my ticket first and allowed me to return him the money when I have more than $2 in my bank.
Never mind my falling asleep, it was a good movie.
The most exciting part was when Spiderman was in serious trouble fighting the Sandman and the other black suited mutant and suddenly it was as if he got possessed.
He drew a wand from his spandex red suit and started hexing his enemies, 'Levicorpus! Sectumsempra!' and he won the fight.
He looked uncanningly like Harry Potter when he started doing that.
Labels: Food, Movie
♥Bid Farewell
Monday, May 07, 2007
These series of events that happened in my life lately hints of what my future will be like. Or so I shall assume.
Fine dining, travelling, and just yesterday, a luxurious free facial at Posh Wellness at Suntec.
If I keep up with such a hedonistic lifestyle, I'll be a very pampered and fat young lady in no time.
All these readies me for future tai-tai life.
Anything less than a tai-tai will not do, as my upkeep will be very high.
Of course I will aspire to be a financially independent and sturdy woman, but a combined wealth is preferred as I plan to have many children.
I shall be a devoted mother who is very concerned about her children's academic and athletic developments.
To do that I'll haunt the school by calling them up every now and then to request audience with the Principal for information about my children's progress or just to vex the office workers.
I may sound materialistic but it is only practical.
Wealth will, naturally, not be the only factor of consideration but its a plus plus plus point.
I mean, when adultery and divorce mars love and we women feel like there's nothing left in the world worth living for, at least there's money.
Forgive the cynicism, I see too many divorces and unhappy marriages happening around me to be naive enough anymore.
My handphone plan is about to renew already which means a new phone for myself!
I was trying to check out when exactly the contract ends and it is the most patience testing thing to do.
Call Singtel and they ask you to press a hundred digits; 'Press one for English, Press two for Chinese, Press blah blah blah..' and then 'If you wish to enquire about Singtel Plans please press one blah blah blah..'.
Actually Singtel was fine in terms of level of irritance[no such word], it was level 3 at most on a scale of one to ten because even though my face twitches in annoyance I got the answer I wanted in the end.
The worst of the worst is Transitlink Hotline.
After pressing a million digits and just when you think: 'omg we're finally getting there', the prerecorded voice gave me an irrelevant generalised answer and said 'if you would like to repeat the message, please press 0 and if you would like to go back to the main menu please press 1.'
The smartest part is that the voices are automated.
So even if you scored this hotline 10 on level of irritance you're deprived of the gratification of slamming the phone on that person.
Which should be the case for my school's telephone system.
That should teach them a lesson for calling me names.
For instance take it that I'm working in Yusof Ishak Secondary, which I'm not.
Me: 'Good morning, this is Yusof Ishak Secondary School. How can I help you?'
Parent on the line: 'Oh hello Yusof Ishak. What is the dismissal time today?'
Me: 'What is your problem? Yusof Ishak is the face on our dollar note, not my name.'
Imagine the look on the parents' faces when they keep on pressing digits that lead them nowhere.
'Please press 1 if you want to complain.'
*Pressed one*
'Please press 1 if the teacher you're complaining about is Miss XXX, press 2 if it is Mr YYY, Press 3 if it is Mdm ZZZ... Press 199 if it is Mr XYZ.'
*Pressed 198* [If the caller is unlucky enough]
'Please wait for a beep to record your complain. Reminder: Keep the message concise as the line will hang up in 10 seconds after the beep. Your time starts NOW!'
All the messages are then diverted into the trash bin.
Come on. Be a fun person!
Labels: Finances, Work
♥Bid Farewell
Saturday, May 05, 2007
The total sum in my bank account has sunk a new low after the very expensive Hong Kong trip.
It balances at $2 plus.
How am I going to survive?
If you have extra cash, pls transfer to 027-6-049341, DBS savings.
Labels: Finances
♥Bid Farewell
Friday, May 04, 2007
The other night my parents and sister joined forces to criticize about my behaviour and attitude at home and it made me feel gravely wronged.
I knew that I was a little bit nicer to people outside home but everyone is like that right?
The knowledge that family can never abandon family no matter how bad they treat each other is always at the back of the mind seems to reduce the tendency to play nice.
That is not applicable to me leh.
I think I treat them nicer than my big sister is to everyone.
That thought is apparently not shared by anyone else.
I'm really trying very hard, tutoring my sister and trying to suppress my irritation when she does not get maths.
Maths! My favourite subject!
What really gets my nerves is that I live with her and I see how much time she spends on meaningless, time-consuming things like MSN and friendster.
I can't help relating that if she had spent those times reading up on A Maths she didn't take in Sec4 she'd
so get Maths in JC.
My tone tends to become condescending as perceived by her and everyone else.
Trying to change already!
And I think I get irritated very very very very easily.
And I'm sacarstic when I'm irritated.
Then my sisters talk about me being arrogant in my face.
Then I get more irritated and say caustic remarks even though I didn't mean it.
Trying to change too.
I was already aware of my problems and trying so hard to stop giving in to bad habits but nobody cares.
I am
trying can't they see that they should not poke me with their accusations as if I enjoy being hated by them?
Defending myself makes me look even worse, like I was guilty and unrepentant.
So I answered, 'Ya lo I'm very rude.' when my Dad told me I was very rude.
It turned out sounding like I was retorting him with insolent attitude but I truely was not!
He scolded me somemore, 'SEE SEE YOU ARE ALWAYS LIKE THIS.'
They said that my attitude problem is that I don't think I have an attitude problem.
Makes sense.
If I agree that I have an attitude problem that means my attitude problem is solved but if it only seems to be solved and I continue thinking I do not have an attitude problem and that will be my ultimate attitude problem.
Urg it is time to reflect on my attitude and EQ.
Someone please tell me that I'm not a horrible person.
And that it was not because of my attitude that causes
her to treat me this way.
Actually no, you should tell me if you hate me and if you think I'm doing anything wrong[in real-life].
I need to know to adjust.
Note: They love me 98% of the time because I'm quite entertaining at home.
The hatred towards my attitude culminates only once in about 3 months when they start lashing out and then feelings will subside and build up again later.
Labels: Problems
♥Bid Farewell
Thursday, May 03, 2007
After those two interviews today I'm even more convinced that I'm a fickle minded person.
The manual dexterity test was hell challenging la.
They made us cut a cube of sides 2.3cm on the top of the plaster cylinder, make a 3-d tooth out of a block of plasticine and twist wires using tools into different shapes.
I already knew that these were going to be the tests like Nat had told me but the knowledge didn't help at all.
My plaster cylinder could not be sliced into a cube on side 2.3 cm because the diameter was only 2.2cm at most.
The army boy sitting across me had such an easy time cutting it into perfect smooth geometric shapes that I thought it was deliberately made this way to see if we're flexible enough.
I found out that it wasn't so at all while waiting for the dentistry interview.
This RJ girl told me that her plastic cylinder was perfectly fine.
And I'm perfectly screwed.
It all depends on the interview now.
I hate it when they ask questions that will make me sound like I'm contradicting myself when I know what I'm saying.
For example,
Interviewer: You said you like children right? Why don't you be a teacher? Isn't the satisfaction greater?
Me: Yeah. I'm working in a school now and even though I acknowledge that nothing can be more satisfying than seeing children grow and learn under your care, I don't believe that teachers should be abused by unreasonable parents this way.
Interviewer: If you become a dentist you will also face unreasonable and ungrateful patients who complain and write to the ministry even when dentists have done a beautiful job.
I tried to explain that I think that a teacher's primary job is to educate the children and not be answerable to parents' inane accusations.
The customers, if it is, in this case are the children and the superior the Principal.
But sadly this is not the case.
Many teachers resign because of unruly students and smart-arsed parents.
I haven't even mentioned about that time this siao ding dong parent [he is literally fucked up crazy] sent a mail to the school Principal where I work now.
On the envelope which he handmade were the words,
'To: Principal
Why?? Why keep calling his name in class?
Why Nelson?
Nelson do this Nelson do that.
Why the obsession with him? Why??
From: Curious'
You tell me is he siao or what?
And this message I typed is not even complete.
He wrote some more incoherent sentences and 'Why????'s to express his confusion which I can't remember because I thought it hysterical.
Hysterical because it was so childish.
Imagine a grown man bending over his keyboard typing such things and when his son walks past behind him and sees the screen, he will shake his head ruefully.
Inside the envelope was a postcard advertising morgues.
Despite my muffled laughter when I saw it I was really upset.
[Please, I'm not so morbid to be happy that my P got personally attacked.]
If I didn't laugh I thought I might tear.
If you have been to the school I'm working at you'd love the decorations.
[Then again, maybe you wouldn't, Weiwei wasn't impressed.]
On the walls outside the classrooms they painted it in bright psychedelic colours of animals, jungles, space etc.
Some classrooms even had 3-D decorations of plants.
I was fascinated at the effort to make the studying environment very welcoming and exciting.
One of my favourite walls is the one with the time zones of many continents around the world beautifully decorated by kids' personal experiences at various countries.
I believe that all these are baby projects by the P because I always overhear him talking to parent volunteers about adding pictures or educational information on the walls around school.
There was one day a teacher alerted the office about a newly vandalised wall just outside the P's office [my fav wall] that has the scribbles 'Mr X Sucks'.
[X is the P's name of course I can't type it out here.]
I was so upset that the P was upset.
You could tell from his tone of voice, his distracted expression and slower gait that he was affected.
The good thing was he recovered fast and was lively again the very next day as though nothing happened.
Why should people treat fellow beings this way?
I hate ingrates.
Back to what I was saying.
While a dentist is primarily serving the public first hand and therefore should expect to receive complaints.
I say expect as some people are very fussy, likes to find faults and likes to complain, just because.
My point is teachers are not really in the service line and I cannot accept that they are subjected to the tempers of parents.
My answer kind of went round and round until the interviewers gave up and started asking about something else.
I realised that the interviewers like to ask indirectly if interviewees are introverts. They ask things like, 'Do you have friends outside your school?'
You mean, like a undersociety gang? No.
All my friends are from school!
I made up a little and talked about Chingay2007 and my volunteering programme with NLB.
Then, no more! No other friends.!
That's about it.
I was so silly to forget the name of the disease caused by mosquito bites.
It's dengue, you silly.
I hope the interviewers gave me extra marks for appearance.
They probably won't, I was wearing jeans and sports shoes.
How about extra marks for my face then?
Haha just kidding.
Labels: University
♥Bid Farewell
Wednesday, May 02, 2007
I have a small hit counter at the sidebar that I check almost everyday for curiosity's sake to see how many people reads my blog.
From the information given in the charts I can tell that Menny comes to my page 20 times a day don't know for what and somebody using Australia's network is reading this page too.
I wonder who.
I spend a lot of time editing and writing my posts do you people read them or just look at the pictures?
Please read the words okay.
And tell me if it makes you dizzy[except Melissa it is your computer].
Yikes Dentistry and Nursing interview tomorrow at NUS.
I've got no mood to go at all.
Just want to rot and play with my brother at home.
Labels: Daily
♥Bid Farewell
Hello! I'm back from Hong Kong!
If you are secretly wondering if I got any gifts for you pls slap yourself.
I gave a lot of thought to what I should buy for my ten friends and it kind of stressed me out a little.
For everyone who asked me to get them specific items I did ( except for Bee and Weiwei. I cannot find them their things! ) and for those who didn't..
They should have paid for my air tickets and accomodation-confirm get presents.
I lovvvvvvvvveeee Hong Kong so much where do I start.
When our coach drove into our streets+
When I saw the dim sum place+
When we went to Ocean Park+

When we saw the gorgeous night scenery at The Peak+
When we visited Lan Kwai Fong[!]
My heart pumped really fast.
The streets are exactly like my favourite Hong Kong Tv serials with lots of old flats and billboards.
I know its supposed to look like that but its different seeing it with your own

HongKong boys are very very pretty too.
90% of the 16-30 year olds surveyed by myself was handsome with porcelain smooth skin.
Most of the people there are thin even though they serve freaky quantities of rice.
The portions are ridiculously huge for rice and noodles, like twice the amount they serve in singapore.
So you can tell we wasted a lot of food.
I figured out why they're thin after 4 days of walking 60% of the time from one place to another.
As you know I'm a bad walker and this walking makes me lag behind the other 3 fast walkers so most of the time I felt like I was travelling on my own.
The first place travel guides introduce for shopping is Temple Street and Women's Street but we think its crap.

Along Temple Street
Its interesting and bustling with life but the different stalls sell the exact same things
eg. At Women's Street,
Stall 1: Bags
Stall 2: Sunglasses
Stall 3: Caps and some clothes
Stall 4: Bags
Stall 5: Sunglasses
Stall 6: Caps and more clothes
[There are repeated shoes and hair clips stalls too. add it in if it pleases you]
etc etc.
They sell the exact same things exact same things exact same things.
Even looking at the words can be irritating, just imagine walking a marathon's distance looking at the exact same things exact same things exact same things.
I bought door curtains for myself and 1 extra I don't know who to give to.

This entry is a reminder for myself if I go to HK in future and friends who are going who don't wish to waste time.
You can take a look at these streets but I doubt that you'll buy much so its not prudent to allocate too much time for that.
For people like Melissa and Yiteng who are very difficult and extremely picky shoppers it's recommended to shop at HK factory outlets.
Bet you don't know where it is. ^_^
If you know and didn't tell me please slap yourself again.
Anyway its at the MTR: Tung Chung station.
[ I'm such a kind hearted person. ]
We didn't plan to shop there but its thanks to Melissa that we fortitously found it.
She wanted to use the toilet after we came down from the Big Buddha mountain.
The only toilet nearby was in the Tung Chung shopping centre beside the MTR.
The whole 4 storeys was filled with international brands such as Espirit, Timberland, Adidas, Nike, Levis, Newbalance, Bodyshop etc factory outlets.
Factory outlets=super cheap. [Relative to retail prices.]
Thing is the clothes and merchanise are not in the season now, so if you're that kind who cares about what to wear in what season then don't go there.

Nice wallpapers outside Quiksilver.
The other shopping centre was Arglye Shopping Centre along Argyle Street near Mong Kok MTR station.

Eating packeted noodles outside the shops.
Its primarily for teenage
people girls.
If you like fluff, glitter, lace, bubble skirt, prints on t-shirts, you'll buy a lot of things.
You can compare the structure with Far East Shopping Centre if you like.
Its actually my favourite shopping centre because its colourful, bright and you can't find the same bag or clothing every 5steps you take. [unlike Bugis Street]
Too bad they didn't allow trying on of clothing.
I really like the neck scarves which are so smooth and colourful but too frivolous.
If only Singapore was colder..
My birthday is on the 19th September.
No reason for saying that.
Unless you're getting a soft long scarf as an early present for me.
The sales assistants were at last, not rude!
See, we got cursed at so many times at Women's Street for browsing and not buying.
It left a really bad impression, okay worse, I wanted to overturn that lady's tables.
Talking about bad service, this restaurant at The Peak made us wait for 40 mins for food.
And the other table who entered later than us got their food first.
After 30 mins of waiting I was quite ready to leave but yt wanted to wait somemore[wah lao] while they went to buy some baby stuff.
We didn't deserve such tardy service since we're paying good money and the only waitress totally ignored us until we demanded to know when the food will come.
Melissa even wanted to help her cook our meals to cure our starving selves.
You don't know how grateful I was when Mely's bf slapped the table[after 40 mins] and told the waitress that we didn't deserve such bad service and told her to go and die[I think he said that, can't remember].
FoodMy favourite food there would be the dim sum, no doubt.
Its not only delicious, its freaking cheap!
Only about S$5 per person for a burping full stomach.

That was not all but we were too busy eating later on to take more photos.

Noodles and rice at the eatery.
The food stalls by the streets were quite edible and chou dou fu[smelly tofu] smells like the rubbish chute beneath HDB flats.
I like the ham sticks, and fishballs[totally different from Singapore ones] and century egg fried in fish cake. Yummy.
Be prepared to lao sai.
Caution: Do not eat curry there.
Eat curry in Singapore.
Its not spicy nor fragrant, just.. gooey.
7Eleven s are ubiquitous.
No point saying how you see one around every corner as it would seem the case in Singapore but it is much much worse.

Entering Lao Po Bing shop.
Places of InterestOcean Park

Scary roller coasters.

That highest structure was my favourite and scariest ride.
I think its the same one as the one in Genting.

That place is practically an island on its own.
It was quite fun for me as I have always liked theme parks.
Mely and yt missed out most of the rides, what a shame, because they felt like vomiting.

In the cable car busy eating chicken.

In the hot air balloon.
Besides heart-attack inducing rides there were aviaries, underwater tanks and exhibitions for reptiles and sea creatures [its called Ocean Park for a reason] .

Clown Fishes.

Crab.. meat
I can say that the S$37 was not wasted despite the big hole in our pockets.
I had a caricature of myself drawn for S$12 so that I can hang it my bed.

After it was drawn I decided not to.
But its cute la.

That night we went to The Peak for the night view.
The temperature might as well had been 10 degrees celsius.
We had to stand in the chilly wind to wait for the tram.
It was my first time on the tram I think it was pretty cool to see the land 45 degrees slanted to ourselves when descending the mountain.

Lan Kwai Fong did not disappoint me.!
It was a happening street with 80% Ang Mohs with bottles outsides pubs.
The local youngsters hung out with bottles too outside 7Eleven.
We couldn't find any clubs to go into because most were bars filled with Ang Mohs and Yt wanted to go back.
Sian diao. Next time maybe.
We went to Shen Zhen for shopping.
Bought 3 pairs of footwear.
Mdm Tussauds

Finally found him.

Does blonde look good on me?

I've-got-cancer-and-I'm-dying drama serial background.

Jay Chou who didn't look like himself at all.
I'm quite sick of typing.
Cable cars are my favourite mode of transport.

On our way to Big Buddha.

View from the top.

How majestic.

Intricate designs of nature.


Its even more disgusting real life.

We should have followed their building of glass partitions earlier to prevent so many MRT suicide cases.

There are lights blinking to indicate which stop it was and which direction the train was going.
I would very much appreciate it if implemented in Singapore to reduce the number of times I have to alight because I was taking the wrong direction.
The MTR system is very similar to Singapore obviously because we followed their model.
I imagine that this transport facilities will be so advanced in the future that they will attach a tapping hand beside each seat just above the shoulder to wake people up when they reach their stops.
Benefits everyone right?
Thank goodness we had Mely's boyfriend as our GPRS to tell us our location and bring us from place to place.
Even with the maps the roads are really complicated.!

Goodbye HK! I will be back.
I almost died from packing my luggage.

A lot of things for myself.


My new favourite pair of shoes from Shen Zhen.
Most expensive too.
These pictures are handdrawn you can order shoes from him at

These heels are too big for me I'm so upset la.
Does anyone with size 39 want it?
I'll sell it to you at a reasonably cheap price.
I really love HK.
Thank you Melissa for your very nice pictures and company. =)
Labels: Travel
♥Bid Farewell